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Internal Traffic Committee Minutes 10/29/10
The Internal Traffic Committee met in the Selectmen’s Hearing Room, 2nd floor Town Hall at 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 10:00 AM the Committee called the meeting to order.
Present: Chief John Blood, Tony Marques, Chief Richard Braga, Jeff Wood and Jennifer Burke

Traffic Issues

Hunter Avenue
Present was:  Fran Brewer, 101 Hunter Avenue

Mr. Brewer presented his concerns to the Committee.  He feels there is a parking difficulty at 95 Hunter Avenue.  He presented more pictures than what had already been submitted.  He claims to have had near collisions many times.  He noted that this house parks the truck on the streets when there is an empty boat trailer in the driveway.

He said that the police had been down a couple times and both officers indicated that he should proceed.  He noted the tough site distance on the curve.  Mr. Marques read an email from Gladys and Guy Beaudette opposed to any change.

Chief Braga stated that the street is not unique.  It is not inconsistent with other residential streets in Town.  He also noted that Hunter Ave is at its widest point in the area of concern.  Chief Blood stated that access for emergency vehicles is no different than any other residential area.  It does not appear to be a tight space.  He asked Mr. Brewer if the issue was parking or speeding.

Mr. Wood said that Mr. Brewer’s own pictures show that visibility around parked cars is ok.  Mr. Marques explained that driver’s need to use common sense when they drive.  He does not believe no parking will make a difference.

Chief Braga, seconded by John Blood, made a motion to recommend that no change be made in regard to the parking on Hunter Avenue.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Coolidge/Central Streets
Present was:  Tammy Pelland, 32 Shawmut Avenue

Ms. Pelland explained her concern with the Committee.  She has children in Curious Kids Daycare at 1 Coolidge Street.  When exiting the daycare and proceeding through the light across to Central Street, she feels like the vehicles turning easterly on Central Street do not realize cars are exiting the daycare.  There have been several near misses.  She realizes that a sign has been put up warning daycare drivers but she feels the issue is with the vehicles on Central Street.  She asked about a delayed light.

Mr. Marques explained that the Town asked VHB to incorporate the daycare driveway into the signal when they were designing it.  Because they designed it to certain amount of traffic, they did not include additional controls and signal heads.  In order to add a delay the Town would need to incur that cost and finding the funding will be difficult.

Mr. Marques asked if a sign across the street from the day care would be ok.  Ms. Pelland agreed but would like bigger signs in both locations.  She also asked about a different color.  Mr. Marques explained that sign color is regulated.

Mr. Marques will install 2 larger signs warning traffic.  Ms. Pelland will contact Ms. Burke in 3-6 months to determine if the signs have been successful.

Meeting adjourned to Conference Room B, 3rd floor, Town Hall.

Rte. 85 Widening Project
Present was:  Michelle Ciccolo, Director of Community Development & Joe Johnson, GPI

Ms. Ciccolo presented the Committee with an update on the process for the project.  She noted that right now there is a February Ad date.  Construction could start next summer or fall.

Mr. Johnson reviewed the plans; specifically the changes.  He noted that they will be consolidating access were possible.

There was discussion about several key sites including Rite Aid, Basha’s, RK, Applebee’s and Burger King.  The key issue focused on keeping drives right in or right out only or making them full access.  Mr. Johnson was given direction on most items except Burger King.  The ITC would like to reach out to the manager and discuss reworking their driveway.  Chief Blood will set up a meeting for next week.