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School Board Minutes -- 01/24/2011 Special Meeting
Jackson Grammar School
January 24, 2011

1.      Call to Order:  The Jan. 24th special meeting of the Jackson School Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m.  Present were Andrew Kearns, Lauren Synnott, Joe Kopitsky, Genn Anzaldi, Dr. Carl Nelson, Finance Director, Becky Jefferson, and Principal, Gayle Dembowski.  There were five members of staff/public present.    

2.      Consider Approval of 2011-12 Proposed Budget – Dr. Nelson noted changes:  reduction of an Instructional Aide and maintenance items – items taken out since the last review of the budget and the budget redone.  A summary was provided showing highs and lows of the budget, now totaling $2,527,867.  

        Ms. Dembowski said there is presently a Special Ed Aide at 22 hours per week; Instructional Aide reduced to 20 hours for the remainder of the year, and a 35-hour full time Aide position.  All receive some benefits based on number of hours worked.  

Ms. Dembowski provided a sheet showing various options if the Board chooses to reduce the budget: a reduction in the enrichment program, reduction in reading teacher position, reconfiguration of grades which would eliminate one classroom instructor, and updated information for the summer program.  She explained this is an outline of some of the things she has considered, but did not recommend to bring forward to the Board – they are not cuts that she would recommend.  

Mr. Kearns questioned the staff’s feeling as to whether the Aide position is a viable cut?  Ms. Dembowski said the majority of classroom teachers felt they did not need the support in the classroom; K-1 was the only group that felt it was worthwhile having the extra help with such things as putting on boots, etc.  She stated her concern is we are already struggling in terms of meeting time (would require more after school time rather than during school hours) and assistance at recess time.  The majority felt classroom support was not necessarily vital.  Mr. Kearns said he was under the impression it was to have been a reduction in hours, not a removal of a position.  

Dr. Nelson noted there were other areas they looked at, for instance, about $10,000 in overtime for custodian and maintenance person – they used less than $300.  Also there was $3,000 for extra clerical and staff time above and beyond the normal day of which they have used only $1260.  Mr. Kearns noted a reduction of 5 hours for custodian down to 30 hours.  Ms. Dembowski referred him to the list of projects, daily routine, and original job description.  She said also she had proposed increasing clerical aide from 10 to 15 hours, so cutting five hours was not cutting it out, just putting it back to the original level.  

Ms. Synnott said we have used about one-half of clerical and are about half way through the year.  Ms. Dembowski said the keyholder issue has made a difference in that now people using the Whitney Center can sign out the key eliminating the need to pay Jackson School staff to be present when the Center is being used.  She noted previously they used a lot more overtime hours for that that had not been budgeted for.  Ms. Jefferson pointed out the other reason for the $10,000 when they reduced maintenance, was in the event there were other things that would be needed. Mr. Kearns commented the maintenance reduction has worked.  It was agreed to leave $5,000 in for maintenance out of the extra hours.  

Tish Hanlon said with this proposal (referring to the various options provided by Ms. Dembowski) and different configuration it did not seem a good idea to cut back a teacher’s position, but she sees an opportunity to cut back an Aide position, stating they could use Meredith as a floating aide.  Dr. Nelson said there is a line item of $10,000+ for both.  Mr. Kearns noted for this current year there is a 5-hour reduction - the custodian would be 35 hours and the Plant Maintenance Mechanic would be 30 hours.  

Ms. Hanlon said as regards the summer program, she would like to see what people think about the summer program at the next PTO meeting, stating not a lot of people use it.  She questioned whether some of that money could be used for certain families if they wanted to send their kids to the Bartlett summer program.  Ms. Dembowski said they had budgeted $8,443 - $6,000 in staff, $1300 in enrichment provided, a small amount for materials, $500 for bus trips, which amounted to a total cost to the District of $4343.  She reported 32 students who attended one week were Jackson students.  Ms. Anzaldi felt this year’s program was very good.  She questioned increasing the tuition, noting people enjoyed the program that was offered.  She suggested that waiting for the next PTO meeting might be too late.  Ann Bennett suggested that possibly they were heavily staffed, that maybe an adjustment in staff cost would bring it closer to a wash.  Ms. Dembowski said we can offer just recreation and day care, or a more enriching program like we offered this year.  She suggested if they did more advertising it might encourage more participation.  As regards the number of staff involved in the summer program, it was noted there was one full time lead counselor, one full time counselor, one aide, and a part time staff member who helped at the end of the day with dismissal and after hours care.  Two enrichment people were hired to come in all day.  She noted usually there were three staff members, sometimes four; they tried to stagger staff where most needed.  Mr. Kearns acknowledged they may need to retool it or increase income, but felt it should be left as is for now.  The Board agreed.

Ms. Synnott questioned transportation for Special Ed which was $500 for last year; however, $7,000 was budgeted for this year.  Ms. Dembowski explained there is a student who requires special transportation for next year.

As regards the reduction options presented, Heather Woodward stated the enrichment piece is new, that it seems like that could viably be taken out.  She stated it would not impact her classroom much and it seems like it could come out or be done in another way.  Dr. Nelson pointed out the Budget Committee had asked them to see what it would look like if it was reduced – it is not necessarily a recommendation.      

It was Ms. Anzaldi’s opinion that the enrichment program has helped keep some students who are borderline off the IEP’s and she does not want to disrupt the plan now of working with those kids.  Ms. Bennett said part of what got us here was the conversation about declining population and expanding budget; in fairness it needs to be well-managed, there are aspects of our budget that are dictated by IEP’s, but also some things get into a budget and never go away.

Mr. Kearns said regarding the case management and preschool and high school part, he understands the preschool part of it, but never envisioned it as the Principal’s job description.  Ms. Dembowski stated she is the Local Education Agent and as such has to authorize all spending for the Jackson District.  She represents the Town of Jackson when a Special Education  student needs services.  She noted Bartlett has hired Ms. Varrichione to fill that position for their town, the high school is doing a great job, it is the advocacy piece that she (Ms. Dembowski) helps with and she believes that is why we do not have an outside placement at the moment.

Ms. Dembowski said she now works 50 hours a week and if she worked a 30- hour week her ability to do a lot of things would be compromised.  Ms. Synnott questioned number of hours a week spent on Green Team and Destination Imagination.  Ms. Dembowski told her it is a good 2 to 3 hours a week.  Ms. Anzaldi questioned if the reading teacher were to drop down to 25% would that still cover what is mandated?  Ms. Dembowski said she does not know exactly what the law says – she is spending 50% of her week as reading specialist and 20% as guidance counselor, so it is 70% position.  Mr. Harding pointed out that one thing good about that is she is here other times during the week when needed.  

Dr. Nelson noted they still have $2950 for maintenance items to be purchased.  Ms. Jefferson noted reduction in custodial would be a cut of $6,276.  Mr. Kearns suggested leaving only $2,000 in there since they did not use more than $300 last year.  It was agreed also the clerical support will stay as is.

Instructional Aide – Mr. Kearns said this leaves one part time instructional aide and a Special Ed aide.   Ms. Anzaldi questioned whether the instructional aide is more important than the maintenance supervisor?  Ms. Dembowski said they need to maintain the building.  Dr. Nelson commented, for instance, if last night they had lost the heat they would not be having school today.  

Ms. Synnott questioned increase in building repairs; Ms. Dembowski said they added a slop sink for the custodian.  Ms. Hanlon questioned history of the maintenance and custodial positions.  Ms. Bennett said prior to the school addition process Mr. Bordash’s position was 20 hours a week and has increased to 30.  Ms. Jefferson added that also over the summer that person worked 40 hours a week, some of which was because of painting, etc.  It was noted that prior to the school addition they did not have a full time custodian, but used a cleaning service.  Contracted cleaning cost about $18,000 to $20,000 to do just this building.  

Ms. Jefferson said if they cut only the maintenance extra time and put the clerical aide back to 10 hours, it would leave a budget of $2,515,014, or a 12.63% increase.  She noted also the dilemma the Board has had is that Jackson is looking at becoming a donor town again which would cause an increase in the tax rate; hopefully, that is not going to happen.  Ms. Hanlon noted that this budget year they have 5 or 6 students going to Kennett, the following year there will be about 11.  

Motion was made by Mr. Kearns, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, that the Board approve a budget of $2,515,014 for the 2011-12 year.  Motion carried by unanimous vote 4-0-0.

Mr. Kearns stated that with regard to warrant article #4, ($5,000 for the Whitney Maintenance Trust Fund) after some discussion they were considering changing it to $3,000.  It was noted in the original language of the Whitney Foundation agreement there was money to cover three things (about $9,000) 1/3 toward each would be $3,000.    

Motion was made by Mr. Kearns, seconded by Mr. Kopitsky, to reduce the amount for Warrant article #4 from $5,000 to $3,000.  Motion carried 4-0-0.

3.      Any Other Business – None.
4.      Adjourn:  Motion by Mr. Kopitsky, second by Mr. Kearns and carried by unanimous vote, that the meeting be adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Gail T. Currier, Recording Secretary