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Internal Traffic Committee Minutes 03/31/06
The Internal Traffic Committee met in the Selectman’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 10:00 the Committee called the meeting to order.
Present: Chief Frederick Dusseault, Chief Richard Braga, Tony Marques, Jeff Wood and Jennifer Burke

Traffic Issues

Speed Study on River Street
The Committee reviewed the speed study done by the Police Department.  The Committee decided to send a request to MassHighway asking to review the speed limits.

Highland Commons
Present was:  Dan Bradanini, Sullivan Hayes, Peter Tamm, Goulston & Storrs, Bill Hoffman, Deluca Hoffman, Randy Hart, VHB

Mr. Bradanini presented the proposed changes in the site plan to the Committee.  He indicated that the changes were precipitated by negotiations with future tenants.  He showed the approved site plan and identified the changes in the new site plan.  The major changes include a break between the Home Improvement store & the Food store, a sweep in the main drive instead of a stop movement and a proposed hotel.

Mr. Bradanini indicated that the hotel meets all the parking requirements, but the retail portions are short.  Mr. Wood stated that the hotel does not meet the requirements in the bylaw.  The plan shows one space per room.  The requirement is one per sleeping arrangement.  It appears that the plan could be up to 500 spaces short.  The applicant will look into that.

Chief Braga expressed concern that the hotel may require more services from his department than the previous proposal.  He asked the applicant to discuss additional mitigation with the Executive Assistant.

Randy Hart reviewed the amended traffic study with the Committee.  The changes to the traffic counts appear to be an additional 185 per hour in the evening and an additional 215 per hour on Saturdays.  He also noted that they expect no change in operation of the traffic pattern.  The entrances will function the same as well as the ramps off the highway.  Mr. Hart stated that a MEPA filing is expected on April 18, 2006.

Chief Dusseault expressed concern regarding the space between the garden center and the food store and the proposed parking in that location.  He noted that garden centers require a different level of service than a regular retail establishment.  He needs to have access at that location.  He also stated that he expects increased responses to the hotel especially medical responses.  Chief Dusseault noted for the record that upon review of the construction plans, an independent review of  fire suppression might be required.

Mr. Wood reiterated the need for a variance from the parking requirement.  He also stated that a variance would be needed relative to the setback from Retail C.

Mr. Marques stated that the relocation of the water tank still needs to be discussed.  The proposed location could leave the tank vulnerable to damage.  He also noted that by his quick calculations each lot has increase of 20-25% building square footage.  He indicated that he would have preferred to have been told that directly.  He asked about the increase in water usage.  He was told the estimated increase is 82,000 gallons per day.

Chief Braga asked if the new plan has changed the density of the parking or the configuration of the internal drives.  He was told no.  The only change is that the parking is compressed.  Chief Braga noted that the drives around the hotel are 24 ft wide.  If they are proposing two way traffic, the drives need to be 30 feet.  Chief Braga would like to see a detailed mark up of all traffic signs and directional flow.  He stated that he would request no parking on the access roads.  Finally he stated that he still has concerns regarding the westerly entrance.

Mr. Marques asked if the ownership of Rte. 62 had been determine.  Mr. Hart indicated that the Town owns the road.  Mr. Marques asked if the difference if required and actual number of spaces is too much for the ZBA, would the construction of a parking garage be uneconomic.  Mr. Bradanini indicated it would.  Ms. Burke stated that the applicant should consider alternatives to address some of the parking gap.

Chief Dusseault stated that the street names would have to be reviewed.  He would also like a copy of the needed fire flow information from Deluca Hoffman.

24 Coolidge Street
Present was:  Gerald Buzanoski, Ducharme & Dillis
Mr. Buzanoski reviewed the updated plans.  He presented a plan that shows the existing parking spaces and turning movements as well as fire lanes.  All outstanding items have been addressed.  Chief Braga stated that he would like signs on the property directing the flow of traffic.  He also will still recommend a physical barrier along the property line to prevent the parking of vehicles on Town property.  Mr. Marques indicated he was satisfied with the water line installation but would like a condition that says the installation of the water pipe will be subject to a field inspection.

Mr. Buzanoski also stated that he had provided the Building Commissioner with a waiver request for a 1:40 scale plan.  Mr. Wood will provide the waiver in writing.

Tony Marques, seconded by Chief Braga, made a motion to approve the site plan for 24 Coolidge Street with the following conditions:

Additional signs will be added to the internal drive and on Coolidge Street to direct traffic and identify the correct traffic pattern.
A barrier consisting of 6 x 6 wooden posts connected by a plastic chain will be installed along the property line.
The installation of the water line is subject to field inspection by the DPW.

Vote: 4-0-0 Unanimous

400-404 Main Street
Present was:  Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole presented the revised plan to the Committee.  He clearly defined the emergency access to unit 1.  All issues have been addressed.

Chief Braga, seconded by Tony Marques, made a motion to approve the site plan for 402 Main Street with the following condition:

The property owner will maintain the crosswalk shown at the base of the driveway.

Vote: 4-0-0 Unanimous

Use of Town Property
Present was:  Linda Ghiloni

Ms. Burke discussed with the Committee a new procedure for all use of Town property issues.  She suggested one centralized location for all applications and then consistent review procedure for all departments.  Everyone agreed.  She stated that she and Ms. Ghiloni would create a new form that is the combination of all existing forms and then ask for comments.