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Planning Board Minutes -- 04/10/2014
Jackson Planning Board


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members John Allen, Dave Treadwell, Sarah Kimball, Scott Badger, Betsey Harding and Dick Bennett, and Alternate Kathleen Dougherty.  Daren Levitt had informed the Board of his need to be absent. In the audience were Burke York, for the Applicant, Town Engineer Burr Phillips, and videographer Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.

Members reviewed the minutes of the March meeting, with no questions or changes brought, Scott moved and John seconded a motion for their approval, and all favored.

Public Hearing on Proposed Minor Subdivision, Ian & Katherine Reardon, 28 Dundee Road (Tax Map V6, Lot 25: The Applicants Surveyor, Burke York, presented the plan, along with a letter requesting that the Planning Board consider granting Conditional Approval, since snow cover and weather had not permitted him to obtain test pit data.  The approval would be conditional on 1) the test pit being shown on the final plan, 2) receipt of NHDES subdivision approval, and 3) submission of the mylar with five copies of the final plan.  Betsey moved, and Scott seconded Conditional Approval; all 7 in attendance approved.
New Business:  Dick announced that the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, sent a notice that the bridge over the East Branch, washed out by Hurricane Irene in 2011, will be reconstructed.

There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 PM, and to prepare for the Listening Post session, due to begin at 6:30 PM.    
Respectfully submitted,

Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on; also, notes from the Build-Out Analysis Listening Post follow these minutes.)