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Conservation Commission Minutes --11/04/2013
Conservation Commission Minutes November 4, 2013



Members present: Mike Dufihlo, David Matesky, Larry Siebert and Pam Smillie. 

The Minutes of October 7, 2013 were reviewed and approved. 

The Minutes of the work session of October 11, 2013 were reviewed and approved.

Jackson Falls.  We need to move the rest of the wood chips at the Falls for the winter.

Gray’s Inn Wetland Restoration.  Received an invoice from Greg Howard for the annual Ice Pond Brook monitoring, which will come to its completion in 2014. 

A Motion was made to pay Greg Howard’s invoice for the Ice Pond Brook Restoration work in the amount of $472.50.  Motion approved.

Expedited Wetlands Permit.   An application for an expedited wetlands permit at North Hampshire Ridge was made.  The Commission’s subcommittee for review of expedited permits accepted it and processed the permit.  It is a 6 ½  acre, single family home that needed a culvert for a driveway.  Jay Henry will take a look at the property as well. 

JCC Budget.   The JCC has spent $2,285.00 this year.  Our annual operating budget is $2,000.  Of the amount spent, $980 was paid to Greg Howard for the Jackson Falls Action Plan, $250 was spent on seed and materials for the Falls.

A Motion was made to reimburse Larry Siebert for the seed and materials for the Falls in the amount of $250. The Motion was approved.

We have not yet received Rick Davis’ bill for mowing Prospect Farm.

Mystery Loop Trail.   A map of the trail was discussed and reviewed.  Larry has noted and numbered the items of interest on a plan of the Gray’s Inn property.  Mike will scan and size photographs to be added to the map of the items of interest.  Larry will coordinate the location of the trailhead kiosk with Thom Perkins of JSTF.  Larry Garland may be able to help with the map after we have added what we want. 

Great Brook near Whitney’s.  Members discussed the DES issue with the pond and erosion at Whitney’s as requested by Mary Howe.  The bank and the bottom of Great Brook can’t be disturbed.  The Commission will continue to monitor the situation.

Adjourned 6:15.  Respectfully submitted. Pam Smillie