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PB Minutes, May 10, 2012
Thursday, May 10th, 2012 – Jackson Town Office

Planning Board Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.


Members Present:  Ray Abbott, David Treadwell, Scott Badger, Betsey Harding & John Allen. Sarah Kimball came in at 8:05pm.

Alternates Present: Dick Bennett, George Howard, Larry Siebert, Daren Levitt& Mike Mallett


Guests present: Jerry Dougherty III & Jerry Dougherty IV

                                It was determined that a quorum was present

The Minutes of April 10th were discussed and a motion was made by Betsey Harding    and seconded by David Treadwell to accept the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.


Betsey Harding commented that the minutes need not exceed one to two pages. It was also pointed out that, legally, all that there needs to be is a summary, points discussed and the motions and decisions. In addition, the NH Revised Statutes Annotated (RSAs) indicate that minutes need to be posted within 144 hours of the meeting.  Larry asked if future meetings were going to be taped. He said it was very helpful to him to understand what happened at the last meeting. John Allen said that arrangements had only been made for the Selectman’s meetings to be taped, and that only $3,000.00 was appropriated.

 Public comment concerning items not on the agenda:

                               No public comment

Continuation of State Building Code enforcement discussion:

                            So that everyone, both on the board and among the public, who wants to participate, can, Scott suggested that either a subcommittee be formed, or a public work-session held to start working on building code enforcement amendments. After some discussion, scheduling a work-session was the consensus. The work-session was set for May 22nd at 7:00pm

Scott then presented a letter from Peter Malia regarding whether authority for building code enforcement should be written into the zoning ordinance, or as a separate code.  A copy of his letter shall be attached to the official copy of the minutes. Citing several RSAs, Peter Malia’s opinion is that it’s most appropriately handled separately from the zoning ordinance. George Howard suggested that it would be easier for the property owner if it was included in the zoning ordinance. Dick Bennett suggested that the zoning ordinance and building code are very different things, and should probably be different documents. The town creates, and can alter, the zoning ordinance, while the building code is handed down by the state and cannot be changed by the town. Jerry IV commented that it doesn’t matter where it is so much as making the process and authority clear. Scott commented that much of the present confusion has arisen from trying to handle two different inspection processes under one section in Jackson’s zoning ordinance.


There was then discussion regarding the credentials of the building inspector. It was pointed out that the RSA’s allow the Selectmen to choose whomever they please, but that it was very unlikely they would choose someone not fully qualified. Some felt that it would still be a good idea to write into any ordinance a job description and required credentials. Others felt that it would be difficult and complicated to list out what’s required.

Continuation of Master Plan discussion:

At the last meeting, it was decided to form a subcommittee which would both map out a process for updating the master plan and coordinate the efforts of the Planning Board. It was pointed out that any funds needed for the update would need to be appropriated at town meeting. Scott commented that one of the tasks for the subcommittee would be to indentify what funds are needed and what work can be done before the funds are available.

Betsey Harding will chair the subcommittee which will also include George Howard, Frank Benesh and Dick Bennett from the board.

Old Business:

1.       Chairman nominating committee: Ray Abbott, George Howard & Larry Siebert.

2.        John has copies of the most recent Capital Improvements Plan given to him by Diane.

                          New Business:

The North Country Council sent a letter stating that the Jackson has two openings for Town Rep to the NCC.  Typically, Planning Board recommends potential representatives to the council for the Selectmen to appoint.  Betsey said it’s very important for Jackson and Carroll County to have a presence.   The Reps do not need to be Planning Board members. Larry suggested that something be put in ENews asking for anyone interested. Scott requested that Planning Board members canvas the community for qualified and interested individuals and the board will make recommendations at the next meeting.


                          Dave moved and Betsey seconded a motion to adjourn, all were in favor.                                                                            The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.


                           Respectfully submitted,

                         Ella Cressy


Editor's note: the attached attorney's letter could not be