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Internal Traffic Committee Minutes 12/22/04
The Internal Traffic Committee met in the Selectmen’s Hearing Room at 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 10:00 the Committee called the meeting to order.
Present:  Captain Dave Stephens, Tony Marques, Jeff Wood, and Jennifer Burke
South Street
Present:  Michelle Ciccolo, Asst. Administrator/Director of Community Development

Ms. Ciccolo presented the proposed layout for the South Street improvements.  Houghton Court and the part of South Street adjacent to Aubochon’s Hardware will become one ways.  The proposal is to add sidewalks and parking spaces where possible.  They will also be adding trees, benches and bike lockers.

Ms. Ciccolo explained that a public hearing is scheduled for January 21, 2005 at Town Hall.  The chamber is invited and it is anticipated that many downtown business owners will attend.

Captain Stephens noted that the entrance to Main Street from South Street is dangerous and asked if it would be better to direct the one way away from Main Street.  It could be looked at but due to the distance to the next block it may not be practical.  Mr. Marques indicated that he would perform a traffic study at that spot to better understand the traffic patterns.

The Committee gave a consensus endorsement of the plan.

710 Main Street

Ms. Burke reviewed the plans for 710 Main Street as filed with the Planning Board.  She noted receipt of Mr. Michela’s letter and asked for feedback.

Mr. Marques noted that many items in the letter refer to Zoning issues.  He stated that the ITC does not get involved in zoning issues.  They must be brought up to the ZBA.  He stated that his reviewed centered on site conditions.

Ms. Burke asked that portion of Main Street was a local road.  She was told yes and then she asked about the new curbing and the possibility of creating one entrance.  Mr. Marques indicated that the state constructed those during the renovation project at his request.  At the time there was one long opening for all three business.  He wanted a better way to control the flow.  He saw no immediate concern with combine the two openings into one as long as the curbing was constructed in the same manner as the state.

Mr. Marques indicated that he spoke with the Fire Chief regarding the letter.  He said that the Fire Chief was comfortable with the access especially because the building will be sprinkled.

Ms. Burke noted for Mr. Wood that the developer should be requesting a confirmation of zoning compliance.


Captain Stephens stated that Sargent Shea noted a problem with the crosswalk near Options.  Patrons are using the crosswalk but cars traveling down Washington Street are unaware that it is there.  He suggested a sign similar to the one in front of the fire station.  Mr. Marques would look to see if one was available.


Jeff Wood, seconded by Tony Marques, made a motion to approve the minutes of December 7, 2004 as written.

Vote:  3-0-0, Unanimous