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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 02/13/2012
Conservation Commission Minutes February 13, 2012
Members present: Dick Bennett, Brian Byrne, Hank Dresch, Mike Dufilho, Larry Siebert and Pam Smillie.  David Matesky absent. 
January, 2012 Minutes were approved.
Dredge and Fill permit for property on Green Hill Road to put boulders back in the river that had been moved by tropical storm Irene was briefly discussed.  A copy of the permit is at the Town office.  It has been approved by Department of Environmental Services.
Letter from Upper Saco Valley Land Trust (USVLT) discussed.  USVLT is putting together a natural resources inventory and would like to prioritize conservation needs.  The commission will invite USVLT to a meeting. USVLT has a new executive director and it is believed that it will be a while before a meeting including the commission, the Selectmen and the Planning Board will be scheduled.
Year End Summary.  In future, the year end summary will be added to the commission’s agenda for November of each year so that all the members can have some input as desired.
Jackson Falls Plan.  Larry Siebert reviewed the attempts to meet with Sean Sweeney, to put together a plan for the Falls.  Larry expects to follow up with Sean in April when the snow melts.  The first meeting is free of charge and Sean will lay out what he can and can’t do.  The commission can decide at that point about a contract for the plan.
Washington Boulder.  Larry suggested that the sign on the town owned lot on Tin Mine Road be removed from the tree that it is currently on and replaced.
Society for Preservation of New Hampshire Forest monitoring.  Status of monitoring by commission members of various easements was reviewed.  Some easement monitoring reports are still outstanding.
Letter to enews/town column regarding Prospect Farm timber cut.  Larry to circulate information about the status of the timber cut.
Expanded parking lot at Prospect Farm.  This will be added as a project.  Also discussed making a trail to the old mill and 128 foot waterfall from Prospect Farm.  Need to talk to people who know the location of waterfall and mill.
American Chestnuts are available to towns from UNH.
Iron Mountain Trail condition briefly discussed and possible letter to USFS to see if they will repair trail since most of trail is not on private land. 
Meeting adjourned 6:30.