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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 09/08/2014
Conservation Commission minutes
September 8, 2014

Present: Larry Siebert, Brian Byrne, Mike Dufilho, Pam Smillie, Tom Seidel, Margaret Graciano  Visitors: Don Johnson (Town Forester), George Howard, Bea Davis, Nancy Davis

1) Prospect Farm Display

            Don Johnson presented his revised map for the Prospect Farm kiosk for final input.

            George Howard opined the map should show only the town's property as thinks the CC's responsibility is limited to Prospect Farm. He believes we shouldn't include the trails at the end of Carter Notch Rd. not on town Property. The other management groups (AMC, government, or whoever...) should post information on their own trails. George also objected to the phrase “town forest” as the deed for Prospect Farm uses the phrase park, not forest.

            Everyone was in agreement that we can remove “town forest” as long as the sign somehow states that Prospect Farm is town property.  The commission agreed that in order to be as useful as possible for recreational use, as well as highlighting the history (cellar holes), the new map should include all the trails at the end of Carter Notch Rd. so people can navigate as they need to as the trail network is fairly confusing, and almost all trails which start on town property rapidly leave.

Larry suggested that in the future we try to connect the trails at Prospect Farm in order to create loops.


Changes to map:

-        Delete “town forest,” call it simply “Prospect Farm, Town of Jackson”

-        Label the Marsh Brook XC ski trail also as Hutman's Heights hiking trail because the trail does share both names and is very confusing.

-        It should also say that Prospect Farm is managed by Jackson Conservation Commission.


2) Prospect Farm Ordinance

            Larry noted Whittaker Woods in Conway posts the rules at the trail head. Bea Davis says that guidelines and regulations were voted on at a town meeting in 1972 and possibly again later in the 70's, maybe 1979. Larry had copies of the Warrant Articles from 1972 (numbers 54, 55) but not the actual town meeting voting record. We need to find those meeting minutes and any other adopted ordinances before suggesting any new ones.

            Nancy Davis says that snowmobiles should be allowed because it was town land before ski touring trails. The only agreement Larry has between the town and JXC is dated October 7, 2004:

From Dee McLave to Thom Perkins, Jackson town residents have the right to purchase season's passes at an early discounted rate. Nancy Davis also says that town residents are allowed to ski for free at Prospect Farm. But this has never been established clearly and we have no written documentation on the matter. The selectmen will be meeting in a few weeks and they've invited Breanne Torrey to attend and establish JSTF's policy with locals at Prospect Farm.

            George Howard is opposed to the Stump Dump because Prospect Farm is a designated park.

            George Howard asked about the Conservation Commission’s accounting practices. Larry said that we can only access our money through the town treasurer who can also show costs.

Larry read the Forest Stewardship Plan for Prospect Farm and there is no maintenance plan. Larry

wrote a draft ordinance. The commission will review it and come up with ideas for the following meeting. Larry will be attending the selectmen's meeting on September 18 to discuss Prospect Farm ordinance.  Tom suggested that we make a stipulation in future agreement with JSTF regarding maintaining sign standards.


3) A motion was made and approved to pay Rick Davis to mow Prospect Farm (orchard, view, etc.)



4) Gray's Inn Signage

Larry received the estimate for eight full color signs on 6mm Sintra plastic. The total cost is $251.25 which was above the $200 approved last meeting.  Margaret made a motion to approve spending the money on the signs. Everyone was in favor, the motion was approved.


5) Hayes' Farm Conservation Easement

           Robin Willits approached Larry (before the meeting) to ask if the Conservation Commission would help him place 80 acres at the top of Green Hill Rd., including the beginning of the Iron Mountain Trail, into an easement.  Larry passed on that Mr. Willits has spent a fair amount of his money resurveying the land to prepare for donating the development rights. Larry suggested Upper Saco Valley Land Trust receive the easement, which asks for a $5,000 maintenance fee to inspect the easement in perpetuity.  Larry made a motion for the conservation commission pay $5,000.00 to USVLT for the maintenance fee.


USVLT might be able to cover the fee from a new fund that they have for people who cannot front the money.

Brian thinks that we should look into this further in order to understand the situation with Mr.Willits' costs .

Tom thinks it doesn't matter what he did, the land matters. Pam agrees with Tom. Mike thinks its an important piece of land. But he's hesitant to hand over such a large sum of money and set a precedent that the town covers easement fees. 

Larry (or Mike?) noted this property had previously been identified as an important conservation property by an USVLT inventory.

The commission would like to read the easement before helping fund it.

Larry withdrew his initial motion and made a new motion to pay any remainder of the $5,000.00 maintenance fee to USVLT provided Mr. Willits makes a good faith effort to obtain all, or some, of the fee from another source.  Brian seconded the motion. Five in favor, one abstained from voting.


6) Jackson Falls

            Larry asked if the commission thought the path on the island at Lower Falls needed any work.

Margaret suggested that we don't need to mow because after walking the path, it is perfectly passable and accessible to the public; the commission agreed.

            Jackson Falls Action Plan

The selectmen have voted on the 2013 Falls action plan, but not the updated plan produced in 2014. Larry intends to attend the Selectmen's meeting on September 18th to present the updated plan which reflects the soil scientist's site inspection after the implementation of 2013 action items. We still need to accomplish a few tasks:

-        Continue covering exposed roots with wood chips

-        Building a staircase on the steep slope at the north end of the falls heading to Valley Cross Rd. (The CC hopes to hire the Appalachian Mountain Club trail crew, a meeting with Larry and the AMC will follow this month regarding the extent and cost of work. We also need to find a source of stone.)

-        Spread additional Ernst conservation mix.

-        The new plan allows for the construction of three additional parking spots at the Carter Notch/Valley Cross intersection along with blocking off-road parking on Valley Cross.

-        Find a way to maintain the check dams at the Carter Notch/Valley Cross intersection as runoff erosion has now migrated down hill of the full check dams. Larry proposed that we ask Greg Howard to re-examine the check dams and come up with an alternate plan that might not need annual maintenance.


A motion was made, seconded, and approved for Larry to purchase Ernst mix.


7)      We reviewed the minutes from August 4, 2014 and unanimously approved them as amended.


Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Graciano and Tom Seidel