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Planning Board Minutes -- 02/17/2014
Jackson Planning Board

MINUTES – February 17, 2014 – REGULAR MEETING

This meeting was rescheduled because heavy snow forced cancellation of the regular meeting on the date of February 13, 2014.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members John Allen, Dave Treadwell, Sarah Kimball, Larry Siebert, Betsey Harding and Dick Bennett, and Alternates Bea Davis and Kathleen Dougherty.  Both Scott Badger and Daren Levitt had contacted Dick to indicate they were unable to attend.  Dick determined that, in the event of a vote on the Davis/ Evans application before the Board, Kathleen Dougherty would be the seventh voting member.  In the audience were Diana Cataldo, Bob Davis, Dave Evans, Tara Bamford of North Country Council, and Hank Benesh, who was filming the proceedings.

Sarah moved approval of the minutes for the January 9 Regular Meeting and the January 16 Work Session; Bea seconded the motion and all approved.  

Public Hearing on Proposed Lot Line Adjustment, Davis & Evans, Black Mountain Road: Dick asked Kathleen to read the checklist, and Sarah to take record of any items missing or needing adjustment. The following items were found needing correction:
  • Final mylar and 5 paper copies will be needed prior to recording
  • The Parcel Owner Chart (upper left) needs acreage change to both parcels shown (lacking data for lot 12 now); Parcel Owners’ signatures are needed in that chart
  • Remove “Proposed new line” note, which Bob Davis stated was not correct (near “68.79”)
  • Indicate location of Lot 33 (abutter Walker)
  • Correct arrow pointing within Rodes land to end at Dearborn Brook (seems to extend too far now)
  • For lot lines: indicate lot line(s) to be removed, and embolden the proposed new lot line(s); provide metes and bounds, bearings, and points for all lines of the Lot Line Adjustment
  • Above Dearborn Brook at setback line, remove third “o”of  “Broook”
  • Provide statement about deed restrictions or no deed restrictions
  • Indicate water wells within 200’ of lot line adjustment property
  • Septic for Anderson lot not shown; must show if within 200’
The sense of the Board was that these omissions and errors are minor and can easily be corrected by the survey company.  Betsey stated her opinion that the application meets Jackson Planning Board goals of providing frontage and a lot that more closely meets current regulations; she moved that the application be accepted as complete, conditional upon receipt of plans that satisfy the itemized list. Sarah seconded the motion, and the Board voted in favor.  Betsey then moved that the application be conditionally approved, and that the Chair be able to review the new plans to ensure compliance with the necessary items list, and be able to sign the mylar and paper plans without need for a further meeting.  Dave seconded the motion, and the Board voted in favor.

Old Business: BUILD-OUT ANALYSIS – Tara Bamford, a planner with North Country Council, presented a second set of drafted maps and charts indicating potential numbers for the maximum amount of commercial acreage and residential units that would be allowed under Jackson’s current zoning regulations.  According the findings, there is very limited potential for additional residential units in the current Village District.  In the analysis, 18 percent of developable lands is subtracted for roads and utilities.  Board members reviewed the data and maps, inquiring about notations and parcels.  At the January meeting, Tara had given us a Draft Report of the Build-out Analysis (dated January 9, 2014); at this meeting, she asked for any comments, or for any corrections or clarifications needed.  Betsey asked that Appendix B indicate that Gallons per Day was the standard used.  Tara asked that Board members carefully review the Draft Report to ensure that the report reflects information as we want it to.  We agreed that, with the Town Meeting set for our typical meeting date on the second Thursday, we will hold our next Regular Meeting on Thursday, March 20th, and that we will provide Tara with a list of any needed changes by Friday, March 21st. In addition, we agreed that April 10th would be a good date for Tara’s public presentation of the build-out information; we will try to hold the meeting in the Whitney Community Center; Betsey will check to see if a viewing screen is available.  The meeting will serve as a listening post; at the March 20th meeting, Board members will consider and select questions that might facilitate the meeting, and increase understanding of the Build-out Analysis and what it means for Jackson.

There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM.    
Respectfully submitted,

Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on