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Selectmen's Minutes 04/12/2018
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
Minutes – Thursday, April 12, 2018
78 Main Street  2nd  Floor  6:00 PM

  • Call to Order:
Present were Mr. Parent, Mr. Durant, Mr. Duplisea, Mr. Lucy, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Moses.  Also present was Atty. Cipriano.
  • General:
Selectmen to consider approval of a Community Host Benefit Agreement with Temescal Wellness of Massachusetts.
Mr. Parent noted that the applicant did not attend the meeting.  
Mr. Parent stated that he make a motion to vote for a 3% tax on gross sales on both the medical and recreational sale of marijuana and that the steps regarding minimum amounts per year be eliminated.  Mr. Lucy agreed and would like to make a second motion to deal with the language.  
Mr. Durant stated for the record that he is unpleased that the applicant has gone from a medical marijuana dispensary to a retail marijuana dispensary.  The host agreement was for a medical dispensary and he believed there was no intention of changing this at the time of the application.  He again stated that he is “grossly unhappy” with this.  
On a motion by Mr. Parent, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted 4-1 to impose a 3% impact fee (separate from any sales tax voted on at Town Meeting) on gross sales on medical and recreational marijuana sales and that the steps referring to dollar amounts per year over a five year period be eliminated.   Mr. Durant opposed for the reasons he previously stated that this facility has gone from a medical facility to a retail facility.
The Board then discussed the terms of the agreement.  Mr. Lucy stated that the Board is discussing this as the State law has changed since the Board issued the original medical marijuana community host agreement.  The applicant drafted an agreement that the Board has not had time to review.  Mr. Lucy noted that the agreement seems to lock the Board in to the 3% impact fee.  He also noted that use of impact fees and laws regarding the use of them could change.  
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Parent, the Board voted 4-1 to have Town Counsel independently review the terms of the agreement and remove any language that would keep the impact fee at 3% and limit the use of the funds and modify any language as to not lock the Town in as to what presently exists in State law.  Mr. Durant abstained.
  • Adjourn:
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn its meeting of April 12, 2018.