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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/10/2007
Hull Board of Selectmen

July 10, 2007

The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:42 pm on Tuesday evening, July 17, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue, Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Silva, Chairman; Ronald Davy, Vice Chairman; Christopher Olivieri, Clerk; and Joan Meschino, Member. Also present were: Philip Lemnios, Town Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.

Not present: John Reilly, Member


7:30 pm -Hull Redevelopment Authority – re: Update on Status and Hull Shore Drive

David Kellem gave a presentation of the project and estimated 2 1/2 years for construction. It was stated that the closing of a portion of Hull Shore Drive was not part of the first phase of the project.
The Board recessed at 8:34 pm and returned to open session at 8:48 pm.
8:30 pm – Andy Spinale & Justin Gould – re: Nantasket Pier Parking

Supplied written construction schedule for Nantasket Pier

The Board reviewed the revised parking plan submitted for the development of Steamboat Wharf 40 public parking spaces from 4pm to 9pm divided between tenants; 42 parking spaces from 4pm to 11pm for three area businesses, no overnight parking. provide adequate handicap, proper signage, no trailer parking ay ramp area, 143 leased spaces, and during the permitted hours tenants are responsible for policing the parking spots.

Moved-Olivieri: To accept the revised plans as presented with the rules as agreed.
Vote: Unanimous in favor


1. Community Development Grants Postponed for Next Meeting

2. Board of Selectmen Planning Process-Next Week

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Board of Selectmen Minutes
July 10, 2007
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Unanimously approved the request of Marcy Jellison to hold a wedding ceremony on July 21, 2007 at Fort Revere and wedding ceremony at summer home on 7 X Street and permission needs permission to utilize the municipal lot at X -Y Street for parking, on a motion by Olivieri, seconded by Silva. Applicant is to notify abutters and use placards in parked vehicles.

Town Manager reported that the DCR Seawall Project was not worked on between June 29th and July 9th.
Unanimously approved the appointment of three Special Polices Officers Michael Knudsen, James Genevese, and Michael Angellis, Jr, as requested by Chief Richard Billings in his memo submitted at the meeting, on a motion by Olivieri, seconded by Davy

Noted a letter from the Board of Health re complaints and violations re 8 Hillside Road (Marston Inn) Updated letter received on added agenda listing the corrected violations and issues to be addressed by new owner.

Referred to the Police Chief the request of Maureen Gold et al of 22 Front Street for installation of Resident Parking & No Beach Parking signs
Thanked Barbara Cannon for her service upon notification from her that she would not seek another term on the Board of Health.

Noted a letter to Chris Gardner of the Highway Department from Acting Town Manager. James Lampke, thanking him for “A job well done.”


Unanimously approved the one-day all alcoholic license for July 21, 2007 from 7 to 12pm
on August 4, 2007 12 noon to 5pm to Knights of Columbus, 440 Nantasket Avenue, on a
motion by Davy, seconded by Olivieri.


Moved-Olivieri: to approve the sale of $9,204,725 Bond Anticipation Note of the Town dated July 13, 2007, payable July 11, 2008, at par and accrued interest plus the premium of 29,291.48. AND further—

Moved to confirm the provisions 0f the Certificate of Sale of Notes dated June 27, 2007, including the consent to the purchase of the notes by the financial advisor on a negotiated basis.
Vote: Unanimous in favor.

November 20, 2007