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Selectmen's Minutes 06-16-2014
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
Minutes –June 16, 2014
78 Main Street  2nd  Floor  7:00 PM

  • Call to Order:
Present were Mr. Lucy, Mr. Durant, Mr. Duplisea, Mr. Vereault, Mr. Quinn, and Mr. Moses.  Also present were Attorney Cipriano and Ms. Santos.
  • Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session:  June 2, 2014
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Duplisea, the Board voted 4-1 to approve the minutes.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
  • Citizens’ Issues:
  • Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to hold a joint meeting with the Hudson Housing Authority to appoint a new member.
Present for the Hudson Housing Authority, were Mr. Leandres, Mr. Mikula and Mr. Davis.
The Chairman convened the joint meeting and motioned for Mr. Michael Mercuri to be appointed to the Hudson Housing Authority.  The Board voted 7-0-1.  Mr. Vereault abstained.
Selectmen to consider approval of an application for a Pledge of License, a Pledge of Inventory, and a change of Beneficial Interest of an All Alcohol Pouring License from Apple New England LLC d/b/a Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar at 222 Washington Street.
Mr. Lucy disclosed that he is employed by the lender handling the pledge of license, Bank of America, noting that he works in a different department, which has no authority in this process.   Members of Board had no objection.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 4-0-1 to approve the Pledge of License, a Pledge of Inventory and a change of Beneficial Interest for Apple New England LLC d/b/a Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar.  Mr. Vereault abstained.
  • Personnel:
Selectmen to consider approval of promoting Bryan Johannes to the position of Temporary Lieutenant effective July 1, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the promotion of Bryan Johannes to Temporary Lieutenant effective July 1, 2014.
Selectmen to consider approval of appointments of additional Seasonal Employees for the Recreation Department, effective June 17, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Seasonal Employees for the Recreation Department, effective June 17, 2014.
Selectmen to consider approval of appointments of additional Seasonal Employees for the Department of Public Works, effective June 17, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Duplisea, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Seasonal Employees for the Department of Public Works, effective June 17, 2014.
Selectmen to consider approval of appointment of Michael Schreiner as a Special Police Officer for the Hudson Police Department.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the appointment of Michael Schreiner as a Special Police Officer for the Hudson Police Department.
Selectmen to consider appointing Wayne Miller to the Quinn Middle School Building Committee.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to appoint Wayne Miller to the Quinn Middle School Building Committee.
Selectmen to consider approval of appointment of Pam Kavaleski to the position of Part-Time GIS Coordinator at M4, Step 1 effective June 20, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Duplisea, the Board voted 4-0-1 to appoint Pam Kavaleski to the position of Part-Time GIS Coordinator effective June 20, 2014.  Mr. Vereault abstained.
Selectmen to note the resignation of Seth Shufro as a Dispatcher from the Police Department, effective June 13, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted 5-0 to note Seth Shufro resignation from the Police Department.
Selectmen to note the resignation of Melchiore Saladino from the Board of Registrars, effective July 1, 2014.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to note Melchiore Saladino resignation from the Board of Registrars and a letter of appreciation sent to Mr. Saladino.
  • Contracts:
Selectmen to consider approval and authorization to sign a contract with LHS Associates in the amount of $56,000 for 8 Optical Scan Vote Tabulating Systems.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted 4-1 to award the contract to LHS Associates in the amount of $56,000 for 8 Optical Scan Vote Tabulating Systems.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
Selectmen to consider award and authorization to sign a renewal contract with Patriot Ambulance for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted 3-1-1 to approve the renewal contract with Patriot Ambulance for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017.  Mr. Duplisea abstained and Mr. Vereault opposed.
  • General:
Selectmen to consider acceptance and Termination of Easement on Broad Street.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Duplisea, the Board voted 5-0 to accept the Termination of Easement on Broad Street.
Selectmen to consider issuance of a warrant, pursuant to MGL Chapter 140 § 151A of the MGL to capture, confine and, if necessary, euthanize unlicensed dogs in the Town.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 4-1 to issue the warrant, pursuant to MGL Chapter 140 § 151A of the MGL to capture, confine and, if necessary, euthanize unlicensed dogs in the Town.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
Selectmen to consider approval of transfer of funds in the amount of $6,900 from the General Insurance account to the Building Maintenance Expense account.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Duplisea, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the transfer of $6,900 from the General Insurance account to the Building Maintenance Expense account.
Selectmen to consider approval and execution of documents for Bond Anticipation Notes in the amount of $3,980,000.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted 4-1 to approve the documents for the Bond Anticipation Notes inn the amount of $3,980,000.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
Selectmen to consider approval and authorization to sign MassDOT Project Request form for WRRRP State Funding related to the reconstruction of Rolling Lane, Rathbun Road and Four Bridges Road.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Quinn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve and authorization to sign the MassDot Project Request form for WRRRP State Funding related to the reconstruction of Rolling Lane, Rathbun Road and Four Bridges Road.
  • Town Issues:
Mr. Duplisea made the following motion, “Any request from an individual Selectmen of the Executive Assistant or Department heads through the Executive Assistant that involves information that is not normally available to the public or that is otherwise protected and/or privileged should be supported by an affirmative vote of a majority of the full Board of Selectman”.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Lucy and the Board voted 4-1 to approve the motion.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
  • Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted 4-1 to note correspondence.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
  • Executive Session:
Selectmen to meet in executive session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, regarding the  Public Works Administration / Police Headquarters, if the Chair declares that an open session may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted 4-1, by roll call, to enter into executive session, not to return to public session, to consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, regarding the Public Works Administration / Police Headquarters, if the Chair declares that an open session may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.  Mr. Vereault opposed.

Document List – June 16, 2014

Public Session Minutes June 2, 2014
BOS Office
Appointment Memo from Hudson Housing Authority
BOS Office
Pledge of License, Pledge of Inventory & change of beneficial Interest license application from Applebee’s
BOS Office
Promotion memo for Bryan Johannes  for Temporary Lieutenant position
BOS Office
Appointment list for Season Employees for Recreation Dept.
BOS Office
Appointment list for Season Employees for the DPW
BOS Office
Appointment memo for Michael Schreiner as Special Police Officer
BOS Office
Appointment Memo for Wayne Miller to the Quinn Middle School Committee
BOS Office
Appointment Memo for Pam Kavaleski to the position of P/T GIS Coordinator
BOS Office
Resignation Memo from Seth Shufro from the Police Department
BOS Office
Resignation Memo for Melchiore Saladino from the Board of Registrars
BOS Office
Contract & bid documents for LHS Associates for purchase of electronic voting machines
BOS Office
Renewal contract for Patriot Ambulance
BOS Office
Termination of Easement on Broad Street documentation
BOS Office
Warrant for the capture, confine of unlicensed dogs
BOS Office
Transfer of Funds form from General Insurance to Building Maintenance
BOS Office
Bond Anticipation Notes in the amount of $3,980,000
BOS Office
MassDOT Project Request forms for WRRRP State Funding – Rolling Lane, Rathbun Road and Four Bridges Road
BOS Office
Notice of Herbicide Treatment from the Fort Meadow Commission
BOS Office
Memo from Executive Assistant regarding Water Testing
BOS Office
Mosquito Control Notice
BOS Office
Correspondence from ISO regarding Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey
BOS Office
Revised BOS / Town Meeting Schedule 2014
BOS Office
Downtown Parking Study Public Kick-Off Meeting Notice
BOS Office
MWRA Emergency Water Supply Agreement for the period of July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
BOS Office
Copy of correspondence from MSBA inviting the Town to work with MSBA to conduct a Feasibility Study for the Mulready Elementary School roof replacement
BOS Office
Copy of Notice of hearing for a revocation of a Class II license to Dynotune Power Sports
BOS Office