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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/16/2007
Hull Board of Selectmen


January 16, 2007

        The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:30 pm on
Tuesday evening, January 16, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue,
Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Reilly, Chairman; John Silva, Vice Chairman; Ron Davy, Clerk; Christopher
Olivieri, and Joan Meschino, Members. Also present were Christopher McCabe, Town
Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.


Moved-Davy: To approve the minutes of November 14, 2006 as presented
Vote: Unanimous in favor

7:30 pm – Public Hearing – CDBG Fund Application

        Sharon Gay, Community Development Consultant and her team presented the
CDBG application to be filed on behalf of the Town.

        Gay that the funds are proposed to be allocated as follows:
Rehab units (15) Project cost $415,000.00 – Program Delivery $89,000.
Infrastructure-Sidewalks at C & D Street-Project $326,000.-Program delivery -$29,000.
Design-ADA Improvements to Senior Center - $25,000.
Planning-Update ADA Self-evaluation and Transition Plan $27.000. Program delivery-
CDF Grant General Administration $80,000 – 8.00%

        Gay said the housing rehab program will be targeted and is to run from Malta Street
to M Street

        Gay submitted several documents that included a list of priorities and she responded
to Davy’s request for funding of the storefronts at the DCR Reservation by saying that it
might be worked out.

Moved-Silva- To endorse the application
Vote: Unanimous in favor

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# 1. Unanimously appointed Lawrence Kellem to the Hull Beautification Committee as
requested in his letter on a motion by Siva, seconded by Olivieri

# 2, 3,, & 4. Noted the requests of John MacLeod, Michael Nuesse, and Thomas Burns as
applicants for appointment to the Hull Municipal Light Board.

# 5. Took no action on information in a letter from the Kingston Town Administrator in
regard to information on liquor licenses.

# 6 Referred the request of Theresa Roberts to install a memorial bench near the commuter
boat at Pemberton Pier, to Town Manager.

# 7. Unanimously approved to submit a requisition to Civil Service to fill the vacant
position of Sergeant as requested by Police Chief Robert Billings on a motion by Olivieri,
seconded by Silva.

# 8 Noted a Public Hearing by the Mass. Beaches Commission on January 20th, at UMass
Boston from 10am to 12pm.


        Unanimously approved the renewal of the Lodging House License to Michael Asche dba
Nantasket Beach Inn, 115 Nantasket Avenue on a motion by Silva seconded by Olivieri.

        Unanimously approved the Class ll Auto License to Alie Soufan, 417 Nantasket Avenue on
a motion by Olivieri, seconded by Silva.

        Unanimously approved the new Livery Vehicle License, and renewal of the Livery License
and Livery Vehicle to Richard Laws dba Seaport Livery Service, 58 Lynn Avenue on a
motion by Olivieri, seconded by Silva


301 Nantasket Avenue-McCabe told the Board that he has suggested a minimum bid price of
$260,00; special conditions that 2 buildings must be demolished and removed within 230
days of passing; and listed the time schedule with a sealed bud deadline of February 14th
with a passing of March 14th, 2007.

Selectmen Minutes, 1/16/07
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        Suggested that Police Chief Billings discuss his concerns on the creation of a bicycle and
walking plan with Judeth Van Hamm on her proposal.

8:30 pm Michael Cunningham, Veterans agent and Richard billings Police chief- re: 39
Merrill Road

Moved: Silva: To go into executive session to discuss deployment of security personnel,
non- union employee, strategy on litigation and not to return to open session
Roll Call Vote: Aye, Meschino; aye, Davy; aye, Reilly; aye, Olivieri; aye, Silva

        The Board moved into executive session at 8:55 pm and thereafter adjourned.

February 20, 2007