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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 07/13/2016
Conservation Commission Minutes
July 13, 2016
5:30 PM, Town Office
Draft until Approved
In attendance: Tom Seidel, Pam Smillie, Margaret Graciano, Mike Dufilho
public: Bob Thompson (selectman rep), Hank Benesh (videographer), Susan Ross-Parent (note taker)
Review Minutes: Bill Terry was at the Falls work session,
Need to approve May minutes: next time – no copy: Susan email to committee for next meeting
June Work session minutes: Margaret motion to approve, Mike second. Approved by all
Public Comment – no public comment
Tom sends condolences to Deb in regards to Larry's passing. Larry was a long time member of CC. Margaret: something in memorial? Mike: Larry did a lot out in back of library, town hall – something there. Pam: let's talk to Deb – Margaret will. No benches.
Jackson Falls – selectmen say CC can put fences up. CC suggested split rail, no conditions given, or location specifications outside of CC recommendations.
Bob clarifies that no specifications but suggests working with Pat Kelly Road Agent to get the fence up so it'll stay up thru plowing, etc. Would orchestrate a meeting as he is liaison.
Parking observations: 18 car fit in big lot, 5 in smaller – angle parking best.
Cars are parking under trees despite twine fences and signs.
No parking signs needed from Pat.
Margaret: No parking on Carter Notch except in designated spots? Tom says that needs more discussion with selectmen.
Pam: Valley Cross parking too dangerous once cars are on both sides. Better to post NO Parking instead of piecemeal – Margaret: the no parking on Valley Cross has been approved, just need signs.
Mike: similar to Macworth Island near Falmouth with its limited parking.
Margaret: bank is getting trashed (and trash accumulates) as cars are parked off pavement and further into bank. To selectmen's meeting Bob?
Bob: CC, road agent, selectmen want all the same things: safety foremost. If parking is pinching off access for emergency vehicles this needs to be addressed with all concerned.
Pam notes: new spaces were added at the end of Valley Cross near Carter Notch to offset the loss of spaces elsewhere.
Tom: signs needed to direct traffic to overflow lots on Valley Cross or at base near Wentworth.
Bob: let's set a meeting with Pat: Will try for Wed. July 20 at 3 PM at the Falls.
BRIAN! TOM! Bring 100 ft tape measure!
plan work sessions – July 20, 3 PM at Falls.
Prospect Farm –
review progress on interpretive signs: Sign committee still working, may need to re-divide work, need to set focus for the signs. Tom remembers: using cellar farms to illustrate change in cultural history:
Mike: forest → hill farm → civil war-→ westward migration → forest → managed forest
Drafts due in September, printing at Minute Man ($145 for 5)
Kiosk: spin it to be seen as one drives up
Tom: would like to ask JSTF to consolidate signs onto one post at junctions.
Conservation Easements
start process, assign properties:
6+ easements. Need to get permission from landowners to go walk the properties.
Pam tutors Susan: SPNHF=Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
4: SPNHF holds executory interest – (if town can't do it, SPNHF will be backup) Tilney, Rockwell, Burgess/Highland, Peppers
And the ones that are not? Are held by the town: Gabriel, Wildcat River Trust, Milliken/Holcombe
These all must be monitored yearly for unapproved development.
Those held by SPNHF – report needed
To do: get list, monitor, notification will be coming for us to monitor and report
Pam will Tilney with Dave
Mike will do Rockwell
others to be assigned when we have the list. Tom will email.
Gray's Inn – Pam: parking lot paved. Mike: Condition of trail sign unknown. Mower asked to mow the path – contact Pat (Bob: new mower, so things may be different.)
Side note regarding mowing at Falls: grassy CC planted area was mowed last year. Bob: talked with Pat and that's a great discussion when CC meets with road agent. Time to renew expectations, CC's call, get a document for how CC wants mowing done. Mike reminds: maintenance plan was discussed for that area.
Pam: glossy buckthorn needs to be uprooted, not cut
Margaret: motion to approve money for 5 Jackson Falls signs to be replaced (from above.)
Mike 2nd: approved by all.
Pam: suggests tools for the CC to have available to removal of invasive plants – research to find type and cost.
Added Agenda:
Expenses at Paris Farmers: $11=Mark Ross-Parent spent for twine. Margaret turned in receipts for other Falls spending.
Larry – see above
August meeting: plan for Sept meeting that will fall on Labor Day.
Margaret: motion to adjourn
Tom sets that aside to bring up Spraying:
Info to opt out of spraying now on town website, blinking red.
Pam: seems the town has nothing that can be done that it's an NHEC decision.
Bob: NHEC will spray where appropriate (not near water sheds) plan to spray every 4-5 years. Will inform with robocall: need to update phone #s with NHEC
Margaret: her concern is: getting into water supply even with a low concentration? If the town approves it – what can we do? Everyone opt out?
Bob: someone wanted to use the town office info to contact all land owners involved. Not the best use of town office time. The glyphosate is a different issue and the spraying of the electric ROW spraying is different and the selectmen support the NHEC's keeping the grid up. Feels that everyone has the info between the enews and the town web site. A committee came together to discuss the spraying of glyphosate for knot weed and all but one agreed that there was nothing else to do to fight knotweed. Trying to respect everyone's opinion but has looked at lots of research and had state expert up to look at the issue: he said the chemical is inert in 10 minutes.
Already approved by legislative body of town. NHEC sprays after cutting to curtail growth of saplings under lines.
Side issue question to Bob from Pam: Why is the side walk closed on green bridge over Wild Cat on Valley Cross Rd? Bob explains: compromised structurally, corroded, major structural repair to make safe for use. Bridge slated for replacement in 2018 – not worth the repair for a 1.5 year use. Jay and Bob jumped up and down on the side walk and determined to call the engineer.
Margaret remotions ajournment: Mike seconds.
Thanks to Hank and Susan.
As always, the public is encouraged to attend and share their vision for the use of Jackson town properties. Our meetings are typically at 5:30 PM at the town office building on the first Monday of each month