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Conservation Commission Work Session -- 10/14/2012
Conservation Commission Work Session October 14, 2012 Minutes
Present were Jess Wilson, Larry Siebert, Brian Byrne, and Pam Smillie. Visitors and volunteers were Chris Fithian, and Mark Leary.
The members and volunteers met at 9:30 AM, having walked the property several times before and having Don Johnson mark the outer boundaries earlier in the summer we were able to flag out an upper loop with potential views of Mt. Washington and Black Mountain.

  We began cutting and raking working until 12 noon which completed almost 50% of the trail. We left with the agreement that Larry would speak to Don Johnson about laying out some views and getting an estimate so that we may be able to complete this project by the end of November.

 Pam will contact Larry Garland and coordinate with the Jackson Ski Touring on mapping out the trail and naming it.

Respectfully submitted,
Larry Siebert