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October 5, 2015 - Agenda
Conservation Commission Agenda

Oct 5, 2015

5:30 PM, Town Office


      Approve minutes of Sept. 7th, 2015 and work session.

      Public comment

      New business

            Request town selectman liaison

            Wetlands permits

            Annual Easement monitoring 

            Adopt a property/trail

      Old business

            Jackson Falls

                  Review work session.  Plan more work (woodchips).  Discuss ideas for keeping people on the designated paths.

                  Kiosk planning – assign.

            Prospect Farm

                  Brainstorm interpretive signs – assign.

                  Brainstorm map - assign.

            Gray's Inn




As always, the public is encouraged to attend and share their vision for the future use of Jackson town properties. Our meetings are typically at 5:30 PM at the town office building on the first Monday of each month