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Conservation Commission Minutes, July 11, 2011
Conservation Commission Minutes July 11, 2011

Present were Dick Bennett, Brian Byrne, Mike Dufilho, Larry Siebert and Pam Smillie.  Hank Dresch and David Matesky were absent.

July, 2011 Minutes were approved.

Discussed finances and operating expenses.  JCC gets $1,000 per year  per a warrant article. $25 left after:

NHCComm’n $250

FLI $370

Tam Construction $155 for picture frame

File Cabinet $250

We need to be more careful of use of funds in the future.

P.O Box not needed, no mail. Suggest we get rid of it.

Website.  Phil Davies keeps updated periodically.  General overview, minutes, Forest Plan, Wildcat River Plan on it.

Gray’s Inn Property improvements:

$13,630 John Pietkiewicz’s bill.  His proposal was $12,350.00 JCC accepted John’s contract with cap of $10,000 and prioritization by JCC i.e. start work at road and if run out of money it’s at the back of the property.  John advised of cap.  Larry approved over run because very close to finish.  Larry was away and apologized for not managing project better.  If Larry unavailable, ask Brian to follow up in future.  Project should have been managed better. Went beyond original proposal because seed and hay not in proposal.  John did $30,000 to $40,000 worth of work.  John donated a lot of time. Made motion to pay John, passed unanimously.


Discussed costs of prior JCC projects. Beautify all of Gray’s Inn property for $13,600.  No problem with work done.

Discussed vernal pool creation, pipe added.  Now stream fed pool.  Not recreating ice pond.  


Only thing not done per DES permit is replanting.  Have till 2014.  Wait and see what grows in.

Discussed planting around concrete dam.  Can move stream back to original course or leave as is.  Ask DES.  Cost to return to original course.  Can’t assume JCC fund will increase because funded by current use tax. Get 5% of tax assessed.

Suggest put improvements made by John in town column and invite people to go see.

Talked to Dexter Harding about trail plan at Prospect Farm.  Dexter eager to help.  Dexter will come to meeting, fix inaccuracies.

Vernal pool behind Library discussed.  Full of debris, metal was removed . A pipe was added to clean out pool.

Changing map at Prospect Farm $350 fee.  Take in information and at appropriate time, upgrade.  Invite Dexter September/October meeting. Talk to Don about cost to change.

Washington Boulder.  Look into replacing sign.  Not being used.  Check cost to refinish sign.

Meloon Road.  Refurbish.  Selectmen said temporary this is a temporary condition.  Ask  Jay Henry to stop dumping culverts, remove fence, but this is a better location then Gray’s Inn for dumping fill.  In future this could be a good space.

Prospect Farm.  Motion passed to have Rick mow cellar holes and apple orchard in Fall after 9/15 at same price as last year.


Wentworth Park.  Brush between snow roller and island.  Letter from Warren Shoemaker, historical society not own roller.  All cost except restoration paid by JCC from Wentworth Trust.  JCC some responsibility.  Wentworth Hotel has some responsibility.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Smillie