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Internal Traffic Committee Minutes 03/09/05
The Internal Traffic Committee met in the Selectmen’s Hearing Room at 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 10:00 the Committee called the meeting to order.
Present:  Chief Richard Braga, Tony Marques, Chief Frederick Dusseault and Jennifer Burke
South Street
Present was:    Michelle Ciccolo, Asst. Administrator/Director of Community Development
                       Paul Smith, Gannett Fleming     

Ms. Ciccolo introduced Mr. Smith.  Mr. Smith reviewed the overall project with the Committee.  The project consists of upgrading the pavement, adding parking spaces, sidewalks and other amenities.  The Town would like to unite the area with Main Street.  The scope of the project is to have adequate parking in the downtown and foster pedestrian traffic.

The streetscapes connecting to Main Street will include brick design, benches, landscaping, period bollards and lighting similar to Main Street.  The project will enhance the river and the park areas.  All utilities will be put underground.  The street will feel less cluttered with a more natural look and feel.  The road pavement will be recycled.

Mr. Smith reviewed the MassHighway requirements for roads and parking.  Legal travel widths must be 11 feet wide.  Parking stalls must be 8 feet wide and 20-22 feet in length.  He noted that currently there are approximately 41 spaces in the project area and after completion there will be 54 spaces, which is a net increase of 13 spaces.

He reviewed the traffic flows at the intersections of Main and South and Main and Houghton Court.  He noted that the counts are minimal by industry standards.

The existing South Street is a 22 feet paved road with two-way traffic with a 30-foot right of way.  There is a steep down grade with poor site distances.  The proposal is for a 13-foot southbound travel lane with 6 parking spaces and an ADA compliant sidewalk.  He noted that a loading area could be proposed in lieu of two of the parking spaces.  He noted that the proposal is to reduce the Chubby’s Liquor driveway from 35 feet to 25 feet.  He stated that the only way to keep the road with two-way travel is to remove all parking spaces.

The existing Houghton Court is a 23 foot paved road with two-way traffic with a 25-foot right of way.  There are no sidewalks and the road is difficult to travel due to a lack of definition.  There are approximately 5 unmarked spaces; however, since the road is so narrow, with two-way traffic the spaces are illegal.  The proposal is for one way traffic northbound with an 11 foot travel lane a 6 foot sidewalk and 5 legal parking spaces.  The driveway into the rear of Hudson Appliance will be reduced from 46 feet to 34 feet.

Chief Dusseault asked out the location of the parking spaces.  They were shown on a plan.  He also asked about the truck turn radii.  All turning radii are designed for single unit trucks.  He noted that Knight Fuel delivery trucks could be up to 60 feet.

Tony Marques asked about the pavement widths.  He noted that if Houghton were to comply with the two-way travel lane requirements, there would be no allowable room for parking.  He asked if Hudson Appliance trucks could still access the rear of the building with a narrower drive.  Mr. Smith indicated that it would be a safer condition.  Mr. Marques stated that the design addresses public safety and welfare.  He also said that it recognizes a consistent need to add parking in the downtown as identified by the Chamber of Commerce as a major concern.  Finally he asked about the encroachments and if they were in the right of way.  Mr. Smith indicated that the survey shows them in the right of way.

Chief Braga expressed concern regarding adding truck traffic to Main Street from Houghton Court.  He stated that the existing traffic flow allows truck traffic from the existing businesses enter and leave from South Street without ever driving on Main Street.  He suggested that traffic could be two way into and out of South Street, but at the front of Knight Fuel become one way towards Main Street only.  Mr. Smith expressed concern regarding that proposal.  He noted there are no engineering standards for that configuration.  Chief Braga said that the existing Church Street in Town is similar.  Mr. Marques noted in that case drivers could turn down Railroad Ave. to get out of the situation.  In this instance once the driver started down the path they would be stuck and the only way to turn would be to trespass on private property.  Chief Braga noted that appropriate signage could be in place to prevent those mistakes.

Arthur Redding, owner of Hudson Appliance, spoke against the proposal.  He stated that the one way traffic would hamper is ability to do business.  He then noted that losing parking was not an option either.  He reviewed with the committee the amount and types of trucks that drive down Houghton Court.  He was skeptical about the engineer’s calculations regarding turning radii as well as the traffic counts as presented.  

Dave Webster, owner of Knight Fuel also spoke against the project and stated that a one way street would completely cut off his ability to business.

Sarah Cressy, Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the traffic generated by Dance On and the unsafe condition of children being dropped off between 4-7 every evening.

Brian Young, owner of Hudson Wine & Spirits, also spoke against the proposal.  He indicated that his major concern on South Street would be truck deliveries.  He stated that his driveway could not be made narrower.  Currently trucks have to cross traffic to deliver and the proposal will make it worse.  He noted that Aubuchons would have the same issue.  Mr. Young also questioned the traffic counts.

Lawrence Norris, 9 Lower Road, asked how the road would be done.  He was told it would be recycled.  He asked about drainage.  Mr. Smith noted that the crowns in the roads are being redone.  He asked if the underground utilities would be in the same configuration.  He was told yes.  Finally he noted that he is against the one way street proposals.

The Committee noted the concerns.  The Town will revisit the proposal and decide how to proceed.