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Selectmen's Minutes 02/22/10
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
Minutes –February 22, 2010
  • Call to Order:
Present were Messieurs Durant, Loura, Leeber, Parente, Vereault and Blazar. Mr. Cipriano and Ms. Santos were also present.
  • Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session: February 8, 2010.
On a motion by Mr. Parente, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the minutes.
  • Citizen’s Issues:
  • Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to conduct public hearing on the application by the Old School House Pub and Restaurant at 17 School Street to alter the premises in which serving alcohol is permitted.
The Chairman convened the hearing.  Attorney Jose Moreira representing the Old School House Pub and Manuel Santos, applicant were present.  Attorney Moreira gave a brief description of the premises.  The applicant is requesting the license be revised to include the second floor to hold small  private parties, and a Patio of 25’X 15’ to seat approximately 20 people (7 tables).  Mr. Santos will be closing the Patio at 10:00pm and cameras are in place to monitor the Patio from the bar area inside.
The Board heard from a number of residents in attendance, who opposed the amendment to the license, claiming the increase in traffic, noise and lack of parking would affect the neighborhood negatively.
Attorney Moreira stated that the applicant is willing to plant shrubs along the back of his property or extend the Condominiums existing shrubs along their property.  He will be approaching the Condo Association regarding this issue.
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 4-1 to approve the license alteration of premises with the following conditions; Patio to be closed for serving food/alcohol at 10:00pm; the shrubs along the back of the property be complete and the gate/emergency egress from the patio be alarmed.  Mr. Vereault opposed.
  • Licenses:
Selectmen to consider approval of Entertainment License for “Saturdays at the South Street Park” for the following dates from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM: 7/10/10, 7/17/10, 7/24/10, 7/31/10 & 8/7/10.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Parente, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license.
Selectmen to consider approval of Entertainment License for “Wood Park Music Shell Concert Series” for the following dates from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM: 6/09/10, 6/16/10, 6/23/10, 6/30/10, 7/07/10, 7/14/10, 7/21/10, 7/28/10 & 8/4/10.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license.
Selectmen to consider approval of a Common Victualler’s License to The Old School House, Inc. at 17 School Street.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license.  Patio hours to be from 8:00am-10:00pm.
Selectmen to consider issuing a license to sell second-hand merchandise at 45 main Street, Suite 203 to Paige Parker-Berube.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license to Paige Parker-Berube d/b/a Giggi’s Boutique.
  • Personnel:
Selectmen to note retirement of Victor Cunha, Parks Division Foreman.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note the retirement of Victor Cunha.
Selectmen to note retirement of Manuel Fernandes, Street and Water Divisions laborer.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note the retirement of Manuel Fernandes.
  • Contracts:
Selectmen to consider approval of a contract amendment with MassDevelopment for the Brownfields Site Assessment at 173 Washington Street.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the contract.
  • General:
Selectmen to consider designation of the JFK Building Committee Chairman as the Eligible Applicant pursuant to MSBA regulation.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the designation.
Selectmen to consider approval of No Parking Zone on Houghton Street as recommended by the Internal Traffic Committee.
On a motion by Mr. Vereault, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to change the Traffic Rules & Regulation as follows:  No Parking on the Easterly side of Houghton Street from Main Street to South Street.
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to change the Traffic Rules & Regulations as follows:  No Parking on the Westerly side of Houghton Street from South Street to the Houghton Street bridge.
Selectmen to review and sign Town Meeting Warrant for the Town Meeting to be held on May 3, 2010.
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to sign the Warrant.
Selectmen to consider approval of Snow & Ice Overdraft in the amount of $50,000 for Expenses and $25,000 for Salaries.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approved the Snow & Ice Overdraft.
  • Town Issues:
Mr. Loura requested a status on double poles on Lincoln Street and also the status of the completion date of the Rail Trail on Main Street.
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to authorize the Chairman of the JFK Building Committee to sign the Enrollment Projections Agreement with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.
  • Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note correspondence.
  • Executive Session:
  • Adjourn:
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.