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Selectmen's Minutes 06/30/2003
1.      Call to Order:
Present were Messieurs Leeber, Loura, Durant, Lucy, Resendes, and Blazar.
2.      Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session: June 16, 2003; June 26, 2003
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Resendes, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the minutes of June 16, 2003.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Resendes, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the minutes of June 26, 2003.
Executive Session: June 16, 2003
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Resendes, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the Executive Session minutes of June 16, 2003.
3.      Citizen’s Issues:
4.      Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to conduct hearing on application of Tuck’s Trucks, Inc. to amend the conditions of its Class II Automobile Dealers License at 151-153 Washington Street.
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to open the public hearing.
Mr. James Boyle was present to request an amendment to his existing license increasing the number of cars on the site from 28 to 95. There was considerable discussion among the board members, and input from Attorney Barry Fogel, representing several abutters, about whether or not to vote a permanent or temporary license, and whether to maintain the current number of temporarily approved spaces, 58, or whether to increase that number to the 96 requested.
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to close the hearing.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted by a margin of 3-2 to continue the hearing until its next meeting on July 21, 2003, during which time the temporary license would be amended to reflect 83 spaces for display purposes, 2 handicapped spaces, and 10 spaces for customers and employees. The dealership would have to also comply with the noted concerns of the Fire Chief and Building Inspector. Messieurs Lucy and Resendes voted against he motion, the latter noting that his opposition was based on the number of spaces granted not the temporary nature of the license.
5.      Licenses:
Selectmen to consider approval of change in manager from Kevin Watson to Matthew Landry on Alcohol Pouring License held by Chloe Enterprises, Inc. at 23 Main Street.
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the change in manager.
Selectmen to consider approval of Taxi Cab Drivers License to Robert Weeden.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license.
Selectmen to consider re-issuance of Taxi Cab Drivers License to Robert Homer.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 3-0-2 to reissue the license. Messieurs Leeber and Resendes abstained from the vote.
6.      Personnel:
Selectmen to consider approval of promotion of Kenneth Blood to the Position of Crew Leader at grade W6.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the promotion.
7.      General:
Selectmen to consider issuance of warrant pursuant to MGL Chapter 140 Section 151A for the capture and confinement of unlicensed dogs.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to issue the warrant.
Selectmen to receive notice filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 61A Section 14 relative to land owned by the Mary Sauta Realty Trust at Brook and Main Streets.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 4-1 to accept the notice, but to refer it to counsel for his review as to its legal sufficiency. Mr. Lucy opposed the motion.
8.      Town Issues:
Selectmen to receive briefing on pre-construction meeting held at MassHighway related to the Broad Street reconstruction project.
The Director of Public Works, and Police and Fire Chiefs were present to update the Board on the status of the project. They reported that the project was slated to begin on or around July 9, 2003,and to be completed by September 25, 2004. The bridge, itself, is scheduled to be closed around August first, and possibly be re-opened within a year. Upon receipt of a formal request from the town MassHighway will consider a plan to make Wheeler Rd. two-ways for the project duration, and will provide signage to effectuate truck exclusion therefrom.
If Wheeler Rd. can not be made two-way, the preference is that it run from Broad to Forest and in either case that a low speed limit such as 20 MPH be imposed.
On two separate matters, Mr. Blazar shared with the Board some materials relevant the status of affordable housing in Hudson in light of the newest proposal for an additional Chapter 40B project on High Street, and he discussed with the Board a plan to meet the budget shortfall caused by the further cuts in Local Aid. He also noted the meeting today between the Assabet Consortium and EPA/DEP on the status of the CWMP and the new NPDES permit.
9.      Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note correspondence.
10.     Adjourn:
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to adjourn.