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Planning Board Minutes -- 05/08/2014

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Scott Badger, Larry Siebert, Betsey Harding and Dick Bennett, and Alternates Kathleen Dougherty and Bea Davis. Dick stated that all members and alternates in attendance would vote.  John Allen came by to ensure there was a quorum, but left, not feeling well.  Sarah Kimball had informed the Board of her need to be absent. In the audience were John Pietkiewicz, Wesley Smith of Thaddeus Thorne Surveys, George Howard, Bob Davis, Bob Thompson, and videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.

Members reviewed the minutes of the April 10th Regular Meeting and Build-Out Listening Post.  Larry moved and Scott seconded a motion for their approval, and all favored.

Public Hearing on Proposed Minor Subdivision, John Pietkiewicz/Ulchak Subdivision, Dundee Road (Tax Map R15, Lot 3): The Applicant’s Surveyor, Wesley Smith, presented the plan.  Larry read the checklist; no mylar had been provided, as is usual in case changes were needed; also there was no statement about deed restrictions. Given the need for those two items to be provided, Betsey moved and Larry seconded a motion granting Conditional Acceptance of the application.  Scott moved and Larry seconded a motion to approve the application, conditional upon receipt of the mylar and 5 plans – all indicating whether there are deed restrictions; all in attendance approved.

New Business:  Dick announced that Bob Thompson had requested an opportunity to speak with the Board.  Bob has taken on a project, as part of a Master’s Degree program, to gather information for an assessment of communication in Jackson.  He is meeting with a variety of focus groups, such as town boards and committees, as well as current leaders, stakeholders, and individuals throughout the town.  People may or may not participate, as they choose; there will be a meeting at the Whitney Community Center on May 29, from 6 till 8 PM.  Participants are all asked to answer the same questions, about actionable items.

The questions were:

1) Where do we get information related to the Town? Members responded: selectmen’s meetings, Planning Board meetings, the Town Treasurer, ENews, office discussions, newspapers, website, RSAs tax maps, old town reports, word of mouth.

2) Regarding the quality and methods of Town communication: What does it do well?  Members responded: internet information, town, school & library information, Selectmen are starting to use the town column & ENews more; it would be beneficial to add ENews to the website’s Home Page; it is a concern that we must rely on volunteers to provide such important functions as ENews – perhaps that should be handled by a town employee.

3) What do you consider “respectful conversation”? Members responded that it is the ability to express one’s own opinions without being afraid to state a divergent opinion; that it is important to advocate and to value others’ opinions; that is it most unfortunate when discussions become disruptive; that we need to respect opposing opinions.

4) What is the quality of communication in town, and how does it need to be improved?  Members commented that things seem quiet right now, with little dissention.  Board chairs could meet and discuss issues, for better communication between them.  Inspector Goody has stated that some Zoning Ordinance regulations can be difficult to understand.  Community gatherings are important, over dinner, before meetings; the firemen’s cookout was a good example of a great gathering.

5) If you could make one change to improve communication, what would it be? Members responded properly written-down records; more robust website – promoting events in town, more socially driven, with ENews; produce a newsletter that would center communication; incorporate the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce into a collection of other publicity; add a town Facebook page, since that could attract younger folks; sending home information from school.

6) Did we miss anything in this discussion?  Members stated the importance of Jacksonflicks as a source of information.  This Board has been considering how to make townsfolk aware of some of the important issues in planning.  At the meeting on 5/29, perhaps we could briefly tell about the upcoming survey preparatory to the Planning Board’s development of the Master Plan.


Dick passed out a questionnaire for Planning Board members to fill out for North Country Council; when completed, they should be delivered to the Jackson Town Offices.  Dick asked if all have copies of the Build-Out Analysis Report.  He inquired about opinions on how the meeting went.  Comments were that participants listened, asked questions, joined in; Tara Bamford presented the information well.  Betsey agreed to try to draft a start on the next survey, working from the changes we made on the prior survey, and incorporating ideas that might help to educate people about some of the issues – for example, as Kathleen commented businesses are different now from the way they were: a business is now less apt to construct a new structure, less likely to move into a new space; also, is it important to attract young families might be addressed by a question, “Could your children afford to purchase a house in Jackson?”  We decided that we need to reach some conclusion soon on our survey, especially if we wish it to be sent out in June; we agreed to hold a workshop on the survey on Monday, May 19, at 7 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Betsey Harding

(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on