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Planning Board Minutes -- 04/14/2016


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Dick Bennett, Scott Badger, Sarah Kimball, John Allen, Larry Siebert, Kathleen Dougherty, and Betsey Harding.  Dick announced that all would be voting. In the audience was videographer Hank Benesh (who was filming the proceedings). Both Larry and Kathleen stated that they had been sworn in, following Kathleen’s appointment as a full Member, and Larry’s reappointment for continued service.

Minutes of March 10: Scott moved, and Larry seconded, acceptance of the minutes, and all approved.

Matters not on the Agenda for the evening: Regarding proposed changes at Nestlenook, Dick stated that the Jackson Fire Department had reviewed the changes and approved them, noting that proper E-911 addresses are needed. The NH Dept. of Environmental Services has approved a Wetlands Permit regarding replacement of piping from the Ellis River to the skating pond.
Board members discussed the need to update the Zoning Ordinance following the March Town voting. It was agreed that no complete reprinting is needed; instead, replacing the few changed pages in the existing unsold booklets and sending them via ENews will suffice.
Dick noted that he had approved discontinuation of the PO Box in favor of sharing the Town’s box, saving some unnecessary expenditure.
Ongoing efforts to find a new note taker for Planning Board minutes have not succeeded; Betsey offered to place the notice again into the ENews as we noted that we are more likely of success with someone who lives nearby.
Dick noted that some envelopes providing notice to abutters concerning prior applications have been returned; he will give them to the Selectmen’s Office in case such corrections are helpful.
Betsey offered to check wording in the Wild & Scenic River documents for wording about the protection zone along the Wildcat River, and to give the information to Larry.
New Planning Board Officers are needed at this time. Betsey nominated Dick to continue as Chair, Larry seconded his nomination, and all approved. Dick nominated Sarah to continue as Vice-Chair, Betsey seconded her nomination, and all approved. Sarah nominated Betsey to continue as Secretary, Kathleen seconded her nomination, and all approved.

Voluntary Merger: Tax Map V-10, Lots 113 and 113A, Owner: Donald B. Stackhouse Trust. The Board reviewed plans of the lots approved in 2002, along with current tax map and assessment card information. Larry moved approval of the proposal, and Scott seconded the motion. All approved.

Continued Review of Master Plan: Copies of the changes compiled by Sarah were distributed; we continued discussion of desirable changes. Sarah agreed to take all changes made and send them out as Word documents or in pdf format. We agreed that, when all wording is finalized we will send the document to North Country Council for their review, a free service offered to all NCC member towns. When their review is complete, we will format the booklet, adding photos, maps, and more.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on