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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 06/04/2012
Conservation Commission minutes June 4, 2012


Present: Larry Siebert, Dave Matesky, Mike Dufilo, Jess Wilson, Pam Smillie.  Absent: Brian Byrne, Hank Dresch.    Also Present: Dexter Harding, Martha Benesh, Hank Benesh.

The meeting convened at 5:34pm.

The Minutes from May 14, 2012 were approved.

The Minutes from May 27, 2012 Work Session were approved.

May 27, 2012 Work Session Summary:  480 saplings were planted at the Gray’s Inn Property and Ernst seed mix was spread to encourage re-vegetation sensitive areas.  Greg Howard visited the site after the plantings and commented that the work and area looks great.  New growth has already been seen on the saplings.  Greg expects DES to acknowledge receipt of his report and thinks DES will visit the site in autumn.  Special thanks to Larry for returning to the property on Memorial Day to finish the work the commission wasn’t able to complete on May 27th.

Prospect Farm: The commission was scheduled to visit the 2012 Proposed Timber Harvest area during this meeting, but the visit was postponed due to steady rain.  The site visit has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 10, 2012, 9am, at the Prospect Farm parking area.  Dexter Harding asked the commission to consider the WMNF THAN project that is occurring in the forest surrounding Prospect Farm.   He noted that beneficial edge habitats exists (and more will be created in winter 2012-13) nearby the town land.  The commission also briefly clarified the history as to why the timber harvest wasn’t following the original recommendations of the Prospect Farm Management Plan (which prescribes each of the three timber harvest sites rotating on a schedule wherein each section is harvested individually, with 5-10 years in between each harvest);  the harvest amounts in each section are too small to be profitable for individual logging operations, thus the town has coincided its’ harvest with the WMNF and their ROW to implement the previous two harvests.  


Gray’s Inn Trail: Don Johnson marked the property boundary at the back of the Gray’s Inn Property for the town.  He saw two look-out potentials along the future trail; in the autumn a narrow patch of trees could be cut at each of these vistas to afford views.  Greg Howard indicated that DES requires the filing of a Trail Notification for new trails, this permit will cost $25.  The commission needs to work with Thom Perkins regarding the bridge/water crossing at the beginning of the proposed trail.  Larry updated the selectmen about this trail in May, the selectmen were concerned about the amount of trees cut for the Gray’s Inn Trail—Larry reported that the trail could be constructed with little to no cutting due to the limited underbrush along the proposed trail route.  The lookouts would be cut professionally by Don Johnson, not the commission members.  


Jackson Falls:  Larry also updated the Selectmen on the commission’s efforts to limit erosion at the Falls.  The Selectmen felt that the Falls were a losing battle, but agreed the town should not cut the brush at the Falls this year in an effort to funnel foot traffic onto the existing trails.  Dave suggested that the WMNF be involved in the Falls—because the Wildcat River is a wild and scenic river, the WMNF may have resources and expertise to help the commission be more effective.

At this point, the meeting was moved from the Town Office to Wentworth Island.

The Wentworth Easement/ Wentworth Island:  Larry found a grist mill granite stone near the bank of the river.  The stone is likely a part of the grist mill that was located at the Jackson Falls in the mid-1800’s.  The commission will pursue the logistics of pulling the stone out of the ground, adding it to the historical display located on the easement, and the creation of a new interpretive display for the stone.  The group also looked at the location of the former bridge that led to Wentworth Island.  Hurricane Irene swept the bridge down river, so the commission needs to decide whether or not to rebuild bridge access to the island.  The group wasn’t able to cross onto Wentworth Island due to high water, but observed significant erosion on the island from Hurricane Irene and the recent heavy rains.  


Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.