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School Board Minutes -- 11/17/2014

1.         Call to Order:  The Nov. 17th meeting of the Jackson School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Chair, Genn Anzaldi, Jerry Dougherty, Fred Nemeth, Keith Bradley, Dr. Carl Nelson, and Principal, Gayle Dembowski.  There were four members of the staff/public present. 
2.         Approve Minutes (10-20-14) – Motion by Mr. Bradley, second by Mr. Nemeth, that the Minutes of the Oct. 20th meeting be approved as circulated.  Motion carried with 3 votes in the affirmative and 1 abstention (Anzaldi).
3.         Citizen Comments:  Bob Thompson, Selectmen’s representative, said Selectmen have been looking at ways to keep the budget down.  He said last year they had not done their homework and were not aware how much the school tax rate was going to go up – they want to make sure they are taking steps to have clear communication if something is coming up.  He said it has been suggested that possibly committee Chairs could get together; however, that did not work, and he suggested if there are like-minded groups who would like to get together that they communicate that to the Selectmen as they would like to work with them.  He stated the tax rate is not set yet, they are going through re-evaluation. 
Mr. Dougherty said the money that we had retained we already gave back for this year.  He agreed it is a good idea for the two Boards to get together to see where the budget is going, but felt it is not hugely significant numbers, noting the School Board, for two years in a row, has pared down warrant articles.  He said we could get together and share that kind of information.  Mr. Dougherty reported that for the budget year 2015-16 it is going up $137,000.  He agreed when we get our budget drafts done we should get together and meet to discuss it, stating once the draft is done we will call; however, if Selectmen get theirs done first they could give the School Board a call.  Mr. Thompson said we are open to that.  Ms. Anzaldi stated the Board appreciates the effort.
Dr. Nelson suggested setting a date for a budget committee meeting tonight.  It was noted that Andrew Kearns and Keith Bradley serve as the Budget Committee representatives, but Mr. Kearns is out of town for a week.  It was noted Ms. Dembowski has submitted corrections to the Finance Director.  Ms. Dembowski felt this could be done by the first week in December and Mr. Kearns will be back by then.  Dr. Nelson suggested tentative dates for the Budget Committee meeting of Dec. 8th at 11:00 a.m. or Dec. 9th at 10:00 a.m.  Ms. Anzaldi said if Mr. Kearns cannot be back by then she will sit in for him.
Mr. Thompson reported the town is working on its website and will have a calendar where all town/school related items will be listed, as well as for the library, planning board, functions at the Whitney Center, etc. 
4.         Presentation of School Programs/FYI Items: 
  1. SAU – Other School Board Reports - Dr. Nelson reminded the Board that The SAU budget hearing will be held on Dec. 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the Conway Professional Development Center.  He noted the budget will be up about $81,000.
5.         Old Business: 
A.  Whitney Center – None. 
B.  Consider Approval of Tree Removal – Gary Allen joined the meeting to report that a proposal has been received from Saco Tree Works to come in and chip the trees to be taken down.  The proposal offered a price of $1800 if the ground is frozen and they can use a logging truck; if not frozen and they need to go in with a skidder it could be as much as $2600.    
Motion made by Mr. Dougherty, second by Mr. Bradley, that the Board approve hiring Saco Tree Works to remove the trees in question for an amount not to exceed $2600.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.
6.         Instructional Issues:  None.
7.         Consider Personnel Actions: None.
8.         Business Affairs: 
A.  FYI – 2014-15 Budget Status Report – Dr. Nelson made note that we are still in “pretty good shape.”  There were no questions or comments. 
9.         Administrator’s Reports:
A. Superintendent – Dr. Nelson reminded Board members that the Strategic Planning Committee meeting is to be held on Nov. 20th at 5:45 p.m. at KHS.  Ms. Anzaldi said more community involvement from Jackson would be great.  She noted it is an active brainstorming work session and it is important to have input.     
B.  Principal
1.  Curriculum Committee Recap - Ms. Dembowski noted the Curriculum Committee is meeting and includes all staff members.  Homework Committee is working on nailing down and refining district-wide writing assessments.  Teachers have been looking at ordering supplies and materials in order to be able to teach the content they need to teach for the Next Generation Science Standards.  The Math Committee just started working this year, developing common assessments.  She reported the first SAU-designed math assessment should be ready by the first of Dec.   
Ms. Dembowski noted that Peter Benson spoke at the Oct. meeting about considering offering preschool and Ms. Heysler and Ms. Dembowski have been looking at preschool.  Mr. Benson and Ms. Dembowski are considering going out and looking at different preschools and trying to develop something to bring forward.   
10.       Citizen Comments:  Joan Heysler said on Saturday she went to a SEAperch Workshop at UNH - a national water robotics workshop.  She called attention to a model structure on display in the room, explaining they build the unit, set the motors up, then run the wires. They then enter it in a pool for competition. She noted John Fuller School is going this year. as well as folks at Robert Frost Charter School and, hopefully, Jackson Grammar School will do a little bit too.   
11.       Board Member Issues: 
A.  Set Date for Next Meeting – December 15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. 
B. & C. Set Date/Time for School District Meeting; Set Date/Time for Budget Hearing – Motion was made by Mr. Dougherty, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that the School District meeting would be held on March 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. and the Budget Hearing will be held on February 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., both meetings to be held at the Whitney Center.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Dougherty made note that it used to be that the town and school annual reports and warrants were in the same booklet and, if possible, he would like to see them combined into the same booklet again because it makes it a lot easier. 
D.  Consider Change in January Meeting Date – It was agreed to hold the January meeting on the 20th at 6:00 p.m. 
12.       Signing of Manifest:  Manifests were duly signed.
13.       Nonpublic Session:  At 6:25 p.m. Motion was made by Mr. Dougherty, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi and carried by unanimous roll call vote, that the Board adjourn to nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3, II.  Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 
            Nonpublic Session Minutes – The Board reviewed a letter from a non-contracted employee regarding the use of sick leave for an ill family member.  The Board authorized the use of up to 10 days.
            Motion was made by Mr. Dougherty, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to return to public session.  The motion passed unanimously.
14.       Adjourn:   Motion was made by Ms. Anzaldi to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Dougherty and passed unanimously at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail T. Currier, Recording Secretary