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Selectmen's Minutes 03/26/2007
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
Minutes –March 26, 2007
1.      Call to Order:
Present were Messieurs Parente, Loura, Leeber, Durant, Lucy, and Cipriano. Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Santos were also present.
2.      Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session: March 12, 2007
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura the Board voted unanimously to amend item 8a of the minutes to reflect that the HPS vote is contingent upon the state aid reimbursement of 1.4 million.
Executive Session: March 12, 2007
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes.
3.      Citizen’s Issues:
4.      Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to consider request by the Santa Barbara Pub for a stay of enforcement of the 45 day suspension imposed by the Board at its meeting of March 12, 2007 for over serving.
Attorney Moreira on behalf of Mr. Jose Bairos, owner of the Santa Barbara Pub requested the Board grant a stay of the 45 day suspension imposed by the Board at its meeting of March 12, 2007.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura the Board voted unanimously to deny the request for a stay.
Selectmen to meet with candidates for appointment to fill vacancies of the Conservation Commission.
Mr. Paul Byrne, Chairman of the conservation commission told the Board that two of the three candidates were not present, and therefore requested that the second appointment be at a future meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Leeber the Board voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Richard Millett to the Conservation Commission with a term to expire in December 2009.  
5.      Licenses:
Selectmen to consider approval of Pledge of Liquor License by Pipkar, Inc. d/b/a Harvest Café.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the pledge of license.
Selectmen to consider granting a one-day license for outdoor entertainment to the Jennifer Hunter Yates Sarcoma Foundation for May 5, 2007 between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM at the Morgan Bowl.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to approve the entertainment license.
Selectmen to consider granting revocable licenses to Mathew Landry, Chloe an American Bistro and Nicholas Kasseris, at 39-41 Main Street, to locate trash receptacles on land owned by the town at 29-37 Main Street.
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Durant the Board voted unanimously to grant the license.
6.      Personnel:
Selectmen to note resignation of Frank Arbour as Mechanic at the Water Treatment Facility.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to note the resignation.
Selectmen to consider approval of the promotion of Clark Larsen to the position of Mechanic at the Water Treatment Facility.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to approve the promotion.
Selectmen to consider appointment of Jennifer Burke as alternate representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointment.
Selectmen to consider nomination of Leslie Boardman as Inspector of Animals.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, second by Mr. Leeber the Board voted unanimously to approve the nomination.
7.      Town Issues:  
Both Mr. Leeber and Mr. Parente expressed concern with Elizabeth Road, Zina Road and Brigham Street pavement conditions.
8.      Proclamations:
9.      Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Loura the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note correspondence.  Mr. Lucy requested the status of FY05 & FY06 submission of the single audit reports.  Mr. Durant requested that a copy of the letter be forwarded to the School Committee.
10.     Executive Session:
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 4-1 (Mr. Durant opposed) by roll call to adjourn to executive session, not to return to public session, to discuss matters pertaining to pending litigation.