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Planning Board Minutes -- 07/11/2013


Thursday, July 11th, 2013 – Jackson Town Office
Pending Minutes

        Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7: 05pm,
        Voting Member Determination:  It was determined that all in attendance will be voting members tonight. Minutes of June 13th Regular Meeting were discussed, Larry moved Betsey Seconded to approve the minutes as written and all were in favor.

        Regular members in attendance were Dick Bennett, chair, John Allen, Selectman’s rep, Sarah Kimball, vice chair, Larry Siebert.  Betsey Harding arrived later.
        Alternate members in attendance were Bea Davis, Scott Badger
        Dick and Sarah were not contacted ahead of time by any of the absent members. (Daren Leavitt, David Treadwell, Mike Mallett and Kathleen Dougherty).
        Members of the pubic in attendance were filmer, Hank Benesh, abutters Cathie & Walt Keirans, William T Simonds, Cynthia Morgan, and Diane Smith, representing Thorne Surveys.

                Public comment concerning items not on the agenda: There was none at this time.

                Public Hearing – Gabriel / Brown Lot Line Adjustment - Diane Smith represented designer Thorne Survey. She spoke about the proposed lot line adjustment, and mutual green agreement. Abutters, the Keirans had concern about how wide the driveway would be, and were given Mr. Brown’s contact information. Mr. Simonds, another abutter, also spoke to the board about the history of these lots. The Simonds are in favor of Mr. Brown getting access from No Hampshire Ridge Road versus Tin Mine Road. It’s a shorter distance for Mr. Brown, and he would be better off.  It’s a solution and win-win situation for Mr. Brown and Ms. Gabriel. The board went over the check list to determine if all conditions were met. The Mylar copy will be provided if plan is conditionally approved with all pertinent signatures. Scott moved to give conditional approval contingent on having all parties sign the plans provided. Larry seconded the motion, and all members voting were in favor. Diane Smith from Thorne Surveys was given the plans submitted to gather signatures and return to Office. Ella will call Dick once they are resubmitted along with the Mylar copy and required owner signatures.

                Alteration of Terrain Permit – Letter from DES regarding Couture Application. Dick let the board know that the approval letter was received from the State. It’s basically just an FYI. We just need to keep an eye on whether it. There was concern on the Board, as there is not enough frontage to build a road access, see RSA:674:40, one of the ways to build a house is to subdivide to be able to legally get a driveway/road in. Larry thought it was in the subdivision a regulation that we could give a variance on frontage, Scott isn’t sure that we can.

Land Use Regulation Data Base Update – Letter from Office of Energy and Planning. They are       looking for an updated version of the zoning ordinance. We need to send a copy of the Building Code to them.

Old Business: Betsey updated the board on the comment at one of the prior meetings that there was section 8 housing in the Conway Pines complex, there is NOT. They have classifications for section 8 housing, and that is not one of them.
Build-Out Proposals – Decision on bids received.  Sarah gave a summary on the 3 proposals: North Country Council, Maine NEMO, and FB Environmental.  The Maine NEMO, is basically looking for water resources, use for development, and have only worked in Maine, nothing in NH. Betsey said they did do the Lake Winnipesaukee water plan. Their cost budget was $18,000. The list is very general in what they look at and may not even be applicable to Jackson. Dick saw separate subcontractors doing the work, but not much experience in this area. The North Country Council proposal was submitted by Tara Bamford, as the planning coordinator. They have extensive experience right here in the north country, know the area and their scope of work also looks at several issues that have to do with our master plan, and they realize this a tool to the larger piece. Basic cost budget is $8,500.  There are two optional steps: 1. Have a Workshop explaining things for additional $3000, and 2. Review and audit between goals and future for an additional $2500. Scott asked how we were with digitizing the maps, and Betsey answered we already are digitized. FB Environmental Associates submitted by Forest Bell, who owns the firm. They have done Conway and Eaton and did a small presentation here. Build out and software program are community based, using relevant GIS data program. This basic cost budget is around $8700 and has optional add-ons.  1. Display analysis using output in Google Earth file $400 and 2. Identify key development areas $1040. Scott likes the site specific approach vs software approach. Sarah and Betsey both said all 3 would start out the same as we would provide the data. Betsey  felt  that North Country Council knows the area, but FB Environmental has been working with Conway and Eaton. Dick said North Country Council is a resource for doing the master plan as well. Betsey said their Master plan would be $8 – $10k. Dick asked if there was any more discussion regarding these proposals. Sarah asked if anyone had worked with Tara. Both Betsey and Scott have.  Scott felt experience would count for something versus a PhD candidate with not much field experience. Scott asked what Betsey sees that FB offers more than NCC other than price. She said they don’t include setting up goals for master plan; NCC is an additional $3000. Dick feels once we make our decision, we need to have the Vendor in to make sure all costs are agreed upon so there are no surprises. All leaned towards North Country Council. Sarah moved to choose North Country Council as group to do build out, Scott seconded. All were in favor, and the motion passed. John. Selectman’s representative to the Planning Board will make the recommendation to the Selectmen for final approval. Once Selectmen approve, we will have them in to hammer out the details of the contract.
Survey Questions – Start forming questions for Community Survey: Sarah did some brainstorming at the April meeting. Just to get some topics that need to be addressed in the Master Plan: 1. Rt 16 corridor, 2. School’s declining enrollment? 3. Betsey asked if stay with just 2 districts, or add to that…. What other kinds (river conservation) and possibly ridgeline protection zones? Do we need anything more to protect the water supply? Look at some of the non-conforming uses and adapt zoning to avoid more future non-conforming.  Do we want businesses in the Rural Residential district? We also need to look at employment opportunities, other than what already exists.
Burr Phillips opinion on making things easier for in-law apartments (Accessory) would be 1. To allow someone to add on to an existing septic system; this would be like adding 1 more bedroom and 1 more kitchen, and 2. Adding on to a new septic; this would be like adding on 2 bedrooms and 1 kitchen on for an accessory apartment. Allowing this would most likely have less impact on system would be less than with kids in the house. We most likely would need to reduce the number of bedrooms in the existing home to take this into consideration, and that would be determined by the type of septic they are adding on to, new or existing.
Adjournment – Sarah move to adjourn and it was seconded by Scott, all were in favor, motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.

                       Respectfully Submitted,
                        Ella Cressy