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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 10/05/2014
Conservation Commission minutes October 5, 2014
Present: Larry Siebert, Brian Byrne, Mike Dufilho, Pam Smillie, Dave M, Tom Seidel
Visitors: George Howard, Dr. Carrier, Susan Scolamiero (Mountain Garden Club), Mr. Carbon
1) Heritage Path Irrigation
            Larry introduced Dr. Carrier and Susan who gave a brief history of the Heritage Walk (created by Jackson Historic Society in 2004 to mark the rebuilding of the covered bridge, includes names of original settlers in town, maintenance passed to the Garden Club in 2006).  They also described the poor condition of the plantings and how it is hard for the volunteers to drag a hose out to water the plants.  They propose to cut across the town office driveway to install two conduits, one for a water line and one for the flag pole's electrical service.  The new water line would allow a drip irrigation system to be installed in the flower bed and possibly allow further irrigation to the new library.  Dr. Carrier has an estimate of $1080 to do the work provided it is done at the end of October in conjunction with work at the Old Library. He asked the CC to help fund. Larry made a motion to pay half the cost ($540) if the town selectmen do not fund.  Discussion followed: Larry clarified that he thought this type of project came under the purview the of Conservation Commission as the town has no Parks and Rec. board.  Mike thought the plantings should be switched to native species needing no watering.  Brian thought it wasn't a good use of our funds.  The motion passed with 4 yeas, 1 no and 1 abstaining.
2) A motion was made, seconded unanimously passed to approve last month's minutes.
3) Prospect Farm Ordinance
            Larry presented two items to help guide our decision making in clarifying usage of Prospect Farm. First he hasn't found the 1972 voting results regarding the proposed ordinance but the town voted in 1986 to ban motorized recreation (snowmobiles, ATVs) on Prospect Farm. Second, a photo of Whitaker Woods in North Conway illustrating their rules: No motors, no hunting, no fires, no camping, closed 10PM to 6AM.  Larry proposed a motion to ask the selectmen to include an ordinance at Town Meeting, “To see if the town will vote to regulate and protect Prospect Farm by banning all motorized vehicular use except for maintenance, forestry, emergency or to comply with Federal ADA laws.  Further to ban open fires, hunting, and camping unless for educational purposes with the written permission of the Selectmen.” Discussion: No discussion of the no camping, no fires besides noting these activities are allowed on the abutting National Forest land. Motorized recreation is not allowed on the Adjacent national forest, meaning there is no where to go.  Tom thought hunting could be allowed if rules similar to the National Forest were adopted (no hunting from or within 150 yards of any road or trail). Motioned passed unanimously.
4) Financial Update
$543.75 spent to date.  Gray's Inn's signs came to $261 not $251 as reported last month. The signs are in and look nice. New Prospect Farm map, with Don Johnson's time, cost $1,560.  Motion made, seconded, and unanimously approved to pay Don Johnson. Larry reported on Selectmen's meeting regarding JXC: no free skiing, need pass for Prospect and Gray's Inn town land. Larry encourages us to hike at Prospect and think about cutting new trails to create loops on town land. Do we have manpower to cut?  Maintain? What would be use of new trails (hike, ski, snowshoe, all?)
5) Jackson Falls
            Selectmen provisionally approved updated soil conservation action plan including blocking parking on Valley Cross Road provided it does not hinder snow removal.  Creation of three new parking spots on the Carter Notch/Valley Cross corner could be done in summer 2015 with Jay Henry's input.  Larry met with AMC trail crew supervisor regarding building two stone staircases at the north end of the falls on the steep slope.  The estimate is $4,000 for one week's work of a four person crew. They can use on-sight rocks and have idea to reclaim silted-in check dams. Larry made a motion to hire the AMC for one week at $4,000.  If work goes slow Commission will call an emergency meeting to discus.  Seconded, passed unanimously. Larry bought conservation mix (not Ernst mix, G.Howard oked the change) at $64.50 for 25 lbs.  Motion, seconded, passed unanimously to reimburse Larry.
6) Willits Easment
            Mr. Willits is in negotiations with USVLT to finalize his easement near Iron Mountain and it looks like he won't need the commission's funding help.
7) Action items
            Need to hang signs in Gray's Inn.  Member's will scout for good trees.  If none, Brian will donate some PT scraps for signs.  Will arrange by email to hang signs. One tree reported down on trail.
            Need to finish spreading wood chips at Falls and get more for southernmost picnic table area.
            Need to spread conservation mix at Falls after staircases are built.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas Seidel