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Planning Board Minutes -- 05/14/2015
Jackson Planning Board


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Dick Bennett,  Larry Siebert, Scott Badger, John Allen, and Betsey Harding, and Alternates Kathleen Dougherty and Bea Davis. Daren Levitt and Sarah Kimball had indicated they would be unable to attend.  In the audience was videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.  Dick announced that all present would vote on any issues; he inquired if those who needed to be sworn in had done so, and all had.

Minutes of April 9: Larry moved, and John seconded, acceptance of the minutes, and all approved.

Public comment: None.

Election of Officers: The slate was proposed as: Dick Bennett, Chair; Sarah Kimball, Vice-Chair; Betsey Harding, Secretary. All voted in favor.

Old Business: The agenda noted that Dick would read into the minutes a letter from Burr Phillips, but that will be at the June meeting.

Continued work on the Master Plan: Several members have completed their Master Plan work; some is still in progress. It was agreed that we will try to take information learned in the Build-Out Analysis, concerning number of dwelling units, etc., and keep a spreadsheet of those records up to date. When discussing Jackson’s facts vs. those of other areas, we agreed that a comparison with Carroll County, NH and the US will be most valuable. Larry offered to speak with Kathleen Driscoll about area businesses; we agreed that adding the Chamber of Commerce and area businesses in a new section following the Employment and Income section would be useful.

Continued work on Subdivision Regulations: We agreed to discuss these at the June meeting. Prior to that meeting, Betsey will email the Subdivision Regulations version most recently re-worked, along with the Checklist, and a copy of the Gorham Checklist that Burke York gave us, for comparisons.

There being no further business, Scott moved and Kathleen seconded to adjourn the meeting; all approved; we adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on