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Planning Board Minutes -- 07/09/2015
Jackson Planning Board


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Dick Bennett, Scott Badger, Larry Siebert, John Allen, and Betsey Harding, and Alternates Bea Davis and Kathleen Dougherty.  Dick announced that all present would vote on any issues. Sarah Kimball had indicated she would be unable to attend.  In the audience were Kevin Killourie, Jerry Dougherty III, Earle Wason, Robert C. Cyr, James F. Rines, Town Building Inspector Kevin Bennett, and videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.

Minutes of June 11: Scott moved, and Bea seconded, acceptance of the minutes, and all approved.

Public comment: Building Inspector Kevin Bennett asked that the Board consider setbacks and non-conforming structures. He finds that there are many residential structures in Jackson where the owners are unable to make changes to the structure because 1) an intrusion into the existing setback would make the structure non-conforming, or 2) the structure is currently non-conforming and changes would make it more non-conforming. Kevin indicated that, in many instances, such a change would enhance the attractiveness or safety of the structure. He stated that the primary problem is the setback from the roadway to the structure; side and rear setbacks are less frequently a problem. Dick informed Kevin that the Board would take up the matter before the end of the meeting.

Voluntary Merger Application, R-09, Lot 11: Kevin Killourie presented a request for a Voluntary Merger at 24 Tucker Lane, off Route 16 B. By this merger, the lot and private lane (currently not designated with a lot and block number) would be under one ownership; this change would permit that land to be counted for septic approval for #24. The Lane has two residences using it, and complies with state and town regulations.  Scott moved acceptance, Bea seconded the motion, and the Voluntary Merger was approved 6 with in favor, and one abstention (Larry Siebert). [The original application and fee were not received as of July 13, but will be submitted for processing.]

Review of possibilities for Nestlenook, R-14, Lot 5: Jim Rines, of White Mountain Survey and Engineering, presented the idea of converting existing structures into condominium ownership, converting 14 units into 7 two-story units. The lot is approximately 63.5 acres in three zoning districts: Village, Rural Residential, and River Conservation; some commercial uses (sleigh rides, ice skating and Zamboni usage, and former horseback riding areas) have been active for many years in the Rural Residential district. In addition, there is the possibility of merging a lot on Dinsmore Road, with a 2-unit structure, into lot 5. Further, there is a possibility of constructing a residence at the southwest corner, adjacent to the Ellis River. Dinsmore Road was accepted as a town road in 1963, with a width of 20 feet. Mr. Rines questioned if the proposed changes and construction could go forward without changes to the access road. Mr. Rines also asked if the HISS study and markings performed for earlier approval of units, some as yet unbuilt, can still be used. It appears that no changes would be needed for either roadway access or soils study. There are no plans to hook into Precinct water, since the existing artesian well is good. Dick affirmed that the Planning Board envisions no difficulty and we will await the application.

Old Business: Scott informed the Board about the study performed by Planning Decisions Inc. (PDI), which has reviewed zoning in all towns in the Valley – with a view toward recommending changes towns could make to address the need for workforce housing. Scott inquired if any have comments to be submitted on the PDI draft report, comments that could be added to Jackson’s response which was circulated for review.

Continued work on the Master Plan: Most material has been submitted to Sarah for editing; Sarah will be asked to email the Master Plan draft to the Board, for review at the August meeting.

Setbacks: The Board heard Kevin Bennett concerning non-conforming lots and front setback requirements. He inquired about the reason for the required 50 foot setback. Probably it arose form concerns about snow removal or possible road widening – neither of which appears to be a problem going forward. Kevin indicated that it appears that decreasing the front setback requirement would not adversely affect anyone. Scott proposed that the easiest solution might be to reduce the setback to 40 feet. Betsey added that we might consider reducing it to 40 feet in the Rural Residential district, and to 25 or 30 feet in the Village district, especially if we manage to divide the current Village district into 1) the area around the Village loop, where existing buildings are often quite close to the street, and 2) a Rural Commercial (or Light Commercial) district going north up Route 16, where a 25 or 30 foot setback seems less appropriate. Board members also commented that we could consider permitting an expansion of parts of a non-conforming structure, such as dormers or porches, changing wording about the volume.

Continued work on Subdivision Regulations: We postponed this review.

John moved to adjourn the meeting; all approved; we adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on