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November 2, 2015 - Minutes
Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2015
Unofficial until Approved

Present were members: Margaret Graciano, Larry Siebert, Pam Smillie, Dave Matesky, Mike Dufilho, Tom Seidel, and Brian Byrne. The gang's all here!
Visitor included: George Howard
Hank Benesh filmed the meeting.

We reviewed the minutes from October 5, 2015 and unanimously approved them.

Wetlands Permits
Tom used a map to illustrate what is happening with Black Mountain's dam in the Wildcat River. Greg Howard e-mailed Tom to ask if the commission had any comments regarding the wetlands permit. Tom feels that the written proposal meets the requirements necessary under a wild and scenic river designation but that Black Mountain MUST remove the dam in the springtime. Larry is concerned about whether or not they will actually remove the dam on time. The commission discussed when the Wildcat River was designated and whether or not Black Mountain had permission to build the dam prior to the designation. Larry asked what will actually happen if Black Mountain does not remove the dam as scheduled. We figured that the timing of dam removal was likely chosen based on spring flooding. Margaret thinks that we need to check in the springtime to make sure that they remove the dam because there are ecological impacts of damming a river permanently. Because we need to agree on a comment, Tom will reply that we feel the plan is an improvement over the former sandbagging method.
Mike found the original Wildcat Brook management plan in our filing cabinet and after looking through it, read that the plan does stipulate that the river can be used for economic and recreational enhancement.
The Wild and Scenic River Act was passed by Congress in 1988. A draft of the plan from 2003 acknowledged that the river was currently used to divert water for snow making. After great discussion, Tom came up with a group comment upon which we all agreed.

Tom presented a non-expedited wetlands permit for Frances Ave (off of Meloon Rd.). Because it is not an expedited permit we don't have to do anything with it. Larry said it wouldn't hurt to go take a look just to make sure there are no egregious problems. Larry, Dave and Brian  (the Wetlands subcommittee) will check it out.

SPNHF Easement Monitoring
Tom checked in to see if people have done their assignments yet and informed us that we can do it online. There were a few unassigned sites from last month that Tom distributed. Larry will monitor the Pepper property and Brian will monitor the Burgess property.

Jackson Falls
Tom decided we should postpone planning our layout of the falls until we can find the big map. We will use the map to show potential fence and sign posting locations.

Larry shared that Susan May e-mailed regarding the cutting at Washington Boulder. Weed whacking the surrounding plot takes down all the beautiful ferns and blueberries. We decided that this will be a future project.

Anything Else About Anything Else?
Tom asked if anyone has any other comments about Gray's Inn or anything else. Mike feels that the Mystery Loop trail sign should be moved from the lower lot to directly behind the library. Tom agreed and said we can make a list for things to move and signs to install in the springtime.

We decided that for December's meeting we will meet in our kiosk sub-committees at the regular time and place to plan the Prospect Farm and Jackson Falls' kiosks. Anyone who has input should come to this meeting!

Larry announced that when his term is up at the end of March he intends to step down. He suggested we start looking around for interested individuals. Any takers?

George asked if we could include more information regarding the budget in our meetings. Tom said yes. He then explained that we depleted our year's budget but still have money in the conservation fund.

Larry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:28pm and Margaret seconded it. We were all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Graciano