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April 6, 2015 - Minutes
Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
                                                April 6, 2015

Present: Larry Siebert, Margaret Graciano, Mike Dufilho, and Tom Seidel. Absent: Pam Smillie and Dave Matesky. Hank Benesh filmed the meeting and George Howard joined us.

A motion was made to approve March's minutes and they were unanimously approved as amended.

Larry explained to Tom the responsibilities of the conservation commission chairman and a discussion arose regarding the division of duties possible as Larry phases out and a new chair comes in. Larry made a motion to elect Tom Seidel chairman of the commission. The motion was seconded and approved.
Larry made a motion to elect Brian Byrne vice chairman. The motion was seconded and approved.
Larry made a motion to elect Margaret Graciano as secretary. The motion was seconded and approved.

Larry explained to Tom where to find the answers to what is legal and what is not. Everything is clearly delineated by the RSA's.

A motion was made to approve paying our $242.00 dues to the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions. Historically we haven't taken full advantage of the opportunities available to us but there are a lot of interesting classes and workshops that we can try to attend. This motion was seconded and approved.

Prospect Farm
Larry shared the write-ups from Dexter Harding regarding cellar hole and property historys at Prospect Farm.

The Museum of the White Mountains at Plymouth State University has a series of photos regarding White Mountain history and Tom wondered if the photo collection may have photos that extend this far south.
Larry is wondering about the location of a waterfall.....
Larry presented a map from the 1979 Jackson Conservation Commission Newsletter that showed former trails at Prospect Farm.
George proposed creating a town trail system at Prospect Farm on town land that would be open year round for resident use.
Larry thinks that the abandoned broken down Oldsmobile up off the orchard trail would make a great story and a prime feature to include on a trail network.
Margaret asked why the trails in the 1979 newsletter don't exist anymore and Larry wasn't sure.
Larry read from Margaret Garland's report to the town in 1986 about the history of Pingree at Prospect Farm. He and Ebeneezerr Coe were interested intimberland.. After purchasing land in Maine they bought some land in Jackson, NH (at Prospect Farm) in 1884.  E.A. And J.B.Mason received some divided land in 1881 that Coe and Pingree then purchased from them.

George said that Prospect Farm was settled by immigrants moving further north to escape increasing land costs in the seacoast area.
George Howard is more than willing to assist with researching the cultural history of Prospect Farm any way that he can but he feels ultimately it would have more legitimacy as a conservation commission project.
Tom wants to identify our objectives and goals in creating these trails. What is the purpose? Because after we identify why we want to create the trails, then we can determine who we want to partner with. The members of the commission will come up with a list of objectives to bring to the May meeting for more discussion. Members of the public are invited to attend to share their feelings about their objectives.
Tom and Mike are going to investigate the possibility of using Survey Monkey to poll town residents regarding what they would like to see with any new trails.
At the May meeting we will come prepared with a list of questions for the survey.
There was some discussion regarding the placement of trails.

Jackson Website
Julie talked to Larry about posting more information to the town website.
Tom commented that the other town committees post their minutes to the E-news before they are approved. By law we have to make the minutes available to the public within five days after the meeting. Larry has always been willing to talk with anyone interested in the topics of our meetings but in the future we will try to post them faster.

Margaret asked if we are still going to have Linda Comeau from Upper Saco Valley Land Trust come and speak with us about putting town land into conservation easement. Larry said that it is still a possibility. Tom can contact her as part of his new duties.
Larry reiterated that everything is mandated by the RSA's.

Tom asked if anyone attended the Selectmen's meeting on Thursday to discuss the parking issue.
No one had.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Graciano