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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/23/07
Hull Board of Selectmen


October 23, 2007

The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:35 pm on Tuesday evening, October 23, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue, Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Silva, Chairman; Ronald Davy, Vice Chairman; Christopher Olivieri, Clerk; John Reilly, and Joan Meschino, Members. Also present were: Philip Lemnios, Town Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.

The Chairman opened the meeting that had been postponed from October 16, 2007 due to the temporary illness of the Town Manager.

In Memoriam

A moment of silence was observed for William Lebherz who died recently. Mr. Lebherz served many years with the VFW. He was a past Commander and participated in many Veterans and Memorial events.

7:30 pm Kevin Mulvey – Candidate for Appointment to Cultural Council (Postponed)

7:45 pm – Fire Chief Civil Service Discussion

Lemnios presented a short recap of the previous meeting in which Betty Dennis, a Human Resource Officer in Natick, who once worked with Civil Service, had explained the various options; Civil Service Exam within the department only; Civil Service exam and assessment process; and Assessment process only. Lemnios said that because some persons are better test takers than others and he feels that the assessment process deals with various aspects of an applicant’s abilities and talents and is a truer gauge.
Silva said the first decision the Board needed to take was whether to seek state-wide or in-department applicants.

Moved-Olivieri: To keep the list of candidates within the department
Vote: Unanimous in favor

Silva said the next part is more complicated, 1st is to rely on the exam; 2nd is to combine the exam and the assessment and the 3rd is using the assessment center as the sole mechanism.

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Board of Selectmen Minutes
October 23, 3007
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Davy, in clarifying the time line said that the estimate for filling the position of fire chief was a. assessment only-March 2008; b. Examination only top 3 candidates-August 2008.

Meschino said that she advocates for the exam and assessment center.

Following the discussion of the Board, Silva acknowledged the presence of Fire Captains, Robert Breen, Kevin Breen, Christopher Russo and Andrew Thomas. Also present was Richard Bowes, a former member of the Fire Department as well as other members of the audience.

The Board learned during the discussion that the members would meet with one of the assessment counselors and have input into the assessment process.

Moved-Davy: To select the assessment center only as the process
Vote: Four in favor; one opposed (Meschino)

Moved-Olivieri: To accept the executive session minutes of October 2, 2007 and not release at this time
Second Meschino
Vote: Unanimous in favor


Lemnios told the board that the Town received two bids on 301 Nantasket Avenue-one for $230,000. that enclosed a deposit but not in the required amount; and one for $235,000, who enclosed a $5,000 check as required. ( Lawrence Kellem representing LaRosa Development).

Lemnios also announced that Verizon is seeking to apply for a franchise to provide cable within the Town. He suggested having them in for a discussion on November 6th.

#1 Silva read a letter of thanks and appreciation from Christopher Hebert in regard to the Fantastic Nantasket Beach Triathalon that was a great success.

Correspondence continued

Board of Selectmen
October 23, 2007
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#2 Referred Patrick Finn’s request to have a proposed zoning article referred to the
Zoning Bylaw Committee. It was referred to the Planning Board , as the Committee was formed within the Zoning Bylaw

Unanimous approved the request of Police Chief Richard billings by setting the Halloween hours for Trick or treat as 3pm to 8pm on October 31st on a motion by Olivieri, seconded by Davy.

Moved:-Olivieri: To go into executive session to discuss a matter relative to litigation and not to return to open session..
Roll Call Vote: Aye, Meschino; aye, Davy; aye, Reilly; aye, Olivieri; aye, Silva

The Board moved into executive session at 9:50 pm and thereafter adjourned.
November 20, 2007