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Internal Traffic Committee Minutes 06/25/04
The Internal Traffic Committee met in the Selectmen’s Hearing Room at 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 10:00 the Committee called the meeting to order.
Present: Chief Richard Braga, Chief Fred Dusseault, DPW Director Tony Marques, and Building Commissioner Jeff Wood
Site Plan Review:    273 Cox Street
Present:     Ralph Warner, Attorney for the Applicant

Mr. Warner presented the site plan to the Committee.  He’s representing the Hudson Eagles who plan to rent the property at 273 Cox Street to Christopher Desjardins for the purpose of running an auto repair shop.

Mr. Warner confirmed for Chief Dusseault that the prospective tenant, Mr. DesJardin, is not present and that Mr. Warner does not represent the prospective tenant.  The Fire Chief found it odd that the prospective tenant was not in attendance.  Mr. Marques noted that the plan allows for two employees.

Tony Marques, seconded by Frederick Dusseault, moved to approve the plan subject to the conditions that:

The Handicapped parking spaces would need to be typical blue signs, and must be shown on the site plan.

The applicant confirmed for Chief Braga that the prospective tenant does not intend to sell vehicles at the site.

The site will needs a fire alarm system.

The site will need a permit for the storage and changing of oil.

Department of Public Works:
Mr. Marques pointed out that the applicant must follow all the requirements for a site plan as indicated in the zoning by-laws.

If snow storage is to remain in the rear, the applicant should submit a plan without the three parking spaces proposed for that area, as currently they would impede snow removal.

The internal driveway, if it is to be a two-way drive, must be 30ft wide, and is currently 25ft wide.  

If the same driveway is to remain at 25ft wide, then it must be a one-way drive, which would comply with the dimensional requirement, and there are two entrances which would accommodate this change.

The Applicant must eliminate parking spaces along the access road to the Eagle’s property, needs new plan.

Building Department:
The Applicant is advised to retain 4-5 parking spaces in the rear of the site, and to eliminate 3 spaces in front, which would impede visibility.  This change would allow two-way traffic in the internal drive.  Specifically, the applicant is recommended to eliminate spacess 1, 2 and 3, and to keep 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Zoning requirements/regulations must be listed on the plan.

The dumpster location must be listed on the plan.

General Conditions:
Plans must be resubmitted to Committee for approval.

Planned storage of vehicles on site for repair and appropriate screening for said vehicles and the nature of the intended repairs must be addressed with the application.  Stored vehicles should be kept in a screened area in the rear of the site.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Site Plan Review:     10 Technology Drive
Present:     Kenneth Staffier, VHB

Mr. Staffier presented the revised plans to the Committee.  The pharmacy drive-up lane will be supported by clearly demarcated lanes and signage. A “NO RIGHT TURN” sign will direct people to exits off Technology Drive and Washington Street. The driveway across the front will be 30 feet wide as required in the zoning by-laws.  “NO PARKING” signs have been added where requested by the Committee to allow for the towing of offenders.  Additional signage will be posted at the rear of the site to eliminate parking along Technology  Drive.

Chief Dusseault asked what measures are proposed if signage proves to be ineffective.  Mr. Staffier suggested gating if the signs prove to be ineffective.  Chief Braga expressed the same concern regarding the effectiveness of signage.  The Applicant must apply signage to the entire curve of Technology  Drive.  Signs should say “NO PARKING ANY TIME, VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED AT OWNERS EXPENSE”.  The Police Department can not enforce “NO PARKING” laws on private property.  The Chief asked the Applicant to provide a “DO NOT ENTER” sign to prohibit exit through the rear instead of via the approved exits.  Also, the site will need signs to prohibit driving behind either building.  Chief Braga recommended signs such as COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ONLY.

Mr. Staffier submitted a plan titled “PICKUP WINDOW QUEUE EXHIBIT”, dated July 17, 2003.

The Committee stipulated that if there is problem in future with traffic entering prohibited areas, the Planning Board will have the right to revisit issue and make corrections to the approved site plan.  A key potential problem area is where the truck is shown on the plan in close proximity to the drive-up lane, as drivers will attempt to make a sharp left-turn into the drive-up lane.

Department of Public Works:
Mr. Marques sees tremendous problems with the drive-up window area as discussed by Chief Dusseault.  The area needs a curb to define the drive-up lane. He suggested drive-up access from the rear of the building.

He noted that the amount of parking in front will be affected by the plan for the new, larger building.
Mr. Staffier confirmed for Mr. Marques that a 30-inch drain line would be relocated to accommodate this large building.  He added that there is anticipated a slight sewer increase on site of about 1000 gallons per day.  Mr. Marques stated that the DPW will need to review the original permit to see if that was taken into consideration, and the existing permit may have to be modified.  The manner in which the existing waterline for the removed building will be reconstructed will be shown on the plan.

Building Department:
The fire lane must be 18 feet wide.  Also recommends a curb separating the drive-up lane from the fire lane.  Mr. Woods advised the applicant that he would need to go before BBRS for any variance.
Interior drive width for one way traffic is 15 feet.
The fire lane restriction is unacceptable; for example, the transformer pad at the rear of Uptown Liquors might be hit by the new truck.  It’s already a tight squeeze and the new truck will be have a difficult time with access.
The driveup location is also problematic because it will cause a bottle neck into the fire lane on busy days.
A curb is necessary for the drive-up lane instead of a rumble strip, which is less effective at slower speeds.  The Police and Public Works departments agree.
The plan as presented shows two buildings on one lot, which is contrary to the zoning by-laws.

The Committee will sign the plan when the issue of multiple buildings on one lot buildings is resolved.

Site Plan Review:     418 Main Street
Present:     Christopher Yates, Attorney for Scrivanos Group
                  Babar Khan, Engineer for Scrivanos Group

The plan is to renovate PC Creams into a Dunkin’Donuts.  Mr. Khan presented the project to the Committee.  They plan to lease this space to develop their third Dunkin’Donuts in Hudson.  Plans thus far are conceptual, and the Applicant will return with an actual site plan, which will involve major building renovations and site improvements.

The parking lot is not striped.  The property encroaches largely on a Railroad ROW at the  rear.  The proposed project will stay within the property lines.  The building has an existing septic system.  The Applicant would like to connect to the Town sewer via a 12-inch force main at the front of the property.  Twenty parking spaces have been added.  The queue is designed to accommodate 10 vehicles.

The Committee offered the following general, preliminary recommendations:

Department of Public Works:
Based on the buildings square footage, no sprinkler is required.
Regulations require a 23-point narrative with the official site plan submission.
Address the issue of insufficient snow storage.
Mr. Marques suggested a maximum of two entrance points, as there are potential problems with the drive-up lane if the three access points as submitted are utilized.  
Show the dumpster location
List the parking requirements listed on the plan.

Police Department:
Recommends no more than two entrances/exits, perhaps with an exit onto Priest Street.
Plan for RIGHT TURN ONLY onto Main Street if planning to offer an entrance/exit onto that street.  
The Applicant might want to consult with traffic professionals.
Show Lighting, snow storage, green space, and Handicapped parking spaces on the plan.
Consider the bump on Priest Street when planning.

Fire Department:
Lighting for signage at night will be necessary.
Consider the impact of such lighting on this largely residential neighborhood.
Main Street access should be ENTRANCE only.
Remove three spaces from rear to facilitate access by Fire Department and trash removal.
Sprinkling is recommended and requeste.
Install a fire alarm system, and a lock box.

Buildings Department:
Two entrances are on Priest are concern.
Other concerns to be addressed with official site plan.

The Committee suggested that the applicant observe other businesses in town with drive-up windows for comparison in planning.

Discussion:     Highland Commons
Present:     George Gustafson, Ken Cramm VAI who will do traffic

Mr. Gustafson requested the thoughts of the Committee on Highland Commons.  He also desires to introduce himself in his role as consultant for the Town on this project, along with Mr. Cramm, the Town’s traffic consultant.

The Committee offered the following general, preliminary recommendations:

Police Department:
Chief Braga acknowledged that traffic is the primary concern with this project, including but not limited to:
The Rotary
The intersection of Lincoln and Packard and Cox, which is already accident prone.  A redesign may be necessary here to rectify the odd bend in the road, especially to facilitate the great traffic flow increase the area will experience when the mall is built.  

Fire Department:
The intersection of Lincoln and Packard and Cox will see a great traffic increase because commuters from east of Hudson will use Cox Street to get to the Mall, impacting that intersection.
Felton Street should be considered as well, as it is also a tributary.
Flow patterns from the mall into the Route 495 corridor must be examined closely.

Building Department:
Highland Street should be considered.
A pull-out lane next to Metrowest Dodge should be considered.
Impact on the over-55 trailer park should be considered.

Department of Public Works:
Sequencing of lights should be considered.
Maintenance of lights should be considered.
Impact on Manning Street traffic light should be considered.

Site Plan Review:     439 Main Street
Present:  Arthur Redding, Applicant
         Steve Poole, Engineer for the Applicant

Mr. Poole presented the project to the Committee.  He stated that the project is currently being considered by the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Poole submitted a new narrative for the application, due to a word processing error.  The Applicant is attempting to move a light pole on the property, but thus far has met with resistance from Hudson Light and Power.  Chief Braga stated that the Applicant has adequately addressed property lighting.

Richard Braga, seconded by Tony Marques, moved to approve the site plan for 439 Main Street, subject to the conditions that:

Fire Department:
Chief Dusseault requested the relocation of the transformer pole to allow the Fire Department more room for emergency access between the corner and exit area, and the Applicant was amenable to this request, should it prove to be possible in conjunction with Hudson Light & Power and other interested parties.
Chief Dusseault recommended the installation of a sprinkler system.
Chief Dusseault requires the installation of a fire alarm system in the renovated and new buildings.
Applicant will designate a fire lane behind the building, leaving gaps at rear doors for deliveries

Police Department:
ONE-WAY signs must be posted for traffic flow behind the building.
Size of parking spaces must be shown on plan to show that they meet the 180 square foot requirement.

Building Department:
The lot is in the C9 District, not C1 as drawn on the plan.
Floor elevation must be shown on the plan.
The narrative must say the plan is under Conservation review.
Hudson Appliance’s Office must be located in the primary mall building at 439 Main Street, to address the fact that only one building is allowed on one lot (except for accessory use buildings).
Plan must show proposed open space.
Proposed storage of junk appliances should be shown on the plan.
The plan must show a twenty-foot side setback

Department of Public Works:
Plan must show water line.
ONE-WAY signs must be painted on pavements.
Curbing is necessary at the east entrance
The turning radius for the drive-up window should be shown in more detail on the plan.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Discussion:  Parking on Main Street

Chief Braga, seconded by Chief Dusseault, to designate both sides of Main Street, from Sawyer Lane east to the Main Street Bridge, as a NO PARKING zone.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Discussion:     Speed limits on Reed Road & Technology Drive

A local speed study has been performed and results indicate that an official study should be done, as current speeds are not in keeping with older limits in the area.

Chief Braga, seconded by Tony Marques, moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that a speedzone study be done for Reed Road and Techcnology Drive, to determine appropiriate speed limits for this area.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Discussion:     Tripps Pond Parking
Present:     Richard Cadwgan, 12 Lyndon Street
            Arthur Redding, Chairman, Hudson Park Commission

The Committee reviewed Mr. Cadwgan’s letter to the Selectmen of April 11, 2004.  For the Chief Braga, the primary concern was that without adequate signage, it will be impossible for the Police to enforce whatever rules the Committee decides on.  To be consistent with rest of town and to support ticketing, signs are necessary.

Mr. Cadwgan stated that there has been no enforcement for decades.  Lesser signage might be justified to start, specifically, only Handicapped Parking signs at first.

Mr. Wood presented a plan recently approved by the recreation department and Park Commission. Mr. Wood agrees with Chief Braga’s statement regarding the necessity of signs.

Park Commission Chairman Arthur Redding stated the Park Commission’s opinion that there must be signs to support enforcement of the rules.  The original proposal was for no signs.  

Mr. Cadwgan stated that the handicapped parking as proposed would not be acceptable to the ADA.  Mr. Redding responded that he had shown the plan to a representative of the ADA who reviewed it and told him it would meet the ADA’s requirements.

Jeff Wood, seconded by Chief Dusseault, moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the Board approve the Tripps Pond plan approved by the Recreation Department and the Park Commission, with the addition of a white safety line behind parking spots on the street, and the additio of three (3) NO OVERNIGHT PARKING signs that will indicate there is to be no parking at the park between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Discussion:     Safety at Intersection of Cox and Priest Street
Present:     Paul Ryan, 5 Pierce Street
                Arthur Redding, Chairman of Fence Viewing Committee

Mr. Ryan thanked the Committee for taking this issue onto the agenda at the last minute.  He presented pictures of the intersection in question.  Mr. Ryan and other residents of the area in attendance today feel that the area is unsafe.  Mr. Redding was part of permitting process to determine that the fence was wholly on the owner’s property.  The fence met all legal requirements and they were unable to stop it.

Mr. Ryan asked if the Town could be found liable for a by-law that puts the by-law over the safety of the residents of Hudson.  Mr. Ryan has had multiple close calls when using this intersection.  Other residents attested similarly.

Suggestions discussed were:
An island with a stop sign
A stop sign on Cox Street
A stop line on Priest street

The Building commissioner will revisit this issue with Town Counsel.  Ms. Simpson noted that Town Counsel would be on vacation next week.


The Committee noted its receipt of a June 8, 2004 letter from Douglas and Barbara Fuller, owners of 42 Washington Street, regarding the No Parking designation on the south side of School Street.