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Planning Board Minutes -- 08/13/2015
Jackson Planning Board


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Sarah Kimball, Vice-Chair.  Attending were: Members Sarah Kimball, Scott Badger, Daren Levitt, Larry Siebert, John Allen, and Betsey Harding, and Alternates Bea Davis and Kathleen Dougherty. In the audience were Fritz Koeppel, Ellie Koeppel, Elizabeth Miller, Michael Miller, James Progin, Land Surveyor Burke York, and videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.

Minutes of June 11: Scott moved, and Larry seconded, acceptance of the July 9th minutes, and all approved.

Public comment: None.

Review of Proposed Boundary Line Adjustment, KDJ Realty Trust, V-10, Lot 147 and R14, Lot 30:
Sarah read the Checklist to determine if the application was complete. A motion was made to waive the requirement to show the location of existing well radii, since the two lots being reviewed are very large (13 acres and 57 acres), and no significant effect is anticipated from the proposed change; this motion was approved. Burke York, representing the owners, stated that the only known deed restriction is the one affecting all lots on Tyrol; he agreed to email a copy of that restriction to Betsey (received on 8/18/2015). Betsey moved to accept the proposal as a complete application; Scott seconded the motion, and all approved. Sarah opened the meeting for questions and comments from the public. Mr. Progin inquired why the owners have proposed this, but Mr. York did not have that information. Mr. Miller asked how this application relates to one reviewed a few years earlier; Betsey commented that the earlier application may not have reached any final stage, and that this layout has to indicate what is currently in effect. Questions about likely access points were asked by Ms. Koeppel and Mr. Miller; each lot has existing frontage on a town road. With no further questions, Scott moved, and Daren seconded, approval of the Boundary Line Adjustment; all approved.

Voluntary Merger Application, V-10, Lots 135 and 136: Assessment records for each lot were reviewed, and it was determined that there is one residential structure at or very near the current property line between the two lots, and that this merger is appropriate. Scott moved to approve the merger, and Larry seconded the motion; all approved.

Old Business: Scott informed the Board that he had not been aware at the July 9th meeting of a potential conflict of interest on the vote regarding the lots on Tucker Lane; had he been aware, he would have abstained. Board members acknowledged that the outcome would have been no different, had he abstained.

Subdivision Regulation Review: Board members made a careful review of proposed changes to the regulations. John agreed to contact Jay Henry regarding a few issues. Betsey will distribute new revisions when those answers are available, aiming for a public hearing shortly after our final review.

Continued work on the Master Plan: Sarah had earlier emailed to all members and alternates the collected and edited draft. She asked that each person review all the material and send her any recommended editing.

Kathleen moved to adjourn the meeting, and Scott seconded the motion; all approved; we adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on