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October 5, 2015 - Minutes
Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2015

Present were members: Margaret Graciano, Dave Matesky, Tom Seidel, Mike Dufilho, and Pam Smillie. Brian Byrne and Larry Siebert were absent.
Visitors were Martha Benesh, George Howard, and Penny Miller.
Hank Benesh filmed the meeting.

The minutes from September 7, 2015 and the work session were unanimously approved as amended.

The commission decided to ask Bob Thompson to be our official Town Selectmen liaison.

The commission reviewed the wetlands permits and concluded that we don't have to take any action on the Black Mountain cofferdam.

We decided to have each member of the commission adopt a trail to keep an eye on things and report back on any necessary work or changes. The assignments are as follows:

Jackson Falls- Pam
Prospect Farm- Mike, Tom and Margaret as bonus
Washington Boulder- Dave
Mystery House Loop- Larry

We also divided the SPNHF easement monitoring. Pam and Dave are in charge of the Tilney property and Mike will do the Rockwell property.

A motion was made to approve the $246.00 annual dues for the NH Association of Conservation Commissions. All were in favor.

Review of Jackson Falls work session
We posted signs, revisited the wood chips plan, and discussed the possibility of installing a temporary fence that would replace the twine.

Martha Benesh has some concerns about the recent publication that cocktails are welcome at the falls. She is also wondering where people are going to the bathroom?
Pam commented that there used to be a dumpster but the idea is that more facilities create more trash.
Margaret wondered if we should address the fence idea. What do people think?
Dave thinks its the only way to funnel people onto designated paths.
Pam feels that the twine was only ever intended to be temporary and maybe we can just install a fence in select locations.
Tom feels that we should wait until all members of the commission are present to come up with a formal proposal. Margaret volunteered to create the outline of a fence proposal for us to work off of at the next meeting.

Tom asked for everyone to sign up for kiosk design. Pam, Brian, Dave (and maybe Larry) are on the Jackson Falls kiosk committee.
Mike, Margaret and Tom signed up to be on the Prospect Farm kiosk committee. George Howard volunteered to help with the Prospect Farm kiosk.
Tom asked if anyone wants to attend the annual meeting of the Association of Conservation Commissions on November 7th in Pembroke. No one committed but maybe someone will.

Gray's Inn
Mike says we need to clarify how to get from the parking lot behind the library to the Mystery Loop trail head. The signage is unclear and we need to put up some additional blazes to indicate where to go. Perhaps some arrows would help.
Tom said that this gets back to the larger idea of having all our signs match on the various trails. Perhaps we should move the sign from the lower lot to behind the town offices where more people are likely to park.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Graciano