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Planning Board Minutes -- 03/19/2015
Jackson Planning Board



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Dick Bennett, Sarah Kimball, Larry Siebert, Daren Levitt, John Allen, and Betsey Harding, and Alternate Kathleen Dougherty.  Dick stated that all present would vote on any issues. In the audience was videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings. 

Minutes of February 12: Sarah moved, and Larry seconded, acceptance of the minutes, and all approved.

Public comment: Betsey inquired about septic system inspections conducted by the town, a topic Penny Miller had questioned at a prior meeting, and that came up again at Town Meeting. Dick replied that he had looked into the facts and found that the State does not review septic designs, just the installation. In RSA 485-A:29, it states that the local body approves plans; consequently several years ago, Selectmen enlisted an engineer to review septic designs. John will check with Julie Atwell to verify that Jackson’s standards are essentially the same as the State’s, because of what appears to be the public perception that Jackson’s standards are more stringent.

Continued work on the Master Plan:

·         Review of the Community Survey – First, how will we want to use the survey in the Master Plan? We could reference the percentage of people who value rural landscaping, for example. Information from the survey would be useful in the Background Information section of the Master Plan. In addition, members will review the comments section at the end of the Survey report, to determine if there are issues we need to examine, concerns we need to address, or questions that indicate a need for improved public information.

·         Review of the Highlights of the Community Survey – Both the Survey and the Highlights look reader-friendly; we want them out on the town website, with a notice in the ENews on how to find them. Before submitting them to the town website, Board members will review them; we agreed that members will review and edit the two documents, and submit the edits or responses to Betsey, for collecting any edits, by March 31.

·         Need to update the Background Section of the Master Plan – We divided up the Master Plan’s Background Information sections, for individual members to review, research and update the facts. Kathleen volunteered to update the Education section, including the fact that Jackson Grammar School received a state School of Excellence award last year.  Sarah will update the section on Natural Resources. Larry will update the History, and Recreation & Cultural sections.  Betsey will update sections on Population, Housing, Cemeteries, Library, Social Services and Health Services (Scott may be able to help on some of those.) Daren offered to work on the Employment and Income section, and to help Betsey on the Housing section. John will have all the pages from 28 through 41 updated by him or by the townspeople responsible for them.

Review of Boundary Line Adjustment at R16, Lot 14-2 or 14B and Lot 14-3 or 14A; Owner Anne Peterson. This is not a hearing, rather just a review to determine if the application is complete and ready to be heard. Members concluded that several changes are needed: 1) reference to the lots should be consistent with town records: either 14-2 or 14B, for example; 2) show the locations of the well and septic system for Lot 14-1 (or 14A); 3) show the name of the road, Black Mountain Road, for reference, inside the square box; 4) location of driveway, well radius, & setbacks are currently all too similarly shown with red dash lines – the lines should be better differentiated.

There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsey Harding

(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on