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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/02/2007
Hull Board of Selectmen


January 2, 2007

        The meeting of the Hull Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:37pm on
Tuesday evening, January 2, 2007 at the Hull Municipal Building, 253 Atlantic Avenue,
Hull, Massachusetts

Present: John Reilly, Chairman; John Silva, Vice Chairman; Ron Davy, Clerk; Christopher
Olivieri, and Joan Meschino, Members. Also present were Christopher McCabe, Town
Manager, and James Lampke, Town Counsel.

7:30 pm – Interview – Philip Lemnios, Candidate for Town Manager Position

        Hull’s former Town Manager Philip Lemnios who served from 1993 to 2002 was
Invited to the meeting to be interviewed for the position of Town Manager.
Lemnios spoke about his background, his education, and his extensive experience.
His previous post prior to coming to Hull in 1993 was as an Assistant to the Mayor of
Attleboro. He said his education was a Masters in Public Administration from the
University of Southern California; holds a Certificate of Special Studies in Administration
and Management from Harvard, and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from
Umass. Among other positions Lemnios was a Peace Corp volunteer, and a benefits
counselor in California. Each of the Members asked, and Lemnios answered, all of the

        Lemnios is presently the Town Manager in Natick and said he needs to give threemonths
notice. Reilly commented upon the fact that Natick had done a search and “stolen”
Lemnios from Hull in 2002.

        Lemnios also talked about his many achievements in Hull during his tenure. He said
his style is to be proactive, inclusive and respectful of individuals, and that he has broad
experience working with local groups and resolving constituents’ problems.
Reilly entertained statements from members of the audience. Speaking in support of
Lemnios were: Dennis Zaia, Rhoda Kanet; and Leonard Hersch, a former Selectman who
had worked with Lemnios. .

        The Board recessed at 8:35 pm and returned to open session at 8:48 pm

        The interview continued with comments from the audience. Speaking in support
were: Donald Brooker, former Police Chief; John Donohue; Pat Cannon, Phyliss Aucoin;
Charlene Tyson and Beverly Tramontana.

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Selectmen Minutes, 1/2/07
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        Lemnios responded to each and said that he enjoyed his work in Hull and was really
looking forward to returning. He said he enjoyed working in Natick, but it is a larger
community and that there is a great deal of delegating. In Hull he said, we are a smaller
and that it is more hands on, to which Reilly noted that in speaking of Hull Lemnios
continually used the pronoun “we”.

Moved; Silva To invite Lemnios to come to Hull as our new Town Manager
Vote: Unanimous in favor.

        Reilly noted that he would prefer a different wording on the motion, when the
board returns from executive session.

Moved-Silva: To go into executive session to discuss collective bargaining and to return to
open session.
Roll Call Vote: Aye, Meschino; aye, Davy; aye, Reilly; aye, Olivieri; aye, Silva

        The Board moved into executive session. Following the executive session the
Board returned to open session.

        Reilly read the motion he would like offered:

        Moved-Silva In the words just read by Reilly-“To offer the position of Town Manager
to Mr. Lemnios and to also have Town Counsel work with two Members
of the Board of Selectmen to finalize the contract with any stipulations and
submit it to the Board of Selectmen for acceptance.”

Vote: Unanimous in favor


        Budget submission from the Hull Retirement Board


        Reilly adjourned the meeting to January 3, 2007- 7:00 pm at the Hull High School
to meet with the School Committee.

February 06, 2007