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School Board Minutes -- 06/14/2011
                        Jackson Grammar School
June 14, 2011

1.      Call to Order:  The June 14th  meeting of the Jackson School Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Andrew Kearns, Lauren Synnott, Joe Kopitsky,  Keith Bradley, Dr. Carl Nelson, and Principal, Gayle Dembowski. [Ms. Anzaldi arrived at 6:35 p.m.]  There were four members of staff/public present.
2.      Approve Minutes – (5-16-11) – Motion by Mr. Kopitsky, second by Ms. Synnott, to approve the Minutes of the May 16th  meeting as circulated.    Motion carried with 3 affirmative votes and Mr. Bradley abstaining.  

3.      Citizen Comments:  None.  .  
4.      Presentation of School Programs/FYI Items:  Dr. Nelson reported there will be an SAU Executive Board meeting on August 11th at 6:30 p.m. at the SAU Office.    

5.      Old Business:  

A.  Wetlands Project – Mr. Bradley reported that Jay Henry had offered a quote of $10,000 to do the site work, including leveling the culvert area, and noted it was the consensus of Messrs. Bradley, Henry, Dougherty and Bordash that the culvert should be fine.  The quote also includes filling in, removing some of the bigger rocks and leaving some for the children to play on, setting up a small natural area.  He noted the only other added cost, for which they have no quote on as yet, is the issue of the maple tree which was bought with the funds left over from installation of the playground, and some have expressed that they would like it moved; (however, Mr. Bradley noted it has a 70% chance of survival if they should do that); or Mr. Henry could work around it and leave it where it is.  Mr. Bradley said he has been told it would cost $300 to $500 to move it.  It was decided to “play it by ear” and leave it alone until the other work is done.  Mr. Bradley had also received a quote from E.G. Chandler totaling $12,426.  Mr. Kearns suggested going forward with Jay Henry’s proposal, using the money that needs to be spent before the end of June.  

Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Mr. Kopitsky, to contract with FF&J to perform the wetlands site work for an amount not to exceed $11,000.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Mr. Bradley offered to work with FF&J if Mr. Bordash is not available, and suggested the most logical time to perform the work would be a Fri., Sat. or Sun.  

B.  Whitney Funds – Mr. Kearns said as we are approaching the end of the school year we need to look at options for what to do with the remaining Whitney funds - $3,172.  He noted the letter from NH Charitable Trust states the funding is to go toward programming first, then capital improvements, then operations.  He questioned the amount of the operating costs for the Whitney Center and was told it is approximately $18,000 annually.

Trish Hanlon said the Oversight Committee would appreciate taking the remaining money and putting it into programming for the Whitney Center, and questioned for future years or next school year, if the Oversight Committee came up with a program and wanted to sponsor it, whether the School Board could underwrite it.  Mr. Kearns said $8,000 shows up as revenue, $3,000 went into capital improvements, $5,000 will go to the town to offset taxes.  One citizen questioned whether they can hold the funds until July 1st.  Dr. Nelson said the NHCT meets quarterly and distributes funds for all the charities.  Ms. Hanlon said she does not think it was Betty Whitney’s intention to underwrite the maintenance for the Whitney Center. She said the Oversight Committee will work on it.    

Mr. Bradley said he feels for the first “X” number of years the School Board needs to take a larger portion of money to get that capital fund to grow more quickly, get it up to about $20,000 so that if something goes such as a big ticket item we would have the funds for it.  Mr. Kearns said in November if there is a series of programs the Oversight Committee wants to do they can come to the Board and we can approve the programs.  Dr. Nelson explained school districts have to zero out so anything left over at the end of the year goes back to the town.

Mr. Kearns said at the beginning of the budget cycle we need to get the line item higher, the Oversight Committee needs to have some idea in advance as to what kinds of programs they would like to have.  He suggested they need to figure out by October what they want to spend in programming.

Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to donate the unanticipated revenue received in the amount of $3,172 to the Friends of the Whitney Center.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to withdraw the remaining balance from line item 71-10-1400-5320-0120, Whitney Center projects, in the amount of $500, and donate that amount to the Friends of Whitney Center.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

6.      Instructional Issues:  

        A.  Consider Approval of Updated Technology Plan – Ms. Dembowski requested that this item be put on hold until Ms. Bennett could be present.  It was agreed.  

B.  Consider Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Personnel Policies for Contracted Employees – Motion by Mr. Kopitsky, second by Ms. Synnott, to accept the Revised Personnel Policies for Contracted Employees at second reading with the change noted (…and eligible to receive benefits from the New Hampshire Retirement System…).  Motion carried by unanimous vote.   

C.  Consider First Reading of Revised Policies:  (1) EGA (Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy), and (2) IIAC (Policy for Selection and Procedures for Handling Challenged Materials in School Media Center).  Motion by Mr. Bradley, second by Ms. Synnott, to approve Revised Policies EGA (Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy), and IIAC (Policy for Selection and Procedures for Handling Challenged Materials in School Media Center) at first reading.  

Ms. Dembowski thanked Meredith Piotrow, Media Specialist, for her work with the Media Center and the Library in getting those policies updated.  Ms. Piotrow provided copies of Circulation Procedures for the School Library which she has set up, noting that the guidelines have been sent home to all parents.  She noted as regards the Challenged Materials Policy, she worked with Janice Mudgett of the Bartlett School Library, who reviewed it with her and agreed to let her use the language they had.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

7.      Consider Personnel Actions:  

        A.  Election of Summer Recreation Personnel – Motion by Mr. Bradley, second by Ms. Anzaldi, to approve hiring of summer recreation personnel as recommended.  Ms. Dembowski explained Carrie McLane, Director, has done the program at JGS before and the kids love her; Katy Downing, Counselor, worked here last summer.  They all have experience in the JGS system and know the kids.  Mr. Bradley said he is very happy with the selection of someone involved in the school and that the kids are comfortable with.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

B.  Consider Performance Distributions and Rate Adjustments for Noncontracted Staff for 2011-12 – Motion by Mr. Kopitsky, second by Mr. Bradley, to approve the performance distributions and rate adjustments for noncontracted staff for 2011-12 as presented.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

C.  Election of ESY Personnel – Motion by Mr. Bradley, second by Mr. Kopitsky, to approve hiring of ESY Personnel.  Upon question by Mr. Bradley, Ms. Dembowski explained this is for extended school year program for students that are either on IEPs or need academic help, and will prevent them from sliding backward during the summer months.  She stated it is scheduled so they can still take part in the summer recreation programs.  She noted the contracted people are paid on a per hour rate according to what they charge as subcontractors; Ms. Parsons works at JGS and receives an hourly wage based on her payscale; Ms. Robert’s rate is based on summer curriculum work, and the NHS Counseling is psychological counseling and is provided by Ms. Dembowski.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

8.      Business Affairs:  

        A.  FYI – 2010-11 Budget Status Report – Report provided.  Dr. Nelson stated they are still in good shape.  Upon question by Ms. Anzaldi as to the percentage of the budget expended, Ms. Dembowski stated not everyone used up 100% of their budget.  Mr. Bradley questioned 30% increase in transportation/buses and whether that was due to damage due to an accident.  Mr. Dembowski reported that with regard to the recent accident, the gentleman who hit the bus said it was his fault and agreed to pay for it; the insurance increase is just what the rates are.  Mr. Kearns questioned bus insurance rate for next year.  Dr. Nelson stated it has increased, but he is not sure how much.  

9.      Administrator’s Reports:

        A.  Superintendent – Dr. Nelson announced that KHS graduation will be held on Saturday, June 18th at 10:00 a.m.  

        B.  Principal –

1.  End of Year Activities - Ms. Dembowski noted that Thursday evening there will be a pot luck supper at 6:00 p.m. at the Whitney Center.  Heather will present town history report.  She explained the students obtained information for the report by interviewing local elderly folks who were invited in to talk and have lunch while being interviewed.  

2.  NWEA

3.  Excellence Committee Report  - Ms. Dembowski said they have held their second meeting and will hold some retreats during the summer and will be using the data from NWEA, parent surveys and staff surveys, to formulate goals for the future.

Bartlett’s transition ceremony is to be held on June 21st at 5:00 p.m. On June 22nd Ms. Dembowski will take the children to Bartlett to attend the Advisory cook out.

On June 23rd there will be a 6th Grade transition ceremony at JGS.

Dr. Nelson reported on the 8th Grade transition for students going into 9th Grade held at Cranmore, noting the kids from Tamworth, Conway and Bartlett/Jackson mixed together really nice and had a great time.  

        6. A.  Consider Approval of Updated Technology Plan – Ann Bennett joined the meeting to discuss the Technology Plan.   Motion was made by Mr. Kopitsky, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, that the Board consider approval of the Updated Technology Plan.  Ms. Bennett noted it is a very involved and lengthy document and really reflects a collaboration of the teachers in this building and she has great respect for them and the work they are doing - technology is used in a purposeful and thoughtful way.  She said because of the support of this Board these folks have the opportunity to travel and see what other schools are doing and are integrating it in a way that is purposeful.  She congratulated the staff and the commitment of this Board.  Ms. Dembowski commended Ms. Bennett for all the work she has put into this plan and the fabulous job she has done.  Mr. Kearns said as a parent he is very impressed and pleased with the result.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

10.     Citizen Comments:  Dr. William White said he has observed that many young people seem to be leaving town and wished to know how the Board has adjusted for this, questioning how the Board anticipates when classes are losing up to 20% of their class?  Mr. Bradley said we must also consider how many new kids are here this year that we did not expect; also the ones that are leaving this year we did not know about until after the fact.  Dr. White questioned how the Board adjusts, and can they adjust?  Dr. Nelson said there are two things to consider:  (1) the configuration that happens in the spring, we analyze what we have then adjust resources as we see fit; (2) is the mid stream adjustments when we have to put an extra aide on.  Ms. Dembowski said in Oct. she looks at the count and projects for the school year based on that.  They make some changes, some personnel are moved to follow the student needs - it is a projection that we base the budget numbers on.

Dr. White questioned whether they will be able to adjust and, say we have lots of kids in 5-6, can that be adjusted?  Ms. Dembowski said we adjust as we need to, look to see where we can find more time; it involves staff to see where this can be done - it is one of the beauties of a small school.  Mr. Kopitsky said we take our lead from Ms. Dembowski’s recommendations; we see the numbers matched with names.  

Mr. Kearns commented this comes up in town every year; it is interesting to see that there are not a lot of young kids in this town right now, but have had an increase of older kids.  Ms. Dembowski stated, as a town, Jackson might want to look at how to attract families with younger children, noting a typical comment is “housing is too expensive.”  Mr. Kearns said we listen to Ms. Dembowski and her recommendations and discussions with staff.   

11.     Board Member Issues:  Mr. Kearns questioned whether a set of wetlands plans was ever found.  Ms. Dembowski reported Mr. Bordash has ordered another set.

        Mr. Kopitsky said he would like to activate the Language Committee and asked that it be put on the agenda for the August meeting.  Ms. Dembowski suggested putting that on the 3-year plan.  Mr. Kopitsky would like to start it soon.

        Mr. Bradley questioned when we have a student at Bartlett School or Kennett and they need a 1:1 aide, does that employee work for Jackson?  Can we hire that employee?  Dr. Nelson advised they would probably not want to do that as that person should be hired by the building they are in; we would not want to have to be responsible for that person when not in that building, we have to consider who will give direction to that person, be responsible for that person, evaluate that person.  

        Ms. Anzaldi questioned the procedure if a Jackson parent is having an issue with someone in Kennett or Bartlett.  It was noted they would go to that school first, go through the channels.  Ms. Dembowski suggested it is more of a contractual thing because of the layoffs.  Mr. Kopitsky said if it is a question of service on an IEP, or having the IEP met, doesn’t the parent have a right to call an IEP meeting?  Dr. Nelson said yes, a parent can call an IEP meeting for any number of reasons.  Mr. Kearns questioned whether we have an estimate of cost for Family Liaison for Jackson and was told that has not been provided as yet.  

A.  Set Date for Next Meeting – It was agreed the next regular meeting would be held on August 23rd at 6:00 p.m. since the Board has a history of not holding a July meeting; however, Ms. Dembowski requested that a very quick meeting be held in July for the approval of a Special Ed teacher.  The Board agreed.    

12.     Signing of Manifest:  Manifests were duly signed.

13.     Nonpublic Session:  None.    

14.     Adjourn:  Motion was made by Mr. Kopitsky, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi and carried by unanimous vote, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Gail T. Currier, Recording Secretary    

Agenda item for August:
Reactivate Language Committee