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Conservation Commission Minutes -- 11/14/2011
Conservation Commission Minutes November 14, 2011
Members present including Dick Bennett, Brian Byrne, Hank Dresch, David Matesky, Larry Siebert and Pam Smillie.  Mike Dufilho absent. 
October, 2011 Minutes were approved.
Gray’s Inn.
Greg Howard, the environmental biologist, who prepared the DES wetlands report and permit in 2006, walked the entire property today.  Greg recommended that woody branches be added to the vernal pool and remove inlet and outlet pipes from pool to ensure the pool remains a vernal pool.  Greg will provide a written report.  Further, seedlings must be planted as well as a wetlands seed mix to certain areas.  The mulch piles must be spread out because can’t plant seedlings or seed in wood chips but the wood chips can be used as mulch around the seedlings.  Greg recommended that the dam in the brook be left as is and the bank should be protected with plant and root balls. Signs should be posted around the pool and edge of the parking lot identifying the wetlands area.  Mowing should be stopped in the wetlands area.
Dick Bennett suggested that a path should be defined.
The granite ledge that was across the brook and fell into the brook should be pulled out of the brook.
There are three boulders on the edge of the brook and we are still unsure if anything should be done about them.
Greg intends to measure the embankment encroachment on the brook and if there is erosion in the spring, he will recommend coir logs be placed on the brook bank.
It was discussed that we should invite Thom Perkins to a meeting to talk about bridge construction.
Another issue is whether we should mow the apple orchard.  It was suggested that the orchard be mowed in the fall to cut off poplar and raspberry seedlings.  If the commission wishes to spend money to do so there needs to be a vote.  No vote was taken at this time.
Prospect Farm.
The proposal for the survey was signed by the Selectmen and sent to Ammonoosuc Survey.  It is expected that the survey will be done before December 11, 2011.  The Town received the timber yield tax for whatever timber was sent to the mill.
Jackson Falls.
Hank Dresch proposed a plan using a table or graph to break the Falls into three segments approximately 500 feet in length to assess the condition of each segment.  The idea is to measure the width of each segment from the center of the stream bed to the road.  Each segment will have priorities among different categories such as fill, restoration, planting, access restrictions, mowing and so forth.
Burr Phillips has recommended an individual for the preparation of an erosion control plan.  It is essential to have a plan with a drawing so that the plan can be easily understood by the public.
Limiting or changing parking along the Falls and Valley Cross Road was discussed.
It was suggested that before money is spent on the Falls that a budget needs to be put together with a list of plants for the Gray’s Inn property.  We don’t need to move the stream back through the dam at the Gray’s Inn property and that saves money.  Gray’s Inn will require plants, seeds and equipment over a two year period to finish the project.
Maintaining Jackson Trails.
Trails that need maintenance that were raised by members were Eagle Mountain Trail, Iron Mountain Trail, Hutsmens and old Thorne Mountain Trail.  It was suggested that an appeal be made through enews for volunteers interested in maintenance to work on some of the trails.  Brian Byrne will talk with interested people.  It was suggested that perhaps Mike Dufilho could talk with the US Forest Service about trail maintenance.
Meeting adjourned 6:45.