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Planning Board Minutes -- 12/12/2013
Jackson Planning Board

MINUTES – December 12, 2013 – REGULAR MEETING

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Dick Bennett, Chair.  Attending were: Members Larry Siebert, John Allen, Scott Badger, Dave Treadwell, Betsey Harding and Dick Bennett, and Alternate Bea Davis Voting Member Determination: all in attendance would be voting.  Also attending was Hank Benesh, filming the proceedings.

Dick stated that he wanted to begin with the question of taking meeting minutes, proposing that Betsey be hired for that purpose at the same rate that an employee in the Town offices would receive, $25 per hour (excluding time at the meeting). Larry commented that such a system might lack transparency; Dave commented that in many different organizations a member records the minutes; Scott stated that a problem might arise with the minute-taking member not participating as much, but also stated that we have essentially been following that procedure since Betsey is one of two or three Board members who have edited minutes when secretaries had misunderstood or not suitably stated the issues. John commented that Julie Hoyt told him she would be available to take minutes; Dick mentioned that he had been informed that Julie could not be employed for that purpose because the Planning Board could not pay her on the side, outside her regular desk job, and that she isn’t permitted to take on any additional hours. John offered to double-check that; we are in a bind because Ella Cressey is no longer available to us, and Martha Tobin is not available on our meeting nights. Larry inquired about advertising to fill the position; the Board has done that in the past without luck, but might again. Put to a vote, members approved having Betsey be secretary by a 5 to 2 vote, with Larry and Bea voting against that motion.
Build-Out Study:  Dick proposed altering the agenda to hear next from Tara Bamford, from the Planning department at North Country Council.  Tara brought a large scale base map of the town’s land parcels for Board review, commenting that there are about six parcels about which she had found no information. Using tax maps and Board members’ knowledge of sites, we identified all parcels.  Tara stated she needs to be certain that all parcels with easements or other conservation restrictions are indicated.  She agreed to email a list of all such lands that she has listed, and Larry will review them and add in any others not listed.  Betsey will obtain a list of lands conserved by the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust.  Tara needs to have the full list ready for her use on December 18, when she will begin her review and prepare the draft report.

Tara explained that she uses growth trends and online tools, largely based on residents’ ages, to develop projections.  Scott asked about the methodology – how to determine what towns are growing?  What assumptions are made; for example, is more commercial development likely?  Dick commented that residential growth is more likely than commercial.  Larry asked if we can know house values through this study, or what lots are non-conforming, the number of lots over 50 acres, etc.  Tara stated that she is still seeking information; some of that information will be readily provided, such as lots of 50 or more acres, and some will not be part of this study, such as house values.  Tara suggested the need to clarify Zoning Ordinance #5.2.3, to determine if it adds onto the FIRM maps.  Betsey agreed to check with Frank Benesh and George Bordash for their opinions on that query.  

Tara stated that we could enter into the study a possible zoning change or two, to determine what effect a change might have.  The idea of changing Route 16 north of the Village was suggested; Larry and Bea indicated that only last March voters had voted against the proposal.  Betsey commented that the question confused some voters because it stated that the Planning Board opposed the proposal.  John commented that any voted question can always be brought up again.

Tara will have a draft available for the Board’s January meeting, in preparation for a public presentation at the Board’s February meeting.  We agreed that any changes to the draft need to be presented to Tara by February 1st.  Dick inquired about setting up smaller groups for more efficient reviews in work sessions.

Minutes: Minutes from the October 10, 2013 meeting were reviewed.  Larry moved and Dave seconded their approval; all assented.  Minutes from the November 14, 2013 meeting were reviewed; Betsey proposed corrections to the paragraph at “Master Plan Review” as follows: at the sixth sentence, “At the second…” should read “At the third…” and in the next sentence, “At the third…” should read “At the fourth….”  There being no further corrections, Scott moved and Larry seconded approval; all assented.

John will check with the office about whether the build-out funds approved by the voters will be available for use next year.

Other: Dick brought forward correspondence received, including 1) a letter from Carroll County Registry indicating their requirements for filing, and 2) a letter from Upper Saco Valley Land Trust.

Dick inquired about continuing our review of the Master Plan; Scott asked if we were not prejudging, by doing our review of the Master Plan before our survey.  We decided that a goal should be to have the survey ready to go out in March, following the February public meeting about the build out study.

There being no Old Business or New Business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM.    
Respectfully submitted,

Betsey Harding
(Note: an audio-visual record of the meeting may be found on