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School Board Minutes and Budget Public Hearing -- 02/08/2012
Jackson Grammar School
February 8, 2012

1.      Call to Order:  The Feb. 8th meeting of the Jackson School Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Andrew Kearns, Keith Bradley, Genn Anzaldi, Fred Nemeth, Lauren Synnott, Dr. Carl Nelson, and Principal, Gayle Dembowski.  There were six members of staff/public present.
2.      Approve Minutes – (1-17-12) – Motion was made by Mr. Nemeth, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that the Minutes of the Jan. 17th meeting be approved as circulated.  Motion carried with four votes in the affirmative and one abstention (Ms. Anzaldi).   

3.      Citizen Comments:  None.      
4.      Presentation of School Programs/FYI Items:  

  • SAU – Other School Board Reports - Dr. Nelson reminded the Board of the
SAU meeting to be held on Feb. 9th at 6:30 p.m. at the CPDC at which approval of the 2012-13 school calendar will be considered.   

5.      Old Business:  Mr. Bradley requested a transportation report using mileage formula.  

6.      Instructional Issues:  

        A.  Consider Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Personnel Policies for Noncontracted Personnel – Motion made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that the Board approve the Revised Personnel Policies for Noncontracted Personnel at Second Reading.  Mr. Kearns stated he had discussed with Ms. Bennett one time bonus for Distinguished rating.  Dr. Nelson pointed out the Board had based it on a 40-hour week and nobody works a 40-hour week; the Retirement System considers 30 hours full time.  He stated the Board can have whatever policy it wants; however, no one would get the $500, they would get a prorated portion.    

        Motion was made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Ms. Synnott, to change the hours from 40 to 35 and over.  Ms. Dembowski noted the teachers work 37.5 hours a week.  Mr. Kearns said the Distinguished 3.5% increase would be gone, they would instead get the 3% for Proficient for the next year, and a one-time $500 bonus.  

        Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to table further discussion on Item 6, A.  Motion carried.

        B.  Consider Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Personnel Policies for Contracted Personnel – Motion made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi and carried by unanimous vote, that the Board approve and adopt the Revised Personnel Policies for Contracted Personnel.  

        C.  Consider First Reading of Revised Policy DJC (Purchasing) – Motion made by Ms. Anzaldi, second by Mr. Bradley, to approve Revised Policy DJC (Purchasing) at first reading.  Dr. Nelson reported that the Policy Committee met prior to this meeting and is recommending changing the threshold for formal bidding to $20,000, and anything above $10,000 would require Board approval.  Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to amend the motion to reflect that all contracts for purchasing equipment and contractual services in an amount above $20,000 shall be based, when feasible, on at least three competitive prices, and anything above $10,000 would require Board approval.  Motion carried as amended by unanimous vote.    

        The Board then voted to return Item 6, A, to the table for discussion.  Motion was made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Mr. Bradley, to amend the original motion to change Section 8.3 of the Personnel Policy for Noncontracted Personnel for the 2012-13 school year to reflect that performance pay will be awarded based on Distinguished rating, one-time $500 bonus check (non cumulative), prorated on a 35 hour week with a maximum of $500 (plus 3% for Proficient).  Motion carried as amended by unanimous vote.

7.      Consider Personnel Actions:  None.

8.      Business Affairs:  

A.  FYI -2011-12 Budget Status Report – There were no comments or questions.   

  • Consider Revision of Warrant Article #1 – Motion was made by Ms.
Anzaldi, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that the Board approve changing the amount to be raised and appropriated under warrant article #1 to $2,409,320.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

C.  Signing of Warrants and Budget Forms – See Pg. 7.

D.  Consider Jackson Grammar School Maintenance Projects – A list of maintenance items provided by Maintenance Director, George Bordash, was distributed.  Dr. Nelson noted the first three items [replace boiler #1, window replacement on south end, bark chips for the playground] would be covered with the $14,000 left in the construction plan, the remaining items [pavement patching & resealing, vinyl floor tile replacement, janitorial slop sink] would come from the fund balance.  Motion was made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that the Board consider approval of the maintenance projects listed.  Ms. Synnott questioned tile floor replacement and was told several of the tiles are lifting and breaking.  It was agreed that after they get the first three items done they will go on to the remaining three items as money allows.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

9.      Administrator’s Reports:

A.  Superintendent – Dr. Nelson noted the annual School District Meeting has been scheduled for March 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Whitney Center, with the regular monthly Board meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m.   

  • Principal – Ms. Dembowski suggested, and it was agreed, that with tonight’s
full agenda her report be postponed to the March 8th meeting.    

10.     Citizen Comments:  None.  

11.     Board Member Issues:  

  • Set Date for Next Meeting – March 8th at 6:00 p.m., with annual meeting
to follow at 7:00 p.m.  

B.  Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Jackson School District and the Jackson Police Department – Dr. Nelson stated the Board does not presently have an agreement in place.  He has reviewed this with the Police Dept. and they feel comfortable with it.  It is based on 1994 regulations.  Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, that the Board adopt the Memorandum of Understanding with the Jackson Police Department.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

12.     Signing of Manifest:  Manifests were duly signed.

13.     Nonpublic Session:  None.   

14.     Adjourn:  Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi and carried by unanimous vote, that the Board adjourn the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. and convene the Public Hearing on the 2012-13 Proposed Budget.


Dr. Nelson reviewed the summary budget, highlighting increases and decreases, noting the budget will go down $185,000, or 7.1%, resulting in a decreased tax rate.  

Health Insurance is down $31,000 – a 5.3% decrease over this year.  Dr. Nelson explained there is a decrease in Salaries of $19,000 due to reduction in ESOL cost, as well as a reduction in some non teaching hours for certain employees.  Performance pay is going up $30,000 reflecting a 3.5% increase; change in the non teaching salary to be 3% plus a one time bonus of $500.  The adjustment will go up to $33,000 increase.  Increase in retirement is due to the State’s change in the percentage that the employer would pay – up 2+%, or $3,700.  Contingency–Board NH Retirement Rate Incr. nearly a $14,000 decrease.  Dr. Nelson explained that last year they had the threat of increase being greater for retirement, so had to put in $14,000 – they spent half of that and it is not in there this year.

Middle School Tuition is decreasing by $105,000 because of  number of students changing from 19 to 13.  Bond and Maintenance Trust Fund are based on percentage of equalized value and has increased slightly.

Decreases in Special Ed - $42,000 in tuition, plus some other services that will not be needed, including transportation for Special Ed and OT/PT Services.

Increase in Contracted Services-Grounds - $500 – includes landscaping work at the Whitney Center.

Utilities/Fuel – The District is tied in at $2.91 per gallon which is good until April 2013.

Contracted Services-Student Advocate at the High School - $8,670 – is equivalent to about one-half day a week.  SAU Share is up slightly.  Transportation/fuel is budgeted at $3.75 per gallon.

Revenues:  Dr. Nelson explained they are estimating a greater fund balance than last year by $75,000, partly due to Special Ed tuition that they did not need to spend, and a tuition student which was budgeted for but is no longer with us.  

Estimated Tax Rate:  Dr. Nelson said this is going down $.66 per thousand, or almost 11.5% in the tax rate.  If all warrant articles are approved the decrease would be $.38 per thousand, or 6.5%.

Tish Hanlon questioned number of students this year compared to next year, and how tuitions for families who are split and live in both Jackson and Bartlett are handled.  Mr. Bradley said it is whatever town the child is actually living in – unless it is 50/50, you do not have a choice - School Boards have the right to look into that.  He noted that RSA was just passed this last year.  As regards population in the Grammar School, Ms. Dembowski reported they are expecting 48 students next year, presently have 49.  

Bea Davis questioned how many Jackson students are at the high school.  Mr. Kearns said 19.5 we are paying on, but will have a group of students moving, about six going from Middle School to High School next year; however, that will not be reflected in the tuition rate until they have been in high school for a year; next year the student numbers will jump, the following year we will see the increase.  Dr. Nelson stated tuition cost is based on the current Conway budget and number of last years’ students.

Ms. Hanlon said she is a member of the Whitney Oversight Committee and as a result of discussions of how they can take the burden for what goes on at the Whitney Center off Ms. Dembowski, they have put some money in the budget to have someone check the emails, etc., included at 5 hours  week, but she feels that is overkill.  Her feeling is it could be done by someone other than the School Principal and should take about 1 to 2 hours a week.  The money that is not spent could go back to Whitney.  She said she does not want to see it as more money being spent by the school.

There was much discussion regarding spending money on programming and the hiring of a person to oversee it, and Dr. Nelson pointed out the budget is going down this year by $185,000 and he feels they can play it safe by leaving it in and then make some decisions at the end of the year.  Ms. Jefferson suggested it will come down to if the School Board is going to be hiring someone.    

Ms. Bennett said if it remains in here, it serves the purpose of the continuing requests for finding out how much it costs to operate that building; also she hears within the community that it does not feel it is being served by the community center, but that the school is absorbing it.  She said the Oversight Committee is wanting to be accountable, it is a job responsibility that Ms. Dembowski has assumed and that is not the most efficient use of her time.  Mr. Kearns said it is the same money that we have gifted back for the last two years.  Dr. Nelson suggested they need to leave the money there and then move it around at another time.  

Peter Benson questioned revenue/transportation - $2520 – and was told that is Bartlett paying Jackson at a rate of $1 per stop.  He said it runs about $170,000 a year when you consider purchase of buses, etc.  Mr. Kearns referred Mr. Benson to Pg. 1 of the budget, Transportation/Special Ed, that we are not paying for.    

Mr. Benson stated the lunch program continues to run at a significant deficit and encouraged the Board to look at this, noting we are spending $21,000 and making $10,000.  He said they need to be creative in how they handle lunch.  Ms. Jefferson stated there are a number of regulations that must be adhered to, they have to serve a certain meal, etc.  She said Bartlett’s lunch program does not break even and it is because of the number of kids that are having lunch; Conway is also starting to lose money on their program.  She said the only way they would recoup would be to double the cost of lunch – they are not serving enough students to ever make it pay.

Warrant Articles:  Motion made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Mr. Bradley, to approve warrant articles as follows:

Article 1 – Budget - $2,409,320. – Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 2 - $15,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund (School Buses).  It was reported there is presently $93,451 in that account.  Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 3 - $97,000 to purchase a 66-passenger school bus and authorize the withdrawal of $50,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund (School Buses).  Dr. Nelson stated they have three buses, plus bus #4 has 88,000 miles on it.  He said with the three buses and three year rotation, the oldest bus will be 9 years old when it is retired.  They usually go between 100,000 miles and 125,000 miles.  The suggestion is to stay with the three year rotation.  It costs about $9,000 a year for maintenance.  It is good to keep the mileage staggered.  Mr. Kearns pointed out if we went to a four year rotation the oldest bus would then be 12 years old.

Mr. Funicella questioned who specifies the design features for the new buses.  Mr. Kearns said we went through it as a Board three years ago; he is comfortable, having been through it three years ago, that the style bus we get is the ultimate bus that we need.  Mr. Funicella questioned the average number of  passengers riding the bus daily.  Mr. Bradley stated it is 20 to 30 on average.  Mr. Funicella suggested they have one bus for 35 passengers.  Mr. Kearns said if suddenly the small bus is the spare bus, we would be in trouble.  Mr. Funicella said having a spare that is 12 years old is not going to do much good – he does not see changing the cycle.  

There was some discussion of removing this article this year and Ms. Jefferson stated if they take the article off the warrant tonight there is no chance to add it back on in March.  She suggested they could leave it on, discuss it further, and then vote to pass over it at the annual meeting if they take that position.  

Ms. Hanlon questioned who decides on the route for the bus.  Dr. Nelson said our Transportation Coordinator – by State law we cannot make students walk more than a mile to a bus stop.  Dr. Nelson said he agrees with Ms. Jefferson’s suggestion.  Mr. Nemeth questioned when they will have an opportunity to discuss it, and was told there will be a meeting just prior to the annual meeting.  Mr. Funicella suggested to save $25,000 every four years is not a wise idea – he would go with the three year plan.  Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 4 - $10,000 to be added to the Expendable General Trust Fund (School Building Maintenance) – Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 5 - $3,000 to be added to the Whitney Maintenance Trust Fund – Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 6 - $15,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund (Special Education) – Mr. Benson questioned whether there is $100,000 in the Special Ed fund and was told there is.  It was noted last year it was voted not to put anything in.  Mr. Bradley said there is nothing anticipated.  Mr. Benson said he feels that is high in comparison to the tuition article.  Ms. Jefferson pointed out we could have a cost of $200,000 if someone needing those services moved into town.  Mr. Benson said next year we will have high school tuition going up and suggested putting more money into warrant article #7.  Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 7 - $20,000 to be added to the Expendable Trust Fund (Tuition Trust Fund) – Mr. Kearns said that fund is at $32,300, with this addition we will have $52,000, which will put us in pretty good shape.  Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

Article 8 – Approval of three-year tuition contract with the Bartlett School District for the Jackson 7th & 8th grade students to attend the Josiah Bartlett Elementary School.  Mr. Benson questioned whether that includes a rental piece, and was told yes, it is 2% for property, building and contents.  Mr. Benson wished to know if we comprise 2% of the building.  Mr. Kearns said before the new high school we had the same agreement Kennett; since we helped build the new Kennett High School that disappeared.  Ms. Anzaldi made note that transportation in not included in this contract, it is separate.  Carried by unanimous vote 5-0-0.

All warrants and budget forms were duly signed.  

There being no further public comment, the Chair declared the public hearing closed at 7:55 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Gail T. Currier, Recording Secretary