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Planning Board Minutes -- 04/11/2013
Call to Order by Sarah Kimball at 7:02pm

Roll Call: Members present were Sarah Kimball, Acting Chair, Dave Treadwell, Frank Benesh and Betsey Harding.

Alternate members present were Daren Levitt, Mike Mallett, Dick Bennett

Members of the public were Dexter Harding, and Hank Benesh

Voting Member Determination: Scott was unable to attend, Sarah Kimball will be acting chair in his absence. John Allen told Sarah he would not be attending. Larry Seibert was absent. If any votes are taken, all present will vote.

Minutes of the February 4, 2013 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing were discussed.  Betsey noted that after reviewing the Master Plan and checking the survey at the back it was to be 63% out of 300 respondents favored rezoning Route 16, not 63 people were in favor, this will be reviewed when the Master Plan is. It was moved to approve the minutes as written by Betsey Harding and seconded by Dave Treadwell. All were in favor with the extra comment.

Public comment concerning items not on the agenda:  none at this time

Master Plan – revision and updating discussion: Money ($15,000) was approved at Town Meeting. Dexter Harding passed out a flyer regarding a free community forum with the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust on May 11, 2013. Forrest Bell will be speaking on his build out.  Dexter suggested seeing his presentation at Fryeburg to see if it would be something Jackson could use. Frank suggested as many of us as can should go to this for more information. They need RSVP for group numbers for group break out determination.  

Frank said there was Planning Board handout available from the NH Office of Energy and Planning with information on planning board procedures. Frank also suggested purchasing a few copies for Board members. He will email links to this and other documents available on-line.

Conducting a survey to gather information to help in revising the Master Plan was discussed. Betsey would like to get some suggestions from the board on how this needs to be done.  For the last revision a survey was sent out with one color survey for residents and another color for non-residents. Phil Davies collated the survey responses and produced a summary report. If a survey is ready, it could be sent out with the tax statements in June. This would be before the results of the build-out analysis were ready. Dexter said it has taken 3-4 months for him to do the Conway/Eaton build-out.

Sarah thinks we should determine what topics are needed for the survey and not all of them would be covered by the build-out. Mike Mallett suggested we use the 2002 survey results as a base plan.

Sarah said there is more to upgrading the master plan than just the survey. The goals and vision statement needs to be examined and updated. Background info needs to be done as well. Going through the previous Master Plan may generate ideas of what might be in the survey.   

The process for doing the Master Plan update was discussed. Betsey suggested forming committees. At one point the Master Plan committee was Frank, George, Betsey and Dick. Sarah said that the 1988 revision was the work of several committees consisting of both Planning Board members and many Jackson residents. The 2003 revision was done primarily by the Planning Board with members taking different sections, doing the research and writing the updated version. Several members felt it was important to get the public involved with the process through public meetings and involving them on committees.  

A preliminary brainstorming of topics that might be included in the discussion came up with the Route 16 corridor, low income housing, Gray’s Inn property, land use, conservation, community facilities, use of town properties, school enrollment, wetlands, current zoning issues, special exceptions, consulting members of other town boards, department heads, using data from the census and annual town reports, and coordination with the Capital Improvements Plan.  

It was decided that to get the process started all the Planning Board members needed to review the present version of the Master Plan as well as the documents available from the state on how the process is conducted. Southern regional planning commission master plan handbook appears to be a good resource with a series of action steps to get started. Frank will send out links for this as well as the OEP documents. He will also contact Phil Davies to get the previous survey.

Betsey volunteered to start the RFP process for the build-out. Dick said he would help.

Nominating Committee selection: Sarah asked for volunteers for the nominating committee. Dave Treadwell, Daren Levitt will come up with slate of officers to propose at the next meeting. Betsey suggested that there may be an alternate who would want to move up to regular member and then be eligible to be an officer.

Old Business:   none

New Business:   There was a question from the selectmen about whether a change was made in zoning ordinance when it was reformatted, specifically concerning trailers. Betsey compared the two documents, and it doesn’t appear to have changed, what we have prohibits a trailer in the village district. Frank feels we need to wait for a Selectman’s rep to be here to make sure we understand the question.

Adjournment Betsey moved, and Dave seconded to adjourn, all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:43pm.

Respectfully Submitted,  

Ella Cressy

Those minutes look fine to me except for the part about trailers, at New Business.  As I understand current and former zoning regs., trailer or mobile home or manufactured home parks are not (and have not ever been) allowed in Jackson, nor are places where trailers, etc., would be sold.  Individual mobile homes or manufactured homes on individual lots that conform with our zoning requirements are permitted anywhere in town, in both districts, I believe.  Am attaching the comparison document, so others can check to be certain I'm not misinterpreting.  Betsey

Betsey Harding