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Conservation Commission Minutes April 14, 2011

Conservation Commission Minutes April 14, 2011
Present were Dick Bennett, Brian Byrne, Mike Dufilho, David Matesky, Larry Siebert and Pam Smillie. Hank Dresch was absent. Also present were past chairman, Phil Davies, Selectman Jerry Dougherty, and residents Bobbie Meserve and Susan May.
Motions made and seconded for candidacy of Dick Bennett and Larry Siebert for Chairman and for candidacy of Brian Byrne for Vice-Chairman.
Larry Siebert was elected Chairman and Brian Byrne was elected Vice-Chairman. Mike Dufilho abstained.
Agenda was set for the next meeting:
Set date to view Town property.
Review the DES permit for the Gray’s Inn property (a copy was distributed to all members for review) and plan on walking property before it grows in.
Don Johnson discussed finding more evidence of boundary lines at Prospect Farm than originally thought and may not need to survey the whole property, which will save the Town money.
Discussed list off Town properties:
Meloon Road (old dump)
Land by Gill Bridge on Moody Farm Road might be Town property and Dick will check town map
Washington Boulder on Tyrol, need to discuss with abutters how to manage it;
Prospect Farm, based on Don Johnson’s information, need to request bids from surveyors for reduced survey area;
Willits Conservation easement possibility.
Discussed identifying properties for conservation easements.
Discussed identifying Town boundaries and rights of way.
Discussed Gray’s Inn trail and multi-use of it.
Discussed timeline and financial needs on projects and can’t do everything would like to do.
Currently Commission monitors 6 conservation easements.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Smillie