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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 04/02/2012
Conservation Commission Minutes April 2, 2012
We convened our meeting at 4PM in order to meet with the Upper Saco Valley Land Trust. In attendance were Forrest Bell, William Abbott, and Tom Cross from USVLT. Conservation Commission members Mike Dufihlo, Hank Dresch, Dick Benett, Dave Matesky, Pam Smillie, Brian Byrne and Larry Siebert.  In attendance were Selectman John Allen and Jerry Dougherty. Planning Board members Betsy Harding, Frank Benesh, Sara Kimball, George Howard and Scott Badger. Also in attendance were Thom Perkins, Dexter Harding, Larry Garland, Hank Benesh , Linda Comeau, and Al Aldrich. I apologize if I have missed anyone.
The USVLT gave an informational presentation about their role in shaping the environmental health of the entire upper Saco Valley watershed, which they referred to as a strategic planning process. This area extends as far north as Jackson, west to Bartlett and Hales Location, South to Eaton, and Madison and east to Fryeburg and Denmark. An hour-long power point presentation mapped out an extensive study of our areas water resources, forest resources including soils, agricultural resources, wildlife habitat, and bird areas as well as our developed areas. Mapping each of these items separately and overlaying the maps and data has enabled the USVLT to better understand and focus on areas of concern to protect.
The final hour of their presentation was to survey the audience so they could better understand Jackson’s unique role in protecting our environment for the future. This presentation is available to any interested member of the public on a CD, which they have provided to us and will be on file at the Town Office.
   Our regular meeting was convened at 6PM with all members in attendance. We approved the Minutes of March 12th meeting. Dick Bennett asked if we could forego elections until our next meeting in May as he has applied for an appointment with the Planning Board. If he is accepted then he will be resigning from the Conservation Commission and if he is not appointed he has agreed to stay on and take over the Chairmanship.
Sean Sweeney a local hydrologist will be coming on for a site visit of the Jackson Falls on Friday, April 6 2012 to take a look at the erosion and de-vegetation of the area. Larry will notice a work session. This will be a no fee informational for us to take advantage of.
Gregg Howard will be coming to do a site visit of the Gray’s Inn property. His last visit in the fall on November 14th, 2011 he had asked us to do 6 things:
1       Remove pipes from vernal pool
2       Randomly place woody debris in vernal pool
3       Remove the large piece of granite that fell into the brook at the granite dam
4       Install wetland signs
5       Notify Jackson ski Touring about their bridge being compromised by stream bank erosion
6       Randomly spread woody debris in some of the restored wetland areas.
Pam, Larry and Mike had achieved most of these one day in early December. Jay Henry removed the piece of granite shortly after that date.
We made a motion to hire Greg Howard to come on April 4th for a site visit and to help us plan the re-planting effort. It was seconded and passed unanimously. Larry will notice a work session for April 4th.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:30 PM