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Commission on Disability Minutes 03/10/2011
Hull Commission on Disability
March, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Location: Hull Town Hall
Time: 5:30

Attendees: Ken MacDonald, Joan Humphreys, Peter Lombardo

Discussion Items:
*Ken to email town hall regarding other meeting time/space and the need for new

Active Projects:
*Subsidized Accessible Hull Housing-Ken sent email to HUD representative. No
decision yet and they are still reviewing documents. Ken will follow-up prior to next

*Senior Center Renovations- Grant funding awarded. Per Peter, it will be a fairly lengthy
process to actually get work started. Joan has an issue with a volunteer monopolizing the
closest HP space. Ken will email Barbara Lawlor to see if something can be worked out.
*Sunset Bay Marina, A Street – Per Peter, the owner wants to make sure all accessibility
concerns are addressed (including deck access) prior to opening for the season. Peter will
be in touch with Bob Folsom and Ken is available to make a site visit.

*Atlantic Avenue Road Work – The project is in the early planning stages, and will take
a while to begin work.

*The Performing Arts Center – Per Peter, no news. The Commission will monitor.

Inactive Projects:
*Bay Avenue East Road Work

New Business:
Next meeting tentatively scheduled for April 14th

Submitted by Ken MacDonald