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Planning Board Minutes -- 01/14/2016
Jackson Planning Board


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Dick Bennett, Daren Levitt, Larry Siebert, Sarah Kimball, John Allen, and Betsey Harding, and Alternate Kathleen Dougherty.  Dick announced that all would be voting. In the audience were videographer Hank Benesh (who was filming the proceedings), Robert Tafuto (of Ammonoosuc Survey), William Woodason, John Pietkiewicz, Jerry Dougherty III, Norman MacLean, Tim Scott, and Kevin Bennett (Town of Jackson Building Inspector).

Minutes of December 10: Sarah moved, and Betsey seconded, acceptance of the minutes, and all approved.

Public Hearing - Boundary (or Lot) Line Adjustment Proposal at Tax Map V-06, lots 35 & 36 on Dundee Road; Owners: Timothy Scott and William Woodason. Dick read the checklist; all requirements were met. Daren moved to accept the proposal as a completed application; Betsey seconded. The hearing was then opened to the public, at which time, in response to Board questions about wells, Bill Woodason explained some of the history about the area and the adjacent community well system for near-by Mountain View Road. Larry then moved approval of the Lot Line Adjustment, Daren seconded, and all approved.

Public Hearing on proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments: Betsey mentioned that Sarah had brought to Dick and Betsey’s attention an ENews notice about a North Country Council planner to be at the Town Offices last Tuesday in case any townsfolk had planning-related questions; Sarah wanted to ask for advice about the setback proposal. Betsey and Sarah met with the planner who contacted Tara Bamford about the issue. Tara recommended that, “It would be easier and cleaner to implement if the town reduced the front setback but kept it at a distance from the front lot line.” She stated that the landowner has responsibility to hire a surveyor if needed, but that the landowner can’t be responsible to identify the exact center line of the traveled way. That comment generated significant discussion with the Board and the audience about the proposed ordinance change, however, in the end the Board decided to keep the original wording, with Larry moving the proposal and Betsey seconding his motion; six members voted in favor and one abstained.

For the other zoning ordinance proposals, there was minimal discussion and Larry moved that the proposed wording be approved, Kathleen seconded the motion and all favored.

Dick distributed copies of some resumes received for the open position of Planning Board Secretary (selected from a larger collection, based on proximity of residence); first we determined that the role would be that of a minute-taker. John commented that he knows four of the candidates and Sarah stated that she knows one. John agreed to get in touch with them to determine their interest, starting with a Jackson resident.

Public Comment: Board members commented that Bea Davis has served long and participated well in our meetings, and all expressed our gratitude to her.
The Subdivision and Boundary (or Lot) Line Adjustment Checklists need to be updated on the website. Betsey will review them and submit them to Julie Hoyt at the Town Offices for her to post as DRAFT copies. Dick asked that clean copies be provided for review at the next meeting.
At the meeting with the North Country Council planner, Betsey and Sarah learned that Tara Bamford will review our Master Plan for no cost, because of our NCC membership.

There being no further business, Daren moved, and Kathleen seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on