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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/20/2007
Hull Board of Selectmen


November 20, 2007

The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:32 pm on Tuesday evening, November 20, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue, Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Silva, Chairman;; Ronald Davy, Vice Chairman; , and Joan Meschino, Members. Also present were: Philip Lemnios, Town Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.

Not Present: Christopher Olivieri, Clerk; and John Reilly, Member

In Memoriam

A moment of silence was observed for Mary Ann Orlandi who died on November 16th. She retired after thirty years of employment with the Town, She started with the School Department followed by the position of Assistant Administrator for the Board of Health until her retirement seven years ago.


Moved-Davy: To accept the minutes of July 10, 2007 and October 27, 2007 as presented.
Vote: Unanimous in favor

7:30 pm-Rhoda Kanet (Beach Management Committee) – re: Charges and status update

The Beach Management Committee was formed in August of 2002. The Board requested the meeting to discuss the original mission charge, the evolvement of the committee, and whether or not it has been faithful to the original purpose or has gone beyond. The question before the Board is whether to revise the existing mission charge and action plan.

Present from the Committee were Rhoda Kanet, Chairman, and Rob Gilman and Peter Larsen, Members. Discussion was held on seawalls that Kanet said are now being banned in many parts of the country because the structures are too damaging to the coastline. The denial by DEP for moderate scraping of the beach. was to have been appealed but due to a delay time ran out. Kanet read a list of accomplishments of the committee, one of which was updating the Beach Management Plan.

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Board Members expressed concerns stating that the committee is an advisor to the Board of Selectmen; on whether the Committee exceeded its purvue; asking that when the management plan was complete was not that the end of the service.

Lemnios suggested that the Board should have five members present for discussion and the meeting was tabled to January 8th, on a motion by Davy, seconded by Meschino.

8:30 pm – Conservation Commission Appointments (Two seats to expire in 2010 & one vacancy to expire in 2009)

Board members interviewed the Chairman of the Conservation Commission Sheila Connor for reappointment; Judith Hass, Member for re-appointment; and David Won, who listed his credentials and said he wanted to serve his community.

Applicant Paul Epstein had notified the Board he was unable to attend on this particular evening and would like to reschedule..

Silva told the applicants that it is the Board’s policy to honor requests for rescheduling, so appointments will be held until after the interview of Epstein..

8:45 pm – Jim O’Brien- re: Jake’s Redevelopment

Jim O’Brien. owner of Jake’s and lessee of the town-owned land, presented his proposal for remodeling the existing restaurant. He presented sketches of the exterior, floor plan and a parking inventory. He said he would not be extending over the waterfront as the cost is astronomical. O’Brien said the bottom anchored floats require formal approval of Ch. 91, with the assistance of Daylor Consulting, and that any dredging is uncertain as it is a complicated process.

The Board recessed at 9:15 pm and returned to open session at 9:17 pm.

9:15 pm Continued Public Hearing – Paul Leeber dba 5L, LLC, 177 Atlantic Avenue-Class II Wholesale Caar dealers License-NEW

Silva opened the continued public haring by swearing in two members of the public who had not previously been sworn.

Leeber, who operates a towing business said he requires an office to comply with the rules for a Class II license that he needs to dispose of junk vehicles to sell them at auction. He said there would be no storage or parking of vehicle at the property, and only


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one small window sign. He said he operates two towing trucks that are either stored in Hanover or at Paul Gratta’s land. These statements were in response to Mr. & Mrs. Miller’s concerns of activity, parking and signage near their property at 181 Atlantic Avenue.

Moved-Meschino: To approve the Class II Wholesale Car Dealers License subject to no vehicles on the premises and minimum signage regulated by the zoning bylaw.
Second Davy
Vote: Unanimous in favor.


Davy said that the Selectmen would form a Legislative Affairs Committee to meet quarterly, query all boards and committees to solicit their top three legislative objectives annually. He suggested asking both Representative Bradley and Senator Hedlund to attend a meeting in the near future.

Davy also addressed the Vision Statement done several years ago, and suggested it by reviewed for updating.


Lemnios requested the Board to act on his appointment of Richard Miller effective December 22, 2007 as Hull Municipal Light Plant Operations Manager, by waiving its 15-day right to object.

Moved-Davy: To waive the Board’s 15-day right to object to the appointment
Vote: Unanimous in favor


#1 – Read a letter from John Dempsey praising town employees and inspectors on the Green Hill Revetment project,

#2- Read a letter from David Kellem, Esq. written on behalf of Steven Faber, who purchased the Dry Dock all alcoholic beverages license at auction and that he will be seeking a license transfer to property he has under agreement on the corner of L Street and Nantasket Avenue

Correspondence continued

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#3 – Read a letter from Police Chief Richard Billings in regard to the “21 Means 21” Program. The Chief recently had conducted an undercover operation using an underage male accompanied by an undercover police officer/ licensing agent. The male was able to purchase alcohol in nine locations and the Chief is requesting a hearing from the Licensing Authority.


Unanimously approve the Class II Auto License renewal to Kenneth L. Brown dba Nantasket Auto Sales, 404 Nantasket Avenue on a motion by Meschino, seconded by Davy (Who had disclosed that he once had his vehicle repaired at that garage).

Unanimously approved the renewal of a Common Victualer and Wine and Malt as a restaurant license on a motion by Meschino, subject to all inspectional approvals and a favorable report, seconded by Davy.

Unanimously approved an all alcoholic as a package store license renewal to Lighthouse Enterprises, Inc. dba A Street Liquors, David Blair, Manager, 670 Nantasket Avenue on a motion by Davy, seconded by Meschino.

Unanimously approved an all alcoholic as a package store license renewal to Nantasket Beverages, LLC dba Port Side Wines, Jeffrey Jorgensen, Manager, 305B Nantasket Avenue on a motion by Davy, seconded by Meschino.

Meeting adjourned at 10:13 pm.

December 18, 2007