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Conservation Commission Minites -- 07/27/2014 - Work Session
July 27, 2014 Work Session Conservation Commission

Present were Dave Matesky, Tom Seidel, Margaret Graciano, and Brian Byrne. Wilder Byrne and Susan May graciously volunteered.

Meeting at Gray’s Inn the group worked for a few hours digging out knotweed and carefully containing the roots and stems to minimize spreading, and bringing the piles to the parking lot where they could dry out without touching soil. The knotweed will be hauled to the transfer station burn pile. It is essential to note that John Edgerly has very strict rules on the handling and disposal of invasive species at the transfer station. To note the berms surrounding the burn pile are inundated with the over growth of knotweed due to the indiscriminate nature in which it has been brought to the site by residents, who are not aware of its tremendous ability to spread,

Essentially, knotweed must be brought to the burn pile in a contained manner so that no stem or root rhizomes can be spread, and it must be put in the center of the pile with the acknowledgement of the transfer station staff so that they may burn it in a timely fashion.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Siebert