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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/17/2007
Hull Board of Selectmen


July 17, 2007

The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:35pm on Tuesday evening, July 17, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue, Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Silva, Chairman; Ronald Davy, Vice Chairman; Christopher Olivieri, Clerk; John Reilly, and Joan Meschino, Members. Also present were: Philip Lemnios, Town Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.
In Memoriam

The Chairman opened the meeting and observed a moment of silence for Kate McCabe-Lackey of Scituate. The 24 year-old daughter of former Town Manager Chris McCabe died unexpectedly.


7:30 pm – Community Development Grant Proposals

Sharon Gay, Community Development Consultant presented the proposal for the FY 07
for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Following discussion and questions Gay spoke of the need to reduce of the requests from $107,799.64 to $79,085 as follows
Children Who Witness $7,000; Meals on Wheels disabled under 60, $5,000; Middle School Risk Reduction, $10,000; Food Pantry, $8,856; Community Outreach, $5,000 . Wellspring is to document turndowns at food pantry, and the $5,000. for the Board of Health Community Outreach is to be held for release by the Town Manager. Gay also said the request by the Police Chief for a School Resource Officer is not eligible for funds
Moved-Ron Davy: That he is satisfied with the proposals and has no problem with the applicants coming back to work with the Town Manager on the various funding expenditures
Vote: Unanimous in favor

The Chairman recognized Charles Gould who suggested that the A Street Marina owners were using town property for parking. He said he had done research and asked the Board to end that practice.

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Town Counsel Lampke told the Board that he has reviewed Gould’s records and that he feels due diligence by the Board is required for fundamental fairness. (The owners of the property were not notified or present)

The Board recessed for five minutes.

Billings requested the Board to requisition a Civil Service list consisting of three permanent-intermittent Police Officers, Sean M. Fahey; Joel E. Salituri, and Bonnie C, Walsh, from which he will recommend the appointment of Sean M. Fahey as a Permanent Police Officer.

Moved-Olivieri: To requisition the Civil Service List as requested by the Police Chief-Second-Davy
Vote: Unanimous in favor.

Unanimously approved the request of Jim Leahy to hold a block party on July 28th from 5pm to 11 pm, and to close the ends of 3rd street at Edgewater and Whitehead, on a motion by Reilly, seconded by Olivieri.

The Board took under advisement the request of the Harbor Management Committee to appoint a person to a regional study group to establish No Discharge Areas with Boston and Quincy as the committee is scheduled for an appointment with the Board on 8/17(Currently it is legal to discharge treated sewerage from a boat).


Lemnios suggested forming a task force to look into the school; budget and to try and discern the reason the enrollment is falling. He also suggested that the committee consist of the Town Manager, two Selectmen, two School Committee members. two members of the Advisory B0oard, and Superintendent of Schools. He added that Charlene Tyson, Chairman of the Advisory Board should chair the new task force, and that staff would be provided as needed.

Moved-Olivieri: To authorize the task force and to appoint Jon Suilva as a member.
Second-Davy who nominated Joan Meschino as second member.
Vote: Unanimous in favor

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Davy listed his planning process for setting policies and strategic direction as 1) managing the beach; 2) DCR land and site of buildings; 3) community appearance; 4) apartments; 8) economic development; 9) tourism; 10) re-evaluation of services; 11) public relations awareness of Hull.

Silva commented that Phil is aware of what is critical. Lemnios commented that there is a need for the process to be defined and orderly.


In addition, the members gave updates on the status of Straits Pond; re-advertise for members to boards and committees; find methods devoted to increase business; possible temporary closure of Pocket Park.

Moved-Olivieri: To abolish the DCR Committee
Vote Unanimous in favor

Lemnios reported on 301 Nantasket Avenue stating there are several persons interested in purchasing the property. The Board of Selectmen can review the plans and allow the property to be sold to the person who presents a project that is the most beneficial to the needs of the Town and not necessarily to the highest bidder.

Although the 8:30 pm appointment scheduled for Peter McGinnis, who is seeking an easement for his fence placed on the town sidewalk, was postponed, Lampke suggested the Board look to issuing a license rather than an easement as a license can be revoked easier.

Moved-Reilly: To go into executive session to discuss strategy in litigation and not to return to open session
Roll call vote: Aye, Meschino; aye, Davy; aye, Silva; aye, Olivieri; aye, Reilly.

The Board moved into executive session at 10:04 pm and thereafter adjourned.

November 6, 2007
As Corrected